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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Dear All, A word which has link to some other page, is that word is also countable, and it also considered as keyword stuffing. For example, if I am giving link to other page for a keyword "Vastu Specialist", here the word "Vastu" is my main keyword for particular page, if so this word Vastu is considered to be keyword stuffing, This info was not available any where. It may be very useful for all of SEO's. , in this link there is a huge content, in which "Vastu" is appeared to be in some places, when going to backend page Ctrl+U then we may find  many "Vastu", but many has link to other page. May I know the exact answer for this question please. Thank you so much for every body who shared their knowledge to the society.

    | sureshworks

  • Greetings: It was pointed out to me that the h1 tags on my website ( all had exactly the same text and that duplication may be contributing to the very low page authority for most URLs. The duplicate h1 appears in line 54-54 (see below) of the home page: itemscope itemtype="" style="position:absolute;top:-9999em;"> <span<br>itemprop="name">Metro Manhattan Office Space</span<br> <img< p="">But the above refers to schema" so is this really duplicate H1 or is there an exception if the H1 is within a schema? Also, I was told that the company street address and city and state were set up incorrectly as part of an alt tag. However these items also appear as schema in lines 49-68 shown below: Dangerous for me to perform surgery on the code without being certain about these key items!! Could ask my developer, however they may be uncomfortable considering that they set this up in the 1st place. So the view of neutral professionals would be highly welcome! itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="">
    <span<br>itemprop="streetAddress">347 5th Ave #1008
    <span<br>itemprop="addressLocality">New York
    <span<br>itemprop="postalCode">10016<div<br>itemprop="brand" itemscope itemtype="">

    | Kingalan1

  • What's the best way to point a domain to an IP address? Two A records one with host @ and the other with host www ? One A record pointing to the naked domain 
    One CNAME record with host www pointing to Something else? Thanks so much!  This seems so basic, but always seems to stump me. I'm using WordPress, if it makes  difference.

    | aj613

  • Hello, guys and gals, I am new to SEO and I am vigorously trying to rank my site here in Michigan for my company and respective niche. I have had some luck as I took many days to learn the basic foundation and apply what i have learned, but even after so I have had zero luck with establishing domain authority, page authority or even seeing the slightest SEO rank improvements. could someone please help?

    | Charlesp3

  • InMotion Hosting hosts our domain. At the moment, we use domain "A". Domain "B" redirect to domain "A" . Domain "B"" better represent our brand and we want to redirect domain "A" to "B". Our website is designed in Wordpress. It contains about 750 pages. At the moment we do not have an SSL certificate. I would like to add the SSL certificate at the same time we migrate the domain. The data we collect on the site  are company name, phone number, email address etcetera. No transactions. I was told that the Auto SSL free certificate is fine and that there is no need to pay for a certificate. Is this correct? My developer has told me that installing an SSL certificate would take about 8 hours. And that migrating the domain would take 24 hours, plus or minus 5 hours. My developer is very professional, and usually does a great job but this seems costly considering a $24/hour labor rate. It also seems like an inordinate amount of time. Several well rated (100% approval) Upwork developers are willing to perform this job for less than $200. Huge differential!! Also, Inmotion Hosting is willing to migrate the site  and install the certificates for free.  But pay nothing and the quality is usually questionable. Any thoughts?? Also, I have a lot to lose in terms of SEO  if something goes wrong. Are there any specifications that I should insist on to make sure the migration proceed smoothly? What do I need to modify on Google Analytics once the migration is done. Any steps I should take to ensure the maintenance of page rank? Thanks!!!!

    | Kingalan1

  • We recently updated our site to be mobile optimized.  As part of the update, we had also planned on adding SSL security to the site.  However, we use an iframe on a lot of our site pages from a third party vendor for real estate listings and that iframe was not SSL friendly and the vendor does not have that solution yet.  So, those iframes weren't displaying the content. As a result, we had to shift gears and go back to just being http and not the new https that we were hoping for. However, google seems to have indexed a lot of our pages as https and gives a security error to any visitors.  The new site was launched about a week ago and there was code in the htaccess file that was pushing to www and https.  I have fixed the htaccess file to no longer have https. My questions is will google "reindex" the site once it recognizes the new htaccess commands in the next couple weeks?

    | vikasnwu

  • Hello, A couple of weeks ago we requested a change of address in Search console. The new, correct url is already indexed. Yet when we search the old url (with site:www.) we find that the old url is still indexed. Is there another way to remove old urls?

    | conversal

  • When I enter "Site: URL" to check what a search how Google displays  search result, a date appears at the very front. This takes away several characters, really valuable real estate. How can I stop Google from displaying these dates? There are certain Wordpress plugins like "WP Date Remover" however the seem to only apply to blog posts. Dates are appearing on results on all my Wordpress pages. Is there an internal setting in Wordpress that will allow me to remove dates for these non blogpost pages?

    | Kingalan1

  • I was wondering how do you kind this kind result snippet? Structured snippets? Rich Snippets? 12qBk

    | hartator

  • My industry is commercial real estate in New York City. Our site has 300 real estate listings. The format we have been using for Title Tags are below. This probably disastrous from an SEO perspective. Using number is a total waste space. A few questions:
    -Should we set listing not no index if they are not content rich?
    -If we do choose to index them, should we avoid titles listing Square Footage and dollar amounts?
    -Since local SEO is critical, should the titles always list New York, NY or Manhattan, NY?
    -I have red that titles should contain some form of branding. But our company name is Metro Manhattan Office Space. That would take up way too much space. Even "Metro Manhattan" is long. DO we need to use the title tag for branding or can we just focus on a brief description of page content incorporating one important phrase? Our site is: w w w . m e t r o - m a n h a t t a n . c o m <colgroup><col width="405"></colgroup>
    | Turnkey Flatiron Tech Space | 2,850 SF $10,687/month | <colgroup><col width="405"></colgroup>
    | Gallery, Office Rental | Midtown, W. 57 St | 4441SF $24055/month | <colgroup><col width="405"></colgroup>
    | Open Plan Loft |Flatiron, Chelsea | 2414SF $12,874/month | <colgroup><col width="405"></colgroup>
    | Tribeca Corner Loft | Varick Street | 2267SF $11,712/month | <colgroup><col width="405"></colgroup>
    | 275 Madison, LAW, P7, 3,252SF, $65 - Manhattan, New York |

    | Kingalan1

  • Hey Everyone, So as I'm sure everyone has heard the new meta description limits have been increased and I have been going back and forth with whether or not to update my descriptions for my client's websites. I know that Google is now dynamically generating descriptions based off of content, but is it still beneficial to write longer descriptions as well? Will Google display my longer description now if it is ranking well? Rand Fishkin at Moz and others say that you should and other people, including Danny Sullivan, have said you shouldn't worry about it and leave them at between 150-160. My questions is what should I do? I will be focusing heavily on making sure the site's content is very targeted and relevant for when Google dynamically generates the descriptions, but should I still edit my descriptions manually?

    | kenturley

  • Hi, We just migrated our website from /uk to the global one (but we still kept /us). We are expanding our business to Australia. Is there any point having the global .com site duplicated as .com/au provided the content will be identical? What's the /au impact on the domain strength and rank in Australia in comparison to having just .com. Is there any point? Anyone has direct experience? What's the best practice? Many thanks for the answers. Katarina

    | Katarina-Borovska

  • Our designer/developer recently implemented structured data on our pages. I'm trying to become more educated on how it works since I'm the SEO marketing specialist on the team and the one that writes and publishes the majority of our content. I'm aware it's extremely important and needs to be done, I just don't know how to do it yet. The developer was on our team for over a year, we recently let him go. Now, I'm going through all the pages to make sure it's done correctly. I'm using the structured data testing tool to look at the pages and have been playing with the structured data markup helper. I would REALLY appreciate it if one of my fellow MOZ fans & family can help me determine if it's done correctly. We do not currently have any schema plugs installed that I know of. So I'm not sure how he implemented the Schema code. I would like to know what I need to do moving forward to the additional content we publish as well as what to do to correctly implement Schema if not already. When I manually look at one of our FAQ pages I see multiple schema data formats detected... I'm not sure if we're supposed to have multiple or just one----> I also noticed in the Question schema data for that same page... the accepted answer is empty. I would image that should have the short version of the answer to the question in it?---> Here's a screenshot of our structured data info from Google search console---> HELP please! Our website consists of 25-30 "product" pages We currently have about 75 FAQ pages and adding 4-6 per month. This is what brings in most our traffic. We have 100 state specific pages (two for each state) We have 20ish carrier specific pages Then we have about 30 blog pages so far and are publishing new blog posts weekly

    | LindsayE

  • name="url" content=""> I've never personally seen it used until I saw a site using it this past weekend...I cannot find any old documentation on the purpose if this tag either.Any insights or direction would truly appreciated!Many thanks, T 😎

    | talexanderyano

  • Hi Guys, How can you determine the value of external links which are deep inside a website. Two examples: Two sub-folders deep. One sub-folder deep. These links are clearly far from the homepage, so was wondering if they are worthless or how can you determine the value of them? Cheers.

    | nattyhall

  • Our ecommerce company has acquired a former competitor which has similar content & largely sells the same set of products. Both domains run on the same ecommerce platform version and do well organically on an overlapping set of keywords. Currently the websites are separate instances which are hosted separately. There is no interlinking or cross branding between the sites. Since each brand has strong equity & SEO, there are no plans to combine brands or domains. For several reasons, it would be ideal to combine platform instances and hosting, but we are concerned about potential SEO impact of shared IP addresses. Is it likely that moving the sites to the same IP/C-Block could have a negative SEO impact since they rank  on the same keywords. Would Google devalue one site if they were seen to be connected or owned by the same company? I know this issue has been addressed for domains with more variance between products and content, but since there is a large overlap (but not duplicate content) between our two domains, we wanted additional insight. Obviously there are other SEO factors when you move a site, but we are currently trying to understand this specific factor. Thanks Community for your help! -Amber

    | AmberHanson

  • Hi to all, what is the best url structure, to have all words in the url or to tweak url like Yoast suggest? If we remove some words from url , not focus keyword but stop words and other keywords to have shorter url will that impact search rankings? - long url, moz crawl error, yoast red light - moz ok, yoast ok Where one is a focus keyword.

    | WalterHalicki

  • Hello Moz Friends! I was wondering what the correct "SEO friendly" strategy is with badges and awards. We recently got BBB accredited and added their badge to the footer of the website. We also added a review badge from shopper approved to the footer. As I'm joining other communities, I see there's badges given to us. For example, Alignable. Great place for networking. They offer a badge that says "locals recommend us" or something. Should I embed these badges onto our website someplace? Should I create a page for just badges or place them in the footer or sidebar widgets? What the best SEO practice for this? Thank you!!

    | LindsayE

  • Fellow Mozzers! I have a tricky problem that may or may not have a viable solution.  It's one that our team are 100% pressing ahead with regardless & I wanted to canvass some opinion on what options I have. We have the Main Company Site which has been going for +15 years, has a DA of 58 and 63,000 links pointing at it.  It currently ranks on page 1 for a number of our important keywords. However.... We are now launching a Subdomain, which will be something like which we now want to drive a lot more of our traffic to.  In particular for items like new customer acquisition, product discovery etc.  In fact we would actually rather the subdomain outrank our main site for branded queries. However the Main Site is still important for existing customers who login to our product and we don't want to do anything that will destabilize it's rankings too much. My questions are: Are there any strategies I can use to get a subdomain (with no links or history) outranking the main site in position 1 on Google?  Main site should still rank in position 2! Any other tips to actively take legacy traffic from a main site onto a subdomain seamlessly.  Should we just be 301 redirecting unnecessary pages on the old site to new and improved pages on the subdomain? There will still be a 100,000+ pages on the main site, lots of authority and traffic going through it.  It's not becoming redundant. Thanks so much guys - hopefully I've explained that okay!!

    | MattStott4

  • I know it’s hekpful, when attempting to rank for a various cluster of keywords, to have a site that is primarily about that subject matter. For instance, it would be very difficult to rank for keywords pertaining to window treatments, roof repair, lawn mowing, interior decorating, and vegan recipes. I have a client who owns a multi specialty center that does plastic surgery, dermatology, welllness, ophthalmology, skin and laser treatments, and more. I feel like the solution would be to make each verticals a subdomain, and treat each as its own website, for all intents and purposes, using WordPress multisite to manage it. So,,, etc., and have act as the landing page for the center, linking out to the various practice areas. what are your thoughts? Thanks so much in advance!

    | minyona

  • I recently changed my company's site homepage title tag to make it start with our target keyword. The page was originally at page #7 or #8 and dropped to page #17 directly after I changed the page title. Is this normal? Is it's a temporary drop or should I change it back to the previous title.

    | ForumOne

  • Does anyone have suggestions for managing duplicate product/solution website content across domains? (specifically parent/child company domains) Is it advisable to do this? Will it hurt either domain? Any best practices when going down this path?

    | pilgrimquality

  • Hi Guys, Does anyone know what this is called: And how Google pulls it from a page? Do you need some kind of markup? Cheers.

    | nattyhall

  • I've been going on the assumption that when verifying a website in search console, it's always good to register and verify all variants of the site URL: http https www non-www However, if you create redirects to the preferred URL, is it really necessary to register/virfy of the other three? If so, why?

    | muzzmoz

  • Hi I have question weather to block in Robots.txt or through No followed tags. Links that are part of a Dynamic Tab control that generates the tabs based on CMS content. These are internal links on the page which show content within a tab control. Would it stop these errors appearing in the Google report if we added a rel="nofollow" tag to the <a>tag, for example:</a> <a></a> <a></a>VIEW FROM SEATS? Is it better to use No followed tags or block it in Robots.txt? Thanks Cee

    | mara.lature1

  • When moving the content after a while to a subdirectory of my core website I would copy the full content and later further improve it. Would the external links that I redirect via 301 be counting similar to links I had earned in the first place? I understand that 301 redirect normally just implies minimal loss of link power. Topic of the site I consider to acquire is loosely related to my core site.

    | lcourse

  • I have an unknown problem with my internal links. but after many searches on Moz community and other sites, I didn't find any answer. the question is: why homepage doesn't enough internal links like other pages? the homepage internal links decrease dramatically in 2 months but it doesn't happen to other pages in the same domain 6l6Bh D0bC1

    | canadaoptimize

  • I could add my site to Google Webmaster tools with no problems, but when I try to add it in Bing webmaster tools it just redirects me to what I already have. Everything is staying the same but the switch from http to https. Anyone else experienced this? This is what I just received back from Bing and it doesn't seem right- I understand that you switched to the https version of your site and you're now trying to use the Site Move tool. However, in order to do this, you must verify the https version of your site first. You cannot do this because it just redirects you to the dashboard. We thank you for reporting this to us. We've investigated on this matter and can see that you're already put a redirect from the http to the https version of your site. We also checked the /BingSiteAuth.xml file and this also redirects to the https version. At this point, we suggest that you remove the current website (http version) that is verified through Bing Webmaster Tool and add your https domain. When done, use the Site Move tool. Thoughts?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Hi guys, We currently have a site which uses WordPress & attached to it is a Woocommerce for its store. We want to just move the store to shopify, but keep the blog on wordpress. We also want to keep the same URL structure for the store the same e.g. (woocommerce) to (shopify) Is this even possible? Can you point a domain to two separate servers (servers – one for wordpress, one on shopify) at the same time? This is SEO related as we want to preserve the authority as a sub-folder. See this: Cheers.

    | cerednicenko

  • Hi to all, If we delete a post from a blog then rewrite it with more content will google consider it duplicate content or should we add 301 redirect?

    | WalterHalicki

  • I have a client who has created a number of login pages for their clients (eg., They are all password protected. Just wondering if this has any impact on SEO, good or bad?

    | muzzmoz

  • Hi, I was wondering if in the featured snippets as well as in the regular snippets the words that are bolded are what google considers being part of the knowledge graph for that request. For example if you type "italy tour" see the featured snippet and the bolded words, why are those bolded ?

    | seoanalytics

  • We launched a new website ( The site contains 500 pages, but some pages (like contains filters (so there are a lot possible url parameters). Last week we mentioned a tremendous amount of traffic (25 GB!!) and CPU usage on the server. 2017-12-04 16:11:57 W3SVC66 IIS14 GET /collectie model=6511,6901,7780,7830,2105-illusion&ontwerper=henk-vos,foklab 443 - HTTP/1.1 Mozilla/5.0+(Linux;+Android+6.0.1;+Nexus+5X+Build/MMB29P)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/41.0.2272.96+Mobile+Safari/537.36+(compatible;+Googlebot/2.1;++ - - 200 0 0 9445 501 312 We find out that "Googlebot" was firing many, many requests.  At first we did a nslookup for the IPadres where it actually seems to be googlebot. Second we visited Google Searchconsole and I was really surprised... Googlebot on steroids? Googlebot requested 922.565 different url's and made combinations for every filter/ parameter combination on the site. Why? The sitemap.xml contains 500 url's... The authority of the site isn't very high, no other signal that this is a special website... Why so much "Google resources"? Of course we will exclude the parameters in SearchConsole, but I never saw a Googlebot activity for a small website like this before! Does anybody have any clue? Regards Olaf searchconsole.png nslookup.png

    | Olaf

  • For a client we are discussing international SEO options. I have pushed against CCTLD because they do not have the resources to manage multiple sites. Instead we want to go the subfolder route: .com/uk/  My question is whether we can properly create a subfolder version that only includes a handful of pages rather than the whole site - so 5-10 pages vs 4k. Is that possible? I'd love your thoughts. International SEO is not my strong suit. Also - if the subfolder for .com/uk/ content is almost entirely the same as the us-based .com is that a problem? Thanks!

    | JBMediaGroup

  • I was looking at our GSC internal links section and I saw that we have 901 internal links going to our compare rates form and 890 going to our homepage. At the end of most of our content I add a call to action to our compare rates form. Is this SEO friendly or should I have more pointing to the homepage and less pointing to our compare rates page?

    | LindsayE

  • Hello, Over the last few days google released longer snippets. Are website with longer snippets showing deemed to have more relevant content than the others ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi How important are anchor text links within your own site vs. buttons for SEO? We've redesigned some of our pages from anchor text links to buttons which are just clickable images.I know historically this isn't the best way, but is it still as important as it used to be?

    | BeckyKey

  • Hello, I am currently designing the webpages of my website and I am wondering if I should link externally or if it going to hurt me ? I am in the travel industry and for example in the France in the Loire valley, I want to list hotels that people can stay at in pre and pods trip. Is it ok to link to maybe 10 of those hotels websites or can it hurt me ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi, We have a requirement to host files that contains .html, .css, .js, and .pdf files externally on AWS S3 bucket. We have a landing page on our site that contains a link to those external links (i.e. pdf). On our site's (hosted on Drupal), landing page we already have a canonical link for the current landing page. On the .html file which is hosted externally, we were thinking to add the same canonical link that exists for the landing page so that search engines will go to the externally available .html file and interpret that the externally hosted file is related to our landing page. I was wondering if this is an acceptable solution without any SEO penalty. If there is a penalty, what would be the alternative solution to this so we can host files externally and drive most of the traffic to our landing page? Example Landing page: absolute url = ...... Externally available .html file (static) ......

    | KendallHershey

  • Hi there: As part of a site redesign project, we've been doing a lot of 301 redirects, as we retire old URLs or rename them. My question is: is it necessary to redirect ALL old URLS? What about URLs with no links and low authority? Are these really necessary to redirect, since they're not referenced on the web and there's obviously a global redirect happening at the level of the root domain? Just curious; I'm not sure I've ever really understood this...

    | Daaveey

  • Hi guys; In a website with more than 20,000 indexed pages, Is it normally that homepage (root) didn't have any internal links, while other important pages have enough internal links? Consider that in a top menu in header of all pages, I added homepage link, so the home page link repeated on all indexed pages, but google didn't count it and the website technology is angular js thank you for helping me

    | cafegardesh

  • Hi Guys, We are in the process of migrating our website and are moving to: AWS/Elastic Beanstalk hosting and the only way to do a custom domain with a third-party (not Amazon) DNS Service is by setting up a CNAME that points to the EBS Instance. Do you think this will impact SEO performance in any way? Cheers.

    | cerednicenko

  • I've had an odd situation happen today.  Published a blog post and it ranked No 6 within 2 or 3 hours, just come back now (About 12 hours later) and it has completely vanished! I have checked to page 9, and used a couple of keyword tools and it appears nowhere! It didn't have any back links, but it was unique and high quality.  I have checked on the page does still exist and it is still readable. Any thoughts would be gratefully received.

    | seoman10

  • Hi, We have a client who recently switched their site to https:// The rule to force redirect non-secure URLs to https is in their .htaccess file: RewriteEngine on if non-SSL and one of these, redirect to SSL RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] However, they also have simple redirects below this rule that redirect one page to another, such as: Redirect 301 /old.php This is causing redirect chains like this: (A) > (B) > (C) Is there any way to rewrite the rules in .htaccess to get rid of these redirect chains? So that URL A goes directly to URL C? Thank you!

    | roundabout

  • We have a large e-commerce site (10k+ SKUs). As I have begun analyzing how to improve it I have discovered that we have thousands of urls that have uppercase characters. For instance: This is inconsistently applied throughout the site. I directed our website vendor to fix the issue and they placed 301 redirects via a rule to the web.config file. Any url that contains an uppercase character now displays as a lowercase. However, as I use screaming frog to monitor our site, I see all these 301 redirects--thousands of them. The XML sitemap still shows the the uppercase versions. We have had indexing issues as well. So I'm wondering what is the most effective way to make sure that I'm not placing an extra burden on Googlebot when they index our site? Should I have just not cared about the uppercase issue and let it alone?

    | webrocket

  • Hey guys, I'm struggling with this part of my website which uses react.js . My developers used this saying it's much better and much quicker (which I think so too) but we have really low traffic coming from google compared to the other parts of the website (not using react.js). Moz gives me a score of 85% for the page but we get less than 100 visits / day and we were targeting 10.000 visits/day giving the traffic of this section in our competitors website (our whole website has 60.000 visits / day). (Section is online since 3 months now) Can you help me see what is wrong there ? I'm in Belgium so we have the website in 3 languages (FR/NL/EN) but the most important ones are FR & NL. FR : NL : EN : Main competitors having a better ranking than us (exemple in FR) : Cheers ! Jean-Philippe

    | Gocar_be

  • Hi SEO specialists, I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, but there is something bugging me for awhile now, so I thought let's give it a try. I work for several clients and one of them works in the Psychic business. Since a few months we see that site from is taking over all kinds of top rankings in Google. The strange thing is that I can't detect anything that I always learned which is basic material for SEO. There isn't much content and there link profile isn't really spectacular either. Does any of you have an idea what it is about this sites that makes them outrank every other site in the business?

    | LiveFootballTickets

  • Hi Experts; How to redirect to without buying new SSL? I have one GoDaddy SSL and I want to use it for a new domain. Its currently use for old domain

    | cafegardesh

  • Can I validate link next and prev markup for paginated content?

    | Evan34

  • We are currently not using rel=prev/next for paginated categories. My predecessor instead canonicaled paginated pages back to the parent. This obviously needs to be fixed. The pages should self-canonical. Is using the parameter handling function of Google Search Console enough, or do we need to have our dev team implement rel=prev/next?

    | Satans_Apprentice

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