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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hey Moz Community We are running 4 domains at the moment. We started of our business with 1. after a view years in business we got the option to buy the other 3 domains which have ranked quite well with certain keywords. As its quite allot of work maintaining all these websites with two languages, we where thinking of actually moving number 2, 3 ,4 all to number 1. All domains receive still some good rankings as well as daily hits. So we kinda like would like to keep the SEO Juice. Therefore we where researching for some time what would be the best practice todo so. For us there are two possible options We go trough all posts/pages on the domain 2,3,4 and copy the content over to domain 1. After thats done we create 301 redirects on the domains 2,3,4 linking them back to domain 1 posts/pages. We do do so by manually adding the 301's into the htaccess file, so we are able to delete the Wordpress installations. Our we just copy the Pages/Posts from the domains 2,3,4 to the domain 1 and then kill the 2,3,4 domains afterwords, and let google index these Pages/Posts on the new domain. This way we think we would loose the whole SEO Juice from the old domains. The reason we are asking this one here, we have been reading that this method could lead to red flags at google if we redirect to much Pages/Post back to Domain 1. Hopefully someone here can help us answer that question.

    | 5Gates

  • This might be a dumb question but we had an incident where a new SEO guy thought it would be a good idea to un-publish and republish all of your 200+ blog posts which we carefully scheduled over the last 6 months. He did not update the content and did not change anything. His intention was to send out google a sign to recheck the sites or something. Now, the entire blog looks like it wen't live in one day, which I don't think is good? Should we load a backup and get our old publishing dates back, should we keep it with the new publishing dates? What are the consequences? Will it effect our SEO?

    | Funlocity

  • I recently set up a new site and set the "preferred" domain in Google Webmasters to show URLs WITHOUT the WWW for google search purposes. In the confirmation email from google, this confused me: "This setting defines which host - www or not - should be considered the canonical host when indexing your site." In the website, we have cononical URLS at the top of every page in the header, but still have the WWW in those.  Any issues with that?

    | vikasnwu

  • I want to Disallow certain dynamic pages in robots.txt and am unsure of the proper syntax. The pages I want to disallow all include the string ?Page= Which is the proper syntax?
    Disallow: ?Page=
    Disallow: ?Page=*
    Disallow: ?Page=
    Or something else?

    | btreloar

  • A client has purchased many domains with keywords in each. They want to have us point each domain to their site for better SEO.  Is this a good or bad thing to do?

    | thinkcreativegroup

  • Hello, Recently We have a taken a project " " and are responsible for the Digital Marketing for the website. FYI, we have been following the best On-Page SEO practices ever since we took the project: Performing Keyword Research, Finalizing the Keywords,Using those in the Page-Title, Meta-Descriptions, Heading Tags and of course in the Content as per MOZ suggestions & SEO standards. But, we are unable to rank in first page; all the considered keywords have a ranking of 51+ which is a serious matter of concern for us. We have also checked whether the Domain / URL has been blacklisted, but it's not (Not even by Google). We are therefore unable to figure out what is going wrong even after following so many best practices to get the keywords a good ranking (1st & 2nd page of SERPs). Therefore I would like to request you to provide your expert opinions in this regard by checking what is it that we are not getting right. The website url is As this is a high-priority issue for us & the client is a prestigious one of course, please help. Looking forward to hearing from you at the earliest. Thanks & Regards,

    | Harini.M

  • Our e-commerce store is moving away from a set of products. Instead of just redirecting these to an another section of our site, we were considering redirecting them to another site that sells the product. I don't mind losing that traffic, but I don't want it to inadvertently hurt our other product lines. Any thoughts on the impact of 301 redirecting a certain section of traffic to another domain?   Anything I should we on the lookout for or consider?

    | CPollock

  • I think our website is too big, far too many indexed pages. I'd like to do some research on how big our competitors' websites are (how many indexed pages). Is there a way to do this? Cheers, Rhys

    | SwanseaMedicine

  • My site is roughly 1000 pages.  I've begun refreshing older content. I noticed about half of my pages have no incoming traffic. Should I look at combining some of these pages and 301 redirecting the former links to that new "bigger" page and then having my home page show that new consolidated content? They don't have good back links either. Example layout now: Home Page - Restaurants [show list of cuisines] - User clicks on Italian [show list of all Italian restaurants] - Choice 1 - Choice 2 Even though my main page is seen by about 100,000 people a month, it doesn't seem like anyone is interested in going down that path so none of the restaurants are clicked. How could I improve the user interface/experience and incorporate best Google practices? Thanks, Steve

    | recoil

  • Our company wants to remove wordpress from our current windows OS server at provider 1 and move it to a new server at provider 2. Godaddy handles our DNS. I would like to have it on the same domain without masking. I would like to make a DNS entry on godaddy so that our current server and our new server can use the same URL (ie But I only want the DNS to direct traffic to our current server. The goal here is to have the new server using the same URL as the old server so nothing needs to be masked once traffic is redirected with a 301 rule in the htaccess file. But no traffic outside of the 301 rule will end up going to the new server. I would then like to edit the htaccess file on our current server to redirect to the new servers IP address when someone goes to Does this make since and is it possible?

    | larsonElectronics

  • Hi, we have several subpages with PA 1. We try to figure out why. The link metrics show 0 Linking root domains, but shouldnt there be at least the own domain like 1 linking root domain or are we getting it already wrong here? The subpages have following link metrics: 0 External followed Links. 8416 subdomain and 8421 Root Domain, Linking Root Domains 0, 299 Subdomain, 302 Root Domain (From Mozbar). The pages seem to be crawled. We are suspecting techincal reasons. What would be the impact of the linking root domain to the PA 1? Thank you in advance

    | brainfruit

  • I've found information on both sides of the topics, so I'd love to get some thoughts and insights from people here. Does a DV SSL Certificate have more SEO benefits than a standard SSL certificate? I understand the "boost" from an SSL is minimal, but is there extra value in the DV? Some have argued that since a DV SSL is "certified", that Google gives it more preference over a standard SSL. While others have argued that a DV SSL is only required for specific types of websites, which is why Google doesn't give them special preference. Thoughts? Opinions? Proof? Thanks everyone!

    | McFaddenGavender

  • We have full navigational breadcrumbs on our site for the menu and the brand menu. i.e. Home > Clothing > Jackets Brand > Brand Name > Brand Jackets There's been talk of removing this and having it like Chico's does, where on item pages they just have a link at the top to previous category (i.e. you're on a shirt product page and at the top it says "Back to Tops" instead of listing Home > Clothing > Tops) Is doing something like this detrimental to SEO? From what I've read Breadcrumbs are for user experience but I just want to be sure.

    | AliMac26

  • If I have a page* in WordPress that is set as private and is no-indexed with Yoast, will that negatively affect the visibility of other pages that are set as children of that first page? *The context is that I want to organize some of the pages on a business's WordPress site into silos/directories. For example, if the business was a home remodeling company, it'd be convenient to keep all the pages about bathrooms, kitchens, additions, basements, etc. bundled together under a "services" parent page (/services/kitchens/, /services/bathrooms/, etc.). The thing is that the child pages will all be directly accessible from the menus, so there doesn't need to be anything on the parent /services/ page itself. Another such parent page/directory/category might be used to keep different photo gallery pages together (/galleries/kitchen-photos/, /galleries/bathroom-photos/, etc.). So again, would it be safe for pages like /services/kitchens/ and /galleries/addition-photos/ if the /services/ and /galleries/ pages (but not /galleries/* or anything like that) are no-indexed? Thanks!

    | BrianAlpert78

  • I've noticed that Google is not using my Meta description in the SERP results but rather text from my page, it seems to be a similar situation with a couple of the other sites in the same search results. Does anyone know why this would be?

    | OUTsurance

  • Hi there moz community! My organization is blessed with an extremely high authority TLD (91). Powers-that-be want to start using a lesser authority (though still a respectable 62) TLD in marketing materials because they think it's more memorable/less confusing for users. We currently have a 302 redirect in place from score-62 to score-91, and our situation relative to the engines is strong. However, if they ramp-up a branding campaign using the 62-score TLD, should we change the 302 to a 301? I don't want to risk infecting that 91 score with any juice relative to the score-62 TLD. There isn't a lot written for the best practice in redirecting a lower-authority TLD to a high authority TLD - almost all the literature is about preserving your score/juice when redirecting an old TLD to a new TLD. Thanks for anyone/everyone's help! Brian Alpert; Smithsonian Institution

    | Smithsonian

  • We have full navigational breadcrumbs on our site for the menu and the brand menu. i.e. Home > Clothing > Jackets Brand > Brand Name > Brand Jackets There's been talk of removing this and having it like Chico's does, where on item pages they just have a link at the top to previous category (i.e. you're on a shirt product page and at the top it says "Back to Tops" instead of listing Home > Clothing > Tops) Is doing something like this detrimental to SEO? From what I've read Breadcrumbs are for user experience but I just want to be sure.

    | AliMac26

  • Hello there, I have domain Which got penalized By google Before 2 nd half years & all First Page Ranking Gone Down by 7-8 pages, But Now It got Sudden up after 3 years, So my Question is Will I need Worry or that Can Be Positive Sign For My efforts Given to Website? Will It stay Up?? As i have Updated My website As Told by Moz experts. Thanx, in advance

    | innovative1003

  • this my site i want rank in doubi any advice for me

    | ATS_SEO

  • Is there a crawler that you guys recommend for finding all pages, including orphaned pages on a website? A data export is not feasible. I saw a question from back in 2013 and was wondering if anything has changed since then in regards to crawling orphaned pages. Do most enterprise systems already have this built into their crawler? Or is it best to get a crawler like Xenu or Screaming Frog or Deepcrawl?

    | DigitalMarketingSEO

  • Hi, Please help me figure out why this is happening and what goes wrong. This is the example of the poor ranked keyword - 'viking cooktop repair' with  page optimization score  of 100 ( Yet it's ranking is #51+. I've got many like these: Page Optimization Score for 'kitchenaid oven repair' is 100 ( yet its ranking is #51+ And so on. According to Google Search Console, I have 266 of links to my site with variety of root  domains. While building backlinks, I paid attention to relevancy and DA.What else do I have to do to get those keywords ranked higher? And why don't they rank well if the pages are 100% optimized, not keywords stuffed and I have quality backlinks? What am I missing out on? Please help!

    | kirupa

  • Just recently my page, http:/www./, was no longer indexed by google.  The sub pages from it still are.  I have not done anything sketchy with the page.  When I went into the google fetch it says that it is redirected.  Any ideas what is this all about? Here is what it says for the fetch: Http/1.1 301 moved permanently
    Server: nginx
    Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2017 00:43:26GMT
    Content-Type: text/html
    Content-Length: 178
    Connection: keep-alive
    Keep-Alive: timeout=20
    Location: <title>301 moved permanently</title> <center> 301 moved permanently </center> <center>nginx</center>

    | RobDalton

  • Hello, we already asked this, but there was no answer. We would be happy for any information. How could it be, that our subpages all have a PA 1 if the home got DA 50? technical specialities: Megamenue opens on click only Category pages dont exist (home/i-do-not-exist-as-page-category/PA-1-subpage) All subpages have a high amount of links to ressources (over 200) subpages are crawled and online for some time what would be the most obvious cause for the low PA? Would the external link profile be the main reason? thanks in advance. I would be happy to answer your questions

    | brainfruit

  • Hi everyone ! To put you in context, I am doing an audit on an E-Commerce site selling auto parts with WooCommerce. I have some concerns regarding the url structure and here's why: Product category page url: /auto/drivetrain/cv-axle-shaft-assembly/
    Product page url included in the product category page: /product/acura-integra-cv-axle-shaft-90-01-honda-civic/ The way I see my situation is that the product page is considered by Google as an intern link and not as a page included in in the subfolder of the category page. 1. Am I right? 
    2. If yes, is there a solution to fix the issue with woocommerce to improve the category page ranking ? Thanks y'all !

    | alexrbrg

  • hi there, For one of our insurance websites we acquired a domain, this domain is going to be redirected to our domain. After some research we discovered the domain we've bought also includes other domains which 301 redirect to specific 'insurance products'. These domains are also included in the deal. But what is the best technical solution for redirecting these specific redirected product domains? They already redirect to the product pages of the domain we've bought, so after redirect this domain, the sub (product) redirected domains will also link to us. It would be like this: A) (301) -> ->
    B) (301) -> & -> etc

    | remkoallertz

  • How Do I Increase my Trust Score?

    | Manny32

  • Hello Experts, By mistake by developer has put two GTM on my Main site i.e. One GTM id of Main site and one Google Analytic script of staging site ( testing site). And on that day along with my Main site analytic same traffic visible on my staging site whole day and next day in analytic my bounce rate gone down from 57% to 45% . So my query is do such thing really impact bounce rate? If yes then how? Thanks!

    | dsouzac

  • Anyone familiar with Weebly that can offer some suggestions? I ran a crawl diagnostics on my site and have some high priority issues that appear to stem from Weebly Blog posts.  There are several of them and it appears that the post is being counted as "page content" on the main blog feed and then again when it is tagged to a category.  I hope this makes sense, I am new to SEO and this is really confusing. Thanks!

    | CRMI

  • I have a client who is moving to a one page website design.  So, content from the inner pages is being condensed in to sections on the 'home' page.  There will be a navigation that anchor links to each relevant section.  I am wondering if I should leave the old pages and use rel=canonical to point them to their relevant sections on the new 'home' page rather than 301 them.  Thoughts?

    | Vizergy

  • we have a single page web application for an ecommerce website. I think it is built in angular. One UX features we are exploring is the use of a "Products" Item on the menu with the categories showing on a menu rather than directly present on the header. The aim being to keep the header nice and clean. The result of this is that the categories which would typically sit in the header will now not be immediately visible until the menu is opened. Let's say I want to rank well for "building materials". Traditionally the view would be that this word would need to be in the header and marked up with the appropriate h tag. Will moving "building materials" into a product menu be detrimental for SEO? My initial thought is that as long as it is coded correctly there shouldn't be any impact on SEO. Can anyone give me their expert SEO view?

    | built_bot

  • I'm working on a site right now and having an issue with the robots.txt file restricting access to the sitemap - with no web dev to help, I'm wondering how I can fix the issue myself? The robots.txt page shows User-agent: * Disallow: / And then sitemap: with the correct sitemap link

    | Ad-Rank

  • I've been reading some posts on the merits and pitfalls of using rel=prev, rel=next and canonical, but I just wanted to double check the right solution. With a small selection of products on each variation. So at the moment there is a canonical on all of them to the base  The problem is we are having difficulty getting the products within p=* indexed.  I don't think from all I read that rel=prev/rel=next is the way to go.  Would the solution (or best way to go) be to create a "view-all" filter and set that to be the canonical URL, so all product URLs are in clear focus for Google.  The volume of products won't (shouldn't) have too much of an impact on page load.  Or am I wrong and rel=prev/rel=next  is a feasible solution?

    | MickEdwards

  • Hi there. I'm hoping someone may be able to help. We're launching a badge programme to acknowledge our most active members.  I know that google penalises badges and widgets but i was wondering if this is down to implementation i.e. we were intending to approach it much the same way as Houzz currently does here . I caveat this by saying I'm not technical but it looks like Houzz doesn't use REL=NoFollow.  How is this the case?

    | DanielJR

  • Hi, I'd like to know if using an iFrame for a persistent music player on a website - e.g - would have any negative impact on SEO? For example, it doesn't cause any issues preventing the site being crawled? Thanks, Joe

    | iweb_agency

  • I have use category and Tags in my blogs. Now i have an problem with blog URL and Tags URL. My blog URLs is also show in Tags page and both the content is same. For Example: My Blog URL is: And Tag Page URL is : in that - The URLs contain same content. No should i write two different meta title and description for above two URLs pages. As there might more blog added under Tags pages with different topics and title. Request on Thought Please.

    | ProcessSEO

  • Hello & thanks for reading its maybe the monday morning blues but i have two versions of a website - and the pages on the amp version have canonicals pointing to the "normal" website Should the links on "" point to the amp website or the normal website? what are your thougths?

    | livingphilosophy

  • Hi Everyone, My company's site went from Http to Https and responsive design last year. After 6 months passed, we noticed a 40% decline from direct visits but revenue saw an increase. Could the 301 redirects from Http to Https cause the drop in direct traffic? Thanks!

    | JMSCC

  • Hello mozzers, Currently in the process of setting up a new website for a new entity. I was wondering what your thoughts were on using different base urls for different languages. Example: -> English -> French I've never done this before; I've been one to prefer using a subfolder structure. However, for this case, the expected visitors are truly split between 2 languages, and therefore having a base url in the visitor's language is appealing. Would this approach be detrimental if all pages have a proper hreflang tag? Thanks!

    | yacpro13

  • Hi, we've moved our old site to a new domain but in a subdirectory (the shopping site has been consolidated into overarching company website's shopping section, thus the move to sub dir). Are 301 redirects from old URLs to new domain's subdirectory ex sufficient for site migration? I wasn't able to use Google's site address change tool since we're moving to a subdirectory on the new domain. Thanks

    | SoulSurfer8

  • If we want to eliminate one of our domains and consolidate it with our main domain by the subdomain approach, would that negatively impact our SEO? Example: change to, Thanks, in advance, for your feedback.

    | Shirley.Fenlason

  • Currently we have two versions of a category page on our site (listed below) Version A: •    lives only in the SERPS but does not live on our site navigation •    has links •    user experience is not the best Version B: •    lives in our site navigation •    has a rel=canonical to version A •    very few links and doesn’t appear in the SERPS •    user experience is better than version A Because the user experience of version B is better than version A I want to take out the rel=canonical in version B to version A and instead put a rel=canonical to version B in version A. If I do this will version B show up in the SERPS eventually and replace version A? If so, how long do you think this would take? Will this essentially pass page rank from version A to version B

    | znotes

  • How come that our subpages all have a PA 1 if the home got DA 50? technical specialities: Megamenue opens on click only Category pages dont exist (home/i-do-not-exist-as-page-category/PA-1-subpage) All subpages have a high amount of links to ressources (over 200) what would be the most obvious cause for the low PA? would the external link profile be the main reason? thanks in advance. I would be happy to answer your questions Kind regards

    | brainfruit

  • When you search on a company name in Google often the URL of the specific company is shown as 1st organic search result. Often one will also see a Google+ box on the right side when searching on a company name. This Google+ box includes a brand logo as well. Our company has also a Google+ account for several months. This page is also shown in the regular organic search results. But when I search on my specific company name,  I don’t see the Google+ box on the right side of the results. However, when I search on my company name including my location, Google does show our Company information in Google Maps style, and that does include our last Google+ update as well. What do I need to do to show our Google+ information on the right side in the organic results when someone searches on our company name (without location), so our work and updates within Google+ are rewarded. Looking forward to hearing from you!

    | Onlinq

  • I have a website that Im currently working on that has been fairly dormant for a while and has just been given a face lift and brought back to life. I have some questions below about dealing with 404 pages. In Google WMT/search console there are reports of thousands of 404 pages going back some years. It says there are over 5k in total but I am only able to download 1k or so from WMT it seems. I ran a crawl test with Moz and the report it sent back only had a few hundred 404s in, why is that? Im not sure what to do with all the 404 pages also, I know that both Google and Moz recommend a mixture of leaving some as 404s and redirect others and Id like to know what the community here suggests. The 404s are a mix of the following: Blog posts and articles that have disappeared (some of these have good back-links too) Urls that look like they used to belong to users (the site used to have a forum) which where deleted when the forum was removed, some of them look like they were removed for spam reasons too eg /user/buy-cheap-meds-online and others like that Other urls like this /node/4455 (or some other random number) Im thinking I should permanently redirect the blog posts to the homepage or the blog but Im not sure what to do about all the others? Surely having so many 404s like this is hurting my crawl rate?

    | linklander

  • I am creating a small business website for a friend in Recruitment. It’s very small and mainly just a shop window for the business. There’s no login area for the website, but there are two areas were users can enter information: General contact us form (giving email and phone number) Applying for a job (attaching a resume) The forms are using Ninja Forms – which I believe are secure in passing information. But am I missing anything? Do I need to make these pages https at all? I’m quite new to building sites from scratch. Thanks for your help

    | joberts

  • I made site to book hotels: any tips to promote him and get huge traffic ?

    | coinvideos8

  • Hi, This is a complex question and I will really appreciate your help as this decision is essential to our business! We are taking a decision about what to do with our website in the terms of redirecting visitors based on their location. At the moment we have the following structure of the website: .com version practically only hosts our blog. The US traffic get presented with .com/us version automatically and the rest of the world gets presented with .com/uk. We are thinking to make .com version global (so no more .com/uk for all countries) in order to improve our ranking globally. At the moment we have good ranks in the UK, but not in the US and other countries. Our company is a global company now and we would like to get more exposure in other countries. We are also thinking to allow the option of geo redirects possible via a small pop-up window - visitors will be able to select their preferred country so next time they will be presented with their default option. To make it short: we would like to boost our domain without dropping ranks in the UK which we are now achieving through .com/uk version. Any ideas, recommendations or experience, I will appreciate! Thanks! Kat

    | Katarina-Borovska

  • My website been through many changes the last 5 months. From migrating http to https, server transfer and more. Everything was double checked all the redirects are perfect (301) to the https pages (we have like 28K backlinks so everything needs to be correct), in a matter of fact the migration to ssl made in October and in November the stats went high. The problem is that at the end of November after the server migration the traffic went down and is stably down till today. We re-checked the redirects in every aspect and more in depth and finished fixing issues around end of January. Also before 1 week we stopped the functionality of a parameter (product sort) and removed it from the website entirelly and canonicaled the urls that were using it so if google tries to test those urls with the parameter to see a canonical tag and eventually drop them out of index and stop crawling them. Generally we tried to fix the crawling efficiency and speed. The technical SEO was on fire the last weeks. Still i cant see improvement in rankings, i only see drops. What is the problem here? Where should i look? Any ideas? In webmaster tools we have no 404's and no manual actions. The visibility in Sistrix goes down (check attachment), the ahrefs organic traffic goes down, semrush stats go down... My website is: ecfp87

    | dos0659

  • Hi, We have a brand website under which we plan to develop various apps. We think that putting each website on its own sub-domain would be a good option. E.g. Main website –; app1 website –; app2 website – etc. Would it be the right way to do it or should we put the apps in a sub-directory. E.g.; etc. These apps would either be totally unrelated or may be in future we may provide something so as to enable their integration. Thanks

    | IM_Learner

  • I’m fairly new in an in-house role and am currently rooting around our Drupal website to improve it as a whole. Right now on my radar is our use of http / https, canonicals, and our use of Google Search Console. Initial issues noticed: We serve http and https versions of all our pages Our canonical tags just refer back to the URL it sits on (apparently a default Drupal thing, which is not much use) We don’t actually have https properties added in Search Console/GA I’ve spoken with our IT agency who migrated our old site to the current site, who have recommended forcing all pages to https and setting canonicals to all https pages, which is fine in theory, but I don’t think it’s as simple as this, right? An old Moz post I found talked about running into issues with images/CSS/javascript referencing http – is there anything else to consider, especially from an SEO perspective? I’m assuming that the appropriate certificates are in place, as the secure version of the site works perfectly well. And on the last point – am I safe to assume we have just never tracked any traffic for the secure version of the site? 😞 Thanks John

    | joberts

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