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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi All, I have been approached by someone to look at their website who has seen a rank drop over the last week of around 15 places. On a quick look at their website I have seen what I am imaging could be the culprit as I imagine it will be creating a re-direct loop. However, i am not 100% with these things so would like some others They have a wordpress website. There home page lets say They have an internal page built for a search term In wordpress they have set that page in settings to be the homepage. However, I looked on their server and via htaccess they have a 301 redirect from to So the questions are: 1. Could this be creating a loop? 2. The redirect was placed around a week before the rank drop. Could this possibly be the cause of the drop? 3. I am assuming that removing the 301 from htaccess is recommended? Thanks in advance for any advice

    | DaleZon

  • One of our sites received a Manual Penalty for unnatural links by Google. However, we never received a message in Google Search Console or an email about the manual action. The only reason we knew about the penalty is by the obvious drop in rankings, then signing into search console to look for any manual actions, which we found. Since then, we have submitted a disavow file and a reconsideration request. However, once again we did not receive an email or message in search console that shows confirmation of the disavow or that they received the reconsideration request. The disavow file does show up after I upload it, and it says it was successfully uploaded... but no messages or emails. After many hours of investigating the various canonical versions of our website on Search Console, we found out that there were several “owners” of the various canonical versions of our site that had “could not find the email address” as a site owner. We found out that these were previous employees who no longer worked with the company and their email address was deleted. After unverifying these site owners, (all the ones that had “could not find the email address” as the site owner), the notifications, emails and messages in Search Console started to appear. However, the only place they did not appear, is the main canonical version of our site. Of course, the main canonical version of our site (https://www) is the version that we uploaded the disavow and reconsideration request. This is the canonical version of the site that we need to receive these messages to know if our reconsideration request was granted! We’ve just reuploaded the disavow file and reconsideration request to all of the other canonical versions (2 of the 3 received the message about the penalty)…. and we are currently awaiting a response. Has anybody else had problems with not receiving notifications in search console due to deleted email addresses?

    | Fiyyazp

  • Hi All, I am hoping someone might be able to help with this. Last week one of my sites dropped from mid first day to bottom of page 1. We had not been link building as such and it only seems to of affected a single search term and the ranking page (which happens to be the home page). When I was going through everything I went to search console and in crawl errors there are 2 errors that showed up as detected 3 days before the drop. These are: wp-admin/admin-ajax.php showing as response code 400 and also xmlrpc.php showing as response code 405 robots.txt is as follows: user-agent: * disallow: /wp-admin/ allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Any help with what is wrong here and how to fix it would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks

    | DaleZon

  • A page on my site is appearing as a video result. When you click on the link, it takes you to the page. The page does have a video on it, but it seems weird that the entire page would appear as (and only as) a video...

    | andrew.baldinger

  • Hello Moz Community, About six months ago, we completely redesigned our heavily trafficked website.  We updated the navigation, made the site responsive, and refreshed all the site's content.  We were hoping to get a rankings boost from all the hard work we put in, but sadly our traffic began to steadily decline.  We started to notice that although overall page load speeds were comparable before and after the redesign if you compared them on an hourly basis, we saw random hourly spikes in ave page load speed post redesign. Here is a pic of our analytics comparing our hourly ave. page load speeds pre vs. post redesign: (after is in blue, before in orange) We have spent around 3 months trying to figure out the underlying cause of the new load time spikes.  My question is has anyone seen anything like this before?  Does anyone have any suggestions what might be causing the spikes?  As far as we can tell, the spikes are indeed random and are not correlated to any particular time of day, our traffic, or other activity we are doing.  Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Eric 8WQeyhquHN

    | Eric_R

  • Hi there We run quite a big site in the UK in the commercial real-estate space. Historically we have always had a challenge getting our "primary" landing pages indexed, which are location based property result pages. e.g. For example, for the "towns" category we have 8,549 submitted in our xml sitemap, with only 3,171 indexed.  This is a general issue across all our sitemaps. 120k submitted, 80k indexed.  Our pages are linked through breadcrumbs, and nearby links. In the new search console these pages are reported as "crawled - currently not indexed" These all sit under the folder: site:* site:* We have done extensive work to optimise performance, including AMP pages. Each location page has many details pages for individual properties e.g. One action we have remaining is to nest the details under the locations pages, which may help.  These details pages are indexed fully. Any feedback much appreciated

    | ianparryuk

  • Working on a Wordpress website, https://thedoctorwithin.comScanning the site’s 404 errors, I’m seeing a lot of searches for URL/essayorg/topic, coming from Bingbot, as well as other spiders (Google, OpensiteExlorer). We get at least 200 of these irrelevant requests per week. Seems like each topic that follows /essayorg/ is unique. Some include typos: /dissitation/Haven't done a verification to make sure the spiders are who they say they are, yet.Almost seems like there are many links ‘in the wild’ intended for Essay.Org that are being directed towards the site I’m working on.I've considered redirecting any requests for URL/essayorg/ to our sitemap… figuring that might encourage further spidering of actual site content. Is redirection to our sitemap xml file a good idea, or might doing so have unintended consequences? Interested in suggestions about why this might be occurring. Thank you.

    | linkjuiced

  • I have dropped in rankings 3-5 points over the past 6 months and have been trying to figure out why.  One thing I found was a ton of my pictures on a image net ring.  I obviously didn't put those photos there or give permission to use them.  It looks like an offshore website.  How do we deal with these type of bad links?

    | CalicoKitty2000

  • Hi there We have a website that is originally in German, but has an English translation for all pages.
    I recently created a crawl map for it, which showed that all our translated pages are indexed as subpages of the German originals. I wonder if this is normal, or if it will have a negative impact on our SEO. If they are subpages, will Google still index and rank them with the same importance as the originals?
    If not, what can I do to make them standalone pages and not subpages? Also, we have a few issues with hreflang tags that we cannot fix easily as our CMS does not give us a flexible option for editing our code. I wonder how much impact hreflang tags have on our ranking and if we can just disregards these issues? We use Hubspot as a CMS, if that matters. Thanks for your feedback!

    | Jess_Smunch

  • I was wondering if its possible to markup multiple events on the same page for one location/address using the event markup? I tried doing it on a sample page below: Google's schema testing tool shows that its all good (except for warning for offers). Just wanted to know if I am doing it correctly or is there a better solution. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you 🙂

    | Vsood

  • Hi everyone, We recently pushed a new version of our site (, which is completely AMP native on WordPress (using the official AMP for WordPress plugin). As part of the update, we also switched over to https. In hindsight we probably should have pushed the AMP version and HTTPS changes in separate updates. As a result of the update, the traffic in GA has dropped significantly despite the tracking code being added properly. I'm also having a hard time getting the previous views in GA working properly. The three views are: Sitewide ( and Content only ( Shop only ( The sitewide view seems to be working, though it's hard to know for sure, as the traffic seems pretty low (like 10 users at any given time) and I think that it's more that it's just picking up the shop traffic. The content only view shows maybe one or two users and often none at all. I tried a bunch of different filters to only track to the main sites content views, but in one instance the filter would work, then half an hour later it would revert to no traffic. The filter is set to custom > exclude > request uri with the following regex pattern: ^$|^$|/products/.|/account/.|/checkout/.|/collections/.|./orders/.|/cart|/account|/pages/.|/poll/.|/?mc_cid=.|/profile?.|/?u=.|/webstore/. Testing the filter it strips out anything not related to the main sites content, but when I save the filter and view the updated results, the changes aren't reflected. I did read that there is a delay in the filters being applied and only a subset of the available data is used, but I just want to be sure I'm adding the filters correctly. I also tried setting the filter to predefined, exclude host equal to, but that didn't work either. The shop view seems to be working, but the tracking code is added via Shopify, so it makes sense that it would continue working as before. The first thing I noticed when I checked the views is that they were still set to http, so I updated the urls to https. I then checked the GA tracking code (which is added as a json object in the Analytics setting in the WordPress plugin. Unfortunately, while GA seems to be recording traffic, none of the GA validators seem to pickup the AMP tracking code (adding using the amp-analytics tag), despite the json being confirmed as valid by the plugin. This morning I decided to try a different approach and add the tracking code via Googles Tag Manager, as well as adding the new https domain to the Google Search Console, but alas no change. I spent the whole day yesterday reading every post I could on the topic, but was not able to find any a solution, so I'm really hoping someone on Moz will be able to shed some light as to what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions or input would be very much appreciated. Cheers,
    Chris (on behalf of

    | winefolly

  • Hi, I implemented schema markup for an article and all tested fine and I can see it being fired in preview mode of Google Tag Manager. But when I run the URL which has it applied through Google Structured Testing tool it is not appearing. I have now read that the image needs to be a certain size. For AMP articles this appears to be 12oo pixels wide But what about non-AMP articles? Does it need to be that big too?

    | AL123al

  • Hello everyone, I have a client who is in public relations. He is wanting to integrate SEO into his business and is hiring me to help. He purchased a domain that is separate from his existing website, but wants to keep the services and existing blog (which will include SEO) on his current site. For example, he has: and wants to add a SEO folder which will contain our services: the domain he purchased (as another example) is: but wants to direct it to the folder he has set up @ Can anyone offer advise? Is this a good idea?

    | visabelmedia

  • Hi, I have an e-commerce website that is dynamic(not responsive) in nature. when i check the cached version of mobile website it shows the desktop version in cache. Will it create any problem . How can i tell google bot to see my mobile cached version instead of desktop one.

    | dhananjay.kumar1

  • Hey All, I'm experiencing a bit of a problem with creating a custom, separate Meta Title for CMS pages in Magento I know this can be added through _CMS => Page => Page Information => Page Title, _but this method presents issues, as a length of 70 characters is a little too long for breadcrumbs. I would like a way to add a second specific meta title field that overrides this first Page Title field_. _ I did find something that does this in Magento Connect for around $50.00USD, but this seems like something that should be easy and free to do. Any suggestions as to a workaround or alternative free plugin would be most welcome! Thanks!

    | G2W

  • Cloudflare does have a free SSL certificate, which is shared among many domains (in my case 30+ domains). An alternative would be to use letsencrypt and generate a dedicated certificate. Can a shared SSL certificate hurt my google ranking?

    | danielbeck

  • Hello Moz Fans ! I'm building an eshop website and reviewing a few competitors website I found something interesting on which I don't have the full answer. Will it be better for me to organize the products in sub folder or in the root folder (option 1 or option 2) _Competitor link Option 1 - Normal organization _+ _We can add relevant KW in /products/ product url will be one folder deep more home/ home/category/ (category page) home/category/subcategory1 home/category/subcategory2 home/products (this page does not exist really) home/products/product1 home/products/product2 Option 2 - less folders _+ _We can add all KW in the link directly it may be less organize for Google home/ home/category/ (category page) home/category/subcategory1 home/category/subcategory2 home/product1 (all product in the direct folders) home/product2

    | kh-priyam

  • Let’s say your designer wants your homepage to be fairly image heavy. Then let’s say they want to use DIFFERENT images for desktop and mobile. You appease them and make this work. But now your homepage is slow (makes sense, right? It’s loading both sets of images but only displaying one set). You lazy load and compress but your home page takes SIX SECONDS to load. The rest of your site loads in just under two. This can only be having a negative impact on SEO. You won’t convince your designer to cut the images. What do you do? My immediate thought is to look for a way of only loading the content relevant to that screen size. Sure, it won’t reshuffle itself on desktop when you drag your Chrome window to the size of a phone. But who cares? We’re the only peope who do that anyway. Is this possible? Do you have any better ideas?

    | MSGroup

  • We have a couple of Tier-1 websites that contain a lot of affiliate links. These outgoing affiliate links currently have the rel="nofollow" element. Yet, I am seeing a lot of other websites and competitors, use data-href="" instead of nofollow. Is the latter better for SEO purposes or are they just using data-href for better tracking?

    | LoyensT

  • Hi all We face this problem for, which is well programmed, added to Google Search Console and indexed. Web pages are shown in Google for Website has been online for 7 weeks, but still no search results. Could you guys look at the update below? Thanks!

    | conversal

  • Hi guys, I have been trying to get my page indexed in Google with new title and descriptions but it is not getting indexed. I have checked in many tools but no useful. Can you please tell me what could be the issue? Even I have set up And Google webmaster is not crawling links I have built so far. Few links are indexed but others do not. Why this is happening. My url is: thanks

    | ksmith88

  • Hello We face this problem that Google indexes page elements from WordPress as single pages. How can we prevent these elements from being indexed separately and being displayed in the search results? For example this project: When scrolling down the search results, there are a lot of elements that are indexed separately. When clicking on the link, this is wat we see (see attachements) Does anyone have experience with this way of indexing and how can we solve this problem? Thanks! LlAWG4w.png C7XDDYS.png gVroomx.png

    | conversal

  • Hi, I have a backlink from a high DA/PA Government Website pointing to which I own and can setup 301 redirects on if necessary. However my is not used and has no active website (but has hosting available which can 301 redirect). is also contextually irrelevant to the backlink. I want the Government Website link to go to - which is both the relevant site and which also should be benefiting from from the seo juice from the backlink. So far I have had no luck to get the Government Website's administrators to change the URL on the link to point to Q1: If i use a 301 redirect on to redirect to will most of the backlink's SEO juice still be passed on to Q2: If the answer to the above is yes -  would there be benefit to taking this a step further and redirect to a deeper directory on which is even more relevant?
    ie. redirect to - passing the link juice deeper.

    | DGAU

  • Hi Just using the new Moz Link Explorer which has revealed a load of spammy back links at 70% plus that we know nothing about, here are just a few: When you visit these pages they all say site unavailable. Will this be hurting our site? How do i remove them? Many thanks Ash

    | AshShep1

  • Hi friends, We are working on a new Magento store for one of our websites. Our strategy is for organic positioning of the products, so we need to understand if the Magento products will position better if the system is hosted in a subdomain of the main company domain or if it is better to host it under its own domain. Thanks,

    | FWC_SEO

  • Hello, My website is not listed in DMOZ. Is DMOZ important? And how to submit website to DMOZ directory? Thank you!

    | JohnHuynh

  • We've put a fair bit of effort into delivering value here: But a search for "Lewes taxis" or "taxis Lewes" puts this site above us: As you can you see, this is a tiny site that we outperform in most ways.... what can we do to rank above it that we haven't already done? Thanks in advance - Gerard.

    | Paul730

  • Hi there, When redirects are passed through multiple stages e.g. 301 to 301 to Does still retain all link equity from the original referring domain, and is there a limit to the redirect chain before Google starts to not pass through link equity? Cheers

    | Corbec888

  • Hi, In a regular check with Webmaster Tools, I have noticed some weird 404 errors, for example, my domain URL is something like, the 404 error points to some weird URLs like and, at first I have tried to block them by robots.txt, but now I am getting these kind of 404 errors a lot, and don't think blocking them all is a perfect solution. Can anyone help me out with the issue? Thank you in advance.

    | nishthaj

  • Hey everyone Despite doing the necessary checks, we have this problem that only a part of the sitemap is indexed.
    We don't understand why this indexation doesn't want to take place. The major problem is that only a part of the sitemap is indexed. For a client we have several projects on the website with several subpages, but only a few of these subpages are indexed. Each project has 5 to 6 subpages. They all should be indexed. Project: Mainly subelements of the page are indexed: Do you have any idea what is going wrong here?
    Thanks for your advice! Frederik
    Digital marketeer at Conversal

    | conversal

  • Hello A website client won't rank dor branded keyword (site name) for several months, i optimize onpage seo, did some backlinks, the DA jump to 8 (from 1). Yesterday the website rank for branded keyword 5, than 4, tomorrow can't found it.

    | Zidani

  • Hey there Mozzers, I have a question regarding Thin pages. Unfortunately, we have Thin pages, almost empty to be honest. I have the idea to ask the dev team to do "noindex, follow"  on these pages. What do you think? Has someone faced this situation before? Will appreciate your input!

    | Europarl_SEO_Team

  • Hello We face this problem that a lot of sitemaps are structurally not good. In this case we used the WP sitemap plugin to generate the website sitemap and Google XML sitemaps to generate the sitemap for Google. We also bought the Yoast premium plugin, but we can read in the backend that the plugin XML sitemaps may cause problems in combination with Yoast. Normally the Google XML sitemap generator improves SEO using sitemaps for the best indexation by search engines, but the structure is not as we want it. Will Yoast be a better solution to generate structured sitemaps? This is a section from the current sitemap of Products Reepgordijn Plissé - Dupli gordijn Duo rolgordijn Paneelgordijn Jaloezie - Vlinderjaloezie Poorten Muggenramen Velux accessoires Rolgordijn Vouwgordijn Buitenjaloezie Voorzetrolluik Glasdak Glaswand Vouwdak Pergola Verlichting - Verwarming Automatisering Lamellendak Verandazonwering Screens Koepel zonwering This is how we think the sitemap should look like. We would like more structure in the different product categories. Producten Zonwering Zonnescherm
    Koepel zonwering
    Verwarming – verlichting Terrasoverkapping Lamellendak
    Glaswand Raamdecoratie Rolgorijn
    Duo rolgordijn
    Plissé – dupli gordijn
    Jaloezie – vlinderjaloezie
    Velux accessoires Rolluiken Voorzetrolluiken
    Velux accessoires Muggenramen Muggenraam
    Velux accessoires Poorten Sectionaal poort Is this technically possible to create similar sitemaps in WordPress and how exactly do we proceed here? What is the impact of these changes on SEO? How can we make this work? Thanks!

    | conversal

  • We've made a lot of changes to our website ( over the years, with our website developer putting a heavy emphasis on improving page loading times in general. One of the those changes has been to base64 encode or in-line the majority of images on our site which has reduced our loading times down to under a second for most of our pages for our visitors which are mainly based in the UK. My question is whether in-lining the images, thus removing the images filenames for index association results in this technique being a net-good or net-bad for our sites SEO in general, particularly on our frontpage.

    | ChrisHolgate

  • We are wanting to add alt tags to all of our non-text content, from experience, what is the best method for alt tags for HTML5 Videos?

    | hydra_creative

  • I've seen this done during a software demo and saw it as the only value add for that tool but it's not worth the price of the whole tool for that one feature. The tool I saw showed you all the keywords you currently ranked for (within the top 200 positions), the position you were at, the number of users that term drove to your site and the total search volume for the keyword. SUPER useful info to have.

    | BrianPiper

  • Within my Moz crawl report, I have a ton of duplicate content caused by identical pages due to identical pages of http and https URL's. For example: The strange thing is that 99% of these URL's are not sensitive in nature and do not require any security features.  No credit card information, booking, or carts.  The web developer cannot explain where these extra URL's came from or provide any further information. Advice or suggestions are welcome!  How do I solve this issue? THANKS MOZZERS

    | hawkvt1

  • Hi, I have a site that has a categorized structure and products like this:
    etc. The category pages have a list of the products within that category.
    At the moment the category pages perform strongest SEO wise - ie these pages:
    /categoryB Sometimes I get down to only having 1 product in each categotry like this:
    /categoryA/product1 My Question:
    Q: In this case is it a good idea to direct / redirect all traffic to the single product page - ie /categoryA/product1 ? BTW these are my reasons for thinking this this might be worthwhile:
    • UX - User gets to the product page quicker with one less step
    • Merging 2 pages with similar content together might somehow combine/consilidate the SEO strength and perform better in SERP. thanks in advance

    | DGAU

  • Let's say you consider re-branding and purchased a new domain, however, during past 3-5 years your page has got some content, CF, TF which appears to be quite good and not easy to build within a few mths. GWT says if you do 301 redirect from the old domain then you should transfer 100% juice from the old domain as well as the juice from old external links to old domain to the new one I did some Tech Seo improvements and while ago and my experience is GWT says one but life shows slightly opposite. This is a big thing with no Emergency exit so I have got some concerns. What is your experience with that? Have you done any transfers if so what was the result? Thanks in advance for your feedback

    | Miniorek

  • My client wants a multilingual site: English and Spanish but with a domain name in both languages: And Is it possible? To have 1 site with both domains pointing each one to its version? and how this affects SEO?

    | Trazo

  • After doing a site crawl using the moz tool, I have found two home and Both URLS have the exact same metrics and I have set a preferred domain name in google, will this hurt seo? Should I claim the as well as and in the search console? Thanks

    | Tom3_15

  • We have a website that is ranking okay but we can't seem to get past #6 or #7 for a specific national keyword, "self storage software". We are working on a more effective back-linking strategy right now, but we really are having a hard time identifying steps to take besides that. If anyone can help me out and give me some suggestions I would be very appreciative. Maybe even seeing a competitive analysis from someone else would help catch something that I am not seeing. Website is Thanks in advance.

    | kenturley

  • Hello, I hope someone can help me, or can recommend someone who could look into this in more detail a a consultancy service or something. Our client experienced a bad drop in visibility early 2017 which we didn't manage to recover from. We had a problem with one main category page that wasn't indexed anymore (it was #1 for a major keyword in the Netherlands). We were able to fix the problem eventually (had to do with the .be being indexed instead due to no hreflang) but never really recovered with that page, only the entire site around that time saw a major drop in visibility. The client went to another agency (a renowned agency in the Netherlands) but after over half a year they haven't been able to recover. Organic visits are still down 45% compared to the same period last year. Another major Dutch keyword they ranked #1 for is now #9 for instance. So basically two SEO agencies (we and the other one) have tried everything we could think of for the past year, but none of us seem to know what the problem is and the owner is quite desperate (it's a small store with only 3 employees and his monthly revenue is only half of what it once was. I'm afraid a quick look into the site won't help anyone find the issue, so if someone has a good idea of how we can help this previous client I would love to hear so!

    | WebdesignTilburg

  • Hi, I've a client who is planning to build out "courses" for their site. Their ultimate goal is to have videos (which will have transcriptions) but since the videos are not yet ready they want to launch with the content in PowerPoint format instead. Thing is, the pages they have now are really good content/in-depth. In short it seems videos are Phase 2, so their Phase 1 preference is to take all their courses content and put them in PowerPoint slides and add them to their web site. While I understand standalone files like PDFs and PPTs can be indexable, my recollection is that embedded slides are not (like SlideShare). Is that correct? My worry is that by taking this content and reformatting it into PowerPoints will hurt their site instead of helping. Any insight is appreciated!

    | CR-SEO

  • When we first started out our website didn't have a blog and we started one on Blogger.  It has loads of great content on it but it was before the days when I understood SEO so it's 4 years old and has maybe 1000 views per blog article. Now I want to repurpose some of that great content and SEO optimise it and put it onto my new site.  How do I go about this from an SEO perspective.  I am aware of internal competition and will only be using the old blogs that are new topics to start off with so it doesn't negatively impact my rankings. Should I just delete the old blog and re-write it all on the new one or redirect the old blog articles to the new pages and rewrite them?  The blogger articles have no links to them and it's just content that I'd like to use. The old blog has almost no SEO value at all but I want to use a best practice approach to not cause any damage to my new blog or have google thinking I'm stealing someone else's content.

    | Smileworks_Liverpool

  • Hi, I'm trying to configure a podcast to show up in search using these guidelines and need help identifying which code to use per these instructions. Out of this, we put the following code inside the header tag of a designated podcast page, and it doesn't seem to be rendering properly when I test it. For this podcast home page: href=""/>    <title>Success Unfiltered Podcast</title>Any ideas about what to do? Or if this is correct, let me know?

    | HiddenPeak

  • One of our shopify sites suffered an extreme rankings drop. Recent Google algorithm updates include mobile first so I tested the site and our team got different mobile-friendly test results. However, search console is also flagging pages as not mobile friendly. So, while us end-users see the site as OK on mobile, this may not be the case for Google? I researched more about inconsistent mobile test results and found answers that say it may be due to robots.txt blocking stylesheets. Do you recognise any directory blocked that might be affecting Google's rendering? We can't edit shopify robots.txt unfortunately. Our dev said the only thing that stands out to him is Disallow: /design_theme_id and the rest shouldn't be hindering Google bots. Here are some of the files blocked: Disallow: /admin
    Disallow: /cart
    Disallow: /orders
    Disallow: /checkout
    Disallow: /9103034/checkouts
    Disallow: /9103034/orders
    Disallow: /carts
    Disallow: /account
    Disallow: /collections/+
    Disallow: /collections/%2B
    Disallow: /collections/%2b
    Disallow: /blogs/+
    Disallow: /blogs/%2B
    Disallow: /blogs/%2b
    Disallow: /design_theme_id
    Disallow: /preview_theme_id
    Disallow: /preview_script_id
    Disallow: /discount/*
    Disallow: /gift_cards/*
    Disallow: /apple-app-site-association

    | nhhernandez

  • Our website currently has a sidebar/widget area that appears on almost all pages throughout of entire site (350 page domain).  In that sidebar, we have some static links and some non-static links. Right now there are: 6 Related Post Links - Non-Static
    1 - Call To Action - Static to a landing page
    10 Calculators - Static - These calculators I think are very useful to our users (financial website). So in total 17 total sidebar links, 11 static links, and 6 which change based on the content of the page.  Do you think these static links from an SEO perspective can be hurting us? Is there some sort of best practice for sidebar links in regards to quantity as well as static vs non-static? Thanks!

    | DemiGR

  • We run a directory site and noticed about a week ago that Google Webmaster Tools was reporting a huge drop in indexed pages (from around 150,000 down to 30,000).  In the same time, however, our traffic has increased. Has anyone seen this before or have any ideas on why this could happen?  I have search for technical errors but nothing has changed on our site or our content.

    | sa_78704

  • We noticed that Google is indexing our pre-production site in addition to indexing our main site Can you all help shed some light on the proper way to no-index our pre-prod site without impacting our live site?

    | paulwatley

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