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Use Whois - A Cautionary Tale


This YouMoz entry was submitted by one of our community members. The author’s views are entirely their own (excluding an unlikely case of hypnosis) and may not reflect the views of Moz.

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Use Whois - A Cautionary Tale

This YouMoz entry was submitted by one of our community members. The author’s views are entirely their own (excluding an unlikely case of hypnosis) and may not reflect the views of Moz.

It started simply enough - and that should have made me suspicious. It was a small job - a friend of my business partner wanted to redo their website. It was a small business website, and a quick search on Google showed ma a great SERP. All the site needed was some updating to improve the design. They were also looking for an easier way to update the site. So, a content management system was to be added. And, the site needed to be added to Google Local search. Easiest things first - Local Search, and the first indication there was a problem.

Part way through setting up Local Search, Google asks me if I want to claim another business in the city with the same name but a different street address. A little research and I find a few sites using the the business name - but different addresses and contact numbers. The client says the contacts are for his ex-wife's new partner and it will referred to his lawyer. A little voice in the back of my head is saying there is something wrong. But, I ignore it -- time to setup the database for the CMS. The client had given me FTP access to the site - but I need to log in to client's account manager to setup the database. However, the client doesn't seem to know how to do that.

The voice is getting louder - I still ignore it. Instead, I contact the hosting service and have them email the client the instructions on accessing his account manager. After four days I still hadn't heard from the client. There is now a chorus of voices - they are too loud to ignore. I finally do what I should have done in the first place - check 'whois'. Bingo - the site is registered in the ex-wife's name. If I had tried to make any changes I could have been breaking the law.

I usually check 'whois' to get the hosting service, what type of server the site is on and even registration. This time, because it was a friend of a friend, I neglected to check the registration.I don't know what the legal implications would have been if I had changed anything on the site. I do know I don't want the expense of having to hire a lawyer to find out.

The moral of the story always check who actually owns a site. I am sure the client believes he owns the site. But, as a professional, I should have known who owned it. It's a mistake I am not likely to repeat.
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