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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi I have a client that have a news website, he asked me if he can define one area of his website to be a regular news that google can show on google news search results (no subscription) and the other part of the website is news that only subscribers can read? Thanks Roy

    | kadut

  • Hi, If we migrate the URLs from HTTP to HTTPS, Do I need to request again an inclusion in Google News? Thanks Roy

    | kadut

  • Hi guys, Rankings for almost half of our targeted keywords have gone down this week vs. last week. I have checked a couple of rank trackers and all are reporting some serious movement in Google's algorithms during this period. Does anyone have any further information on this that can help me restore our rankings? I haven't read anything in regards to any 'major' pending updates. Many thanks in advance, Jack

    | Jack_Jahan

  • Hello, I'm Alexia and a few months ago (end of March) my site has been hacked: hackers have created more than 30.000 links in Japanese to sell tires. I've successfully removed the hack and after 14 days of struggle even decided to change the domain to Siteground as they've been really keen to help. I still have some problems and I desperately need your tips. In search console, Google is informing about the +30.000 404 errors due to the content created by hackers which is not available anymore. I've been advised to redirect those links to 410 as they might have penalty effects in the SERP I have 50 503 server errors recognised by Google back in April but still there. What should I do to solve them? I still have a lot of traffic from Japan, even if I've removed all the content and ask Googled to disavow spamming backlinks. Do you think I have on page keywords? I don't understand how they can still find me. Those KWs are indexed in analytics, but not effective clicks, as the content is not there anymore. I also asked Google to remove links in search console with the tool removing links but not all of my requests have been accepted. My site disappeared from the organic results even if it hasn't been recognised as hacked in Google (there wasn't any manual actions on the Search Console). What can I do to gain the organic positioning once again? I've just tried to use the “Fetch as Google” option on search console for the entire website. Thank you all and I look forward to your replies. Thanks! Alessia

    | AlessiaCamera

  • Hi we have a site in the mens fashion space who have long product urls which look like this: The site is on Magento. Are there any serious SEO negatives of having such a long product url and including irrelevant information in the url like product/view/id/13700/s/ & /category/120/ in the URL. Or are the benefits of changing them to more URL friendly product urls like: Minimal? Cheers.

    | wozniak65

  • Hi, One of my clients submitted an image sitemap with 465 images. It was submitted on July 20 2017 to Google Search Console. None of the submitted images have been indexed. I'm wondering why? Here's the image sitemap: We do use a CDN for the images, and the images are hosted on a subdomain of the client's site: ex. Thanks in advance! Cheers,

    | SEOdub

  • Hi, We have some supplier videos the product management want to include on these product pages. I am wondering how detrimental this is for SEO & the best way to approach this. Do we simply embed the supplier YouTube videos, or do we upload them to our YouTube - referencing the original content & then embed our YouTube videos? Thank you!

    | BeckyKey

  • We are unable to add alt tags to the banner images as they live inside CSS. We can add a title tag on the div title for the banner. Does that help with SEO and accessibility?

    | Shirley.Fenlason

  • My IT is convinced that we should build one for our webiste as we have an event page that changes content quite rapidly. It is an expensive implementation process. I googled around and don't see anything. Also everything I've learned about SEO, I've never seen this mentioned anywhere. Not sure where to position myself because of lack of knowledge/information. Anyone has experience or opinions? My natural suggestion would be to have excelling content on static pages that will have strong SERP regardless of archiving and the content that changes, will just keep changing and rank however it will. Or?

    | beritv

  • I have been working in a project. Create a framework for multi pages that I have So here is the case
    Most of them are single page product / one page design wich means that I dont have many pages to optimize. All this sites/ pages follow the rules of a landing page optimization because my main goals is convert as many users as I can. At this point I need to optimize the SEO, the basic stuff such as header, descriptions, tittles ect. But most of my traffic is generated by affiliates, which is good beacuse I dont have to worrie to generate traffic but if the affiliate network banned my product, then I lose all my traffic. Put all my eggs in the same basket is not a good idea. Im not an seo guru so that is the reason Im asking whic strategies and tactics can give me results. All kind of ideas are welcome

    | Roman-Delcarmen

  • Hi Guys, I want to get search volumes for "carpet cleaning" for certain areas in Sydney, Australia. I'm using this process: Choose to ‘Search for new keyword and ad group ideas’. Enter the main keywords regarding your product / service Remove any default country targeting Specify your chosen location (s) by targeting specific cities / regions Click to ‘Get ideas’ The problem is none of the areas, even popular ones (like north sydney, surry hills, newtown, manly) are appearing and Google keyword tool, no matches. Is there any other tools or sources of data i can use to get accurate search volumes for these areas? Any recommendations would be very much appreciated. Cheers

    | wozniak65

  • I am installing SSL to my website. Will it hurt my ranking in Google as the url will change and backlinks of the website are without ssl url.

    | Esnipper

  • Hi there. I'm using deep linking with unique URL's that redirect to our website homepage or app (depending on whether the user accesses the link from an iphone or computer) as a way to track attribution and purchases. I'm wondering whether using links that redirect negatively affects our SEO? Is the homepage still building SEO rank despite the redirects? I appreciate your time & thanks for your help.

    | L_M_SEO

  • Hi Guys, One of our clients is building individual sites for each store they have, which in total would be 70 different websites on one server (they used the word instance). I was wondering if there could be negative issues with this for SEO purposes? Cheers, Mike

    | wozniak65

  • Dear all, when I see moz analytics for my blog, it is legging behind only in terms of diomain authority when compared to my competitors. Because of which it is ranking low. Is there any short cut or fast method using which I can increase the authority for my domain.

    | irctclogin

  • I have been doing outreach to blogs with some good success. My question (problem) is that many blogs do not update regularly and they may not have a new post within the past year or so. Is it best to pass on sending them an email or is it worth the time to do it? What is your cutoff point? Thanks!

    | TimShank

  • Hi Guys, If you type the keyword "car seat covers" on Google Australia. You will see one site screenshot below: With double listing and then a site below that with another double listing see: Does anyone know why Google is giving both of these double listings, is it something to do with their internal linking? Cheers.

    | wozniak65

  • We have went back and forth on this and wanted to get some outside input.  I work for an online listing website that has classified ads on it.  These ads are generated by companies on our site advertising weekend events around the country. We have about 10,000 companies that use our service to generate their online ads. This means that we have thousands of pages being created each week. The ads have lots of content: pictures, sale descriptions, and company information. After the ads have expired, and the sale is no longer happening, we are currently placing the in the heads of each page. The content is not relative anymore since the ad has ended. The only value the content offers a searcher is the images (there are millions on expired ads) and the descriptions of the items for sale.  We currently are the leader in our industry and control most of the top spots on Google for our keywords. We have been worried about cluttering up the search results with pages of ads that are expired.  In our Moz account right now we currently have over 28k crawler warnings alerting us to the  being in the page heads of the expired ads. Seeing those warnings have made us nervous and second guessing what we are doing. Does anybody have any thoughts on this? Should we continue with placing the  in the heads of the expired ads, or should we be allowing search engines to index the old pages.  I have seen websites with discontinued products keeping the products around so that individuals can look up past information. This is the closest thing have seen to our situation. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated! -Matt

    | mellison

  • I'm a little perplexed and hope someone technically savvy can help. Wordpress site. Our page: Redirects to: I cannot see any reason for this. No 301s, nothing.

    | curveballmedia

  • Hi, I'm doing internal anchor text links. Relative path. if I use /destination-page instead of will I still receive a transfer of internal Google trust to the destination page? Does google treat just the / url the same as full url??

    | Scotty_Wilson

  • I'm trying to get savvy with our homepage H1. Is there a website which can give us information on related keywords. For example, although we don't mention 'business', we do mention 'commercial' and thus our site will come up in search for the term 'business <x><x>'.</x></x> So in essence, there's little point keywording both 'business' and 'commercial' as to Google they are one in the same keyword. Thanks

    | curveballmedia

  • We have two websites, one we use for Google PPC (website 1) and one (website 2) we use for everything else. The reason is we are in an industry that Google Adwords doesn't like, so we built a whole other website that removes the product descriptions as Google Adwords doesn't approve of many of them (nutrition). Right now we have that Google Adwords approved website (website 1) no-index/no-follow because we didn't want to run into potential duplicate content issues in free search, but the issue is we can't submit it to Google they require it to be indexable. Do you think removing the no-index/no-follow from that website 1 and adding canonical URL's pointing to website 2 would resolve this issue (being able to submit it to Google Shopping) and not cause any problems with duplicate content? I was thinking of adding the canonical tag to all pages of website 1 and point it to website 2. Does that make sense? Do you think that would work?

    | vetofunk

  • Hi, I am fairly new to SEO and this community so pardon my questions. We recently launched on our drupal site mandarin language  version for the entire site. And when i do the crawl site, i get duplicate content for the pages that are in mandarin. Is this a problem or can i ignore this? Should i make different page titles for the different languages? Also, for the metatag and descriptions, would it better in the native language for google to search for? thanks in advance.

    | lynetteboss

  • A client of mine has intentionally built two websites with identical content; both companies sell the same product, one via an 80 year old local brand, well known. The other division is a national brand, new, and working to expand. The old and new divisions cannot be marketed as a single company for legal reasons. My life would be simple if the rules for distinguishing between nation's could apply, but I only have city X, and The U.S. I understand there is no penalty for duplicate content per se but I need to say to Google, "if searcher is in city X, serve content X. If not, serve content U.S. Both sites have atrocious DA and from what GA tells me, the National content appears to have never been served in a SERP in 3 years. I've been asked to improve visibility for both sites.

    | kc_sunshines

  • Hi guys, We're running a software company which is also selling WP themes amongst other things. We've heard recently that footer backlinks like "Powered by BigBangThemes" might do more harm than good. Some clients usually forget to change them - so we want to make sure we stop including them in case this is true. Thanks!

    | andy.bigbangthemes

  • Hi guys, We're planning on starting a Saas based service where we'll be selling different skins. Let's say WordPress themes, though it's not about that. Say we have an url called and we would like to direct all seo juice to the mother landing page /best-wp-themes/ but then have that juice flow towards our additional pages: /best-wp-themes/?id=Mozify
    /best-wp-themes/?id=Fiximoz /best-wp-themes/?id=Mozicom Challenges: 1. our content would be formatted like this:
    a. Same content - features b. Same content - price c. Different content - each theme will have its own set of features / design specs. d. Same content - testimonials. How would be go about not being penalised by SE's for the duplicate content, but still have the /?id=whatever pages be indexed with proper content? 2. How do we go about making sure SEO juice flows to the /?id pages too?Basically it's the same thing with different skins. Thanks for the help!

    | andy.bigbangthemes

  • Hi Fellow Moz'ers We seem to have an issue where some of our UK site is showing meta descriptions from our US site in the serp's and when you check the cache: of the site it's brining up the .com instead of the site. example: cache: shows the US site We've checked the href lang tags and they look ok to me (but i'm not an expert)" hreflang="en-gb"/>" hreflang="en-us"/>" hreflang="x-default" />" hreflang="en-au"/> We've had a search around and seen people have similar issues, but cant seem to find a definitive solution.

    | tinyme

  • hey hi guys, i have lost all my organic traffic and in need of urgent help. Plz i need all your SEO expertise. My website is: (before judging me, let me tell you that i have been in adult industry for almost 7 years now and hence this blog was a way to pass my knowledge to everyone who is looking for it) Recently i saw that moving to HTTPS will benefit my site. I did not knew much about technical details of moving to https. My hosting was on siteground, and they have a button which you can press and your website will then be served through https. So i did that. Nothing else was done. this was done on 13th or 14th of june For the next few weeks here is my analytics (image attached) : As you can see the traffic fluctuated and finally i lost everything on 29th june. When i researched more, i found out that you need to follow many steps in order to move to HTTPS. So i followed this guide and completed all the steps: (also checked many other guides and tried to complete all the steps mentioned) Everyone said that the rankings will recover in one week, but now it has been more than 17 days and still the rankings have not improved. My articles are indexed as i can see it using but none of them are ranking for the keywords that i was ranking earlier. i have submitted the sitemap in google webmaster and around 166 (out of 218) pages are indexed. Here are few more images to help my case: plz plz help me what i can do to get my website traffic back. i have spent a lot of time and effort in building this site, cant see it die a slow death like this one. 8Wa8c [http ahref](http ahref) D42xw sAd9E

    | akki91

  • Hi Mozzerds, I have a quick question that probably won't have just one solution. Most of the pages that Moz crawled for duplicate content we're dynamic search result pages on my site. Could this be a simple fix of just blocking these pages from Google altogether? Or would Moz just crawl these pages as critical crawl errors instead of content errors? Ultimately, I contemplated whether or not I wanted to rank for these pages but I don't think it's worth it considering I have multiple product pages that rank well. I think in my case, the best is probably to leave out these search pages since they have more of a negative impact on my site resulting in more content errors than I would like. So would blocking these pages from the Search Engines and Moz be a good idea? Maybe a second opinion would help: what do you think I should do? Is there another way to go about this and would blocking these pages do anything to reduce the number of content errors on my site? I appreciate any feedback! Thanks! Andrew

    | drewstorys

  • We have several subdomains for various markets for our business. We are in the process of moving those subdomains to subfolders on the main site. Example: will become And will become and so on. It's not truly a change of address, but should I use the change of address tool in GSC for all of these subdomains moving?

    | MJTrevens

  • Been mostly hanging around top of page two for the last couple of years for “Liverpool Wedding photographer” although got myself on page 1 for “Liverpool photographer” I have split the title of the page to target these two keywords. I took the Liverpool photographer off the title to see if it was being detrimental to the “Liverpool wedding photographer” I didn’t see no increase in ranking so put it back as I get a bit of commercial work from it. Since last year I have got onto page 1 at least three times around position 5-6. Within a week or two I start sliding down again and end up back at top of page two. I could understand this slow push out if my competitors were busy SEO wise but from what I have seen they are not. There is a guy using the keywords in URL and calls himself “Liverpool wedding photographer” last time I checked he literally had no links but is in the first 5 positions. I have I think a better link profile than every one else. Although I am on and off with Facebook and Instagram, (more off) so that probably isn’t helping. Although I have a colleague in the video side of things and he doesn’t use social media at all and it hasn’t harmed him. A few years ago I was burned quite badly by a total charlatan. He sunk my home page to page 4. He talked the talk about creating landing pages but his methods were shoddy to say the least. I can’t believe I was taken in by him, although I was only with him for 2 months. He was still using spammy link techniques to generate lots of toxic links for me! I disavowed all of his links and put the keywords back on the home page and was back to my usual top of page 2 position within a week. Since then I have disavowed all directory links and anything not wedding related. I have an article which ranks 1st or second for “Nikon CLS”. I have also another article of 2000 words or so on another reasonable placed photography website. A few links from other vendors or people I have taken photographs for. I have about 10 featured weddings with a link on 4 good weddings blogs. I don’t think a massive amount of blog comments although I have stopped doing this. If I look at most of the competitors these are their main links, with directories as well! Last winter I put a quite substantial article about documentary wedding photography on my home page.  I flew to number 2, although I photographed The World Transformed (the alternative labour conference in Liverpool). I got a lot of clicks to a gallery page (few thousand off social media} so I don’t know if that coincided with it. Same thing – watching the website go down a few positions every day until within just over a week or two I was about 4<sup>th</sup>  on page 2! Its like my website is on a spring which can push into page 1 but rebounds back to top of page 2. I am staring to worry that my site has been marked as a bad character in some way because I get what seems to be rough treatment from google compared to my peers. I have written I think 4 or 5 (1500 word) articles the last couple of months  talking about lenses and wedding photography related topics and Google pushed me back to page 1, peaking At position 5. I was there for a few weeks and then the slide happened again. Bit demoralised at the moment, what to do? Any help or pointers would be most appreciated. Best wishes. David.

    | WallerD

  • What is this that I am seeing in the Google SERPs? It's a bank of 3 separate articles from one site, but they are grouped together like an organic listing. Checkout the link to see what I'm talking about

    | MJTrevens

  • Hello Fellow Moz Friends I have recently went from http to https for the website. Do I keep my canonicals at http or make all https? Will this affect ranking signals? Anything I should be looking out for? Thank you.

    | Carwrapsolutions

  • Hi Quick question on SEO & product pages. We're changing suppliers, so discontinuing their range, adding new - but the products will be very similar - almost identical in some cases. I don't want to lose authority built up from current product pages, the only way to reuse these pages is to reuse SKUs - which we can't do. If I am redirecting these pages to new products which are similar, I know page authority will be passed - so is this the best option? Our links on the website will actually point to the final URL, rather than going through a redirect - if this is the case will it still pass authority? Thank you Becky

    | BeckyKey

  • Hello, We have a new site launched in March, that is ranking well in search for all of the pages, except one and we don't know why. This page it is optimised exactly the same way like the others, but still doesn't rank in Google. We have verified robots.txt for noffollow, noindex tags, we have verified if it was penalized by Google, but still didn't find nothing. Initially we had another site and was on the topic of this page, but we have redirected it to the new one. In case this old site was anytime in the past penalized by Google, could it be possible that the new page be influenced by this? Also, we have another site that ranks on the first position, that targets the same keywords like the page that does not rank. It was the first site we launched, so it is pretty much old, but we do not have duplicate content on them. Maybe Google doesn't like the fact that both target the same keywords and chooses to display only the old site? Please help us if you have any ideas or have been through such thing. Thank you!

    | daniela.pirlogea

  • I indexed a new page last week and it ranked 1st The page is still live, still registering sessions in analytics, registering activity in search console Why is it no longer present for the keyword in ranked first for on Friday?

    | Jacksons_Fencing

  • I have content sitting on a site here - - domain authority 25 page authority 18 - the pages went live three months ago and the website was launched 18 months. We now have the option to use a brand new domain Which is the better option to stick with the as it is a larger multiple topic site that should attract more links or to start a new single topic site which google may view as the better source as it is dedicated to the topic? Thanks

    | Kate_team_DM

  • Hello, A few years ago I have "inherited" a website about a particular touristic area in Italy (the Langhe region) called The website is very well positioned, the domain has been registered in '97 and the overall SEO performance is pretty good (it ranks in the top #3 positions for all the main search queries in our niche). We are currently redesigning the whole thing, and one of the idea was to change the domain (and the name) of the website from to (which we already registered). The reasons behind this decision are the following (most important first): Google prefer brands over keywords and "Langhe" is just a keyword LoveLanghe looks more memorable and "marketable" than just All our social presence is branded already as LoveLanghe (they were created years back under this name - I don't know why) We will do our due diligence work (301 everything, domain change in Search Console etc. etc.) but I'm still kind of worried that we will lose some ranking. So my question(s) are: do you think it's a good idea to change the domain when ranking is good and original domain is so old? how much ranking (approximately) are we going to lose? Thanks in advance 🙂 Best

    | Enrico_Cassinelli

  • I have an existing ecommerce site, on a Yahoo platform. I have recently started a different site on the Magento platform with substantially/almost entirely the same products and categories. For various reasons, I won't be ready to do a 301 redirect to the new domain for about another 8 months. I have 4 questions: Is it a good idea to use canonical tags in the meantime? Is there a way to know if the is cannibalization between the sites? They rank for different keywords. Will I lose all traffic and rankings for the Yahoo site if I go the canonical route? If I remove the canonical tags at a later point, will the ranking and traffic of the Yahoo site come back? Thanks in advance for your advice.

    | Kevin_Hatanian

  • I can't figure this out. For a number of search terms that I compete for, there are competitors that rank below me, but their pages are featured in a rich snippet.  I wanted to see what kind of structured data these sites are providing, thinking maybe there's something I can learn.  But when I run these URLs through Google's Structured Data Testing Tool, it tells me these pages contain no structured data! So how is it that Google think's my page is more relevant (I rank higher) and I have structured data, but Google chooses to feature a different page?  Does anyone have ideas on how I can snag these rich snippets for myself?

    | AlexLenhoff

  • Main Page:
    Duplicate Page: 1. My page was getting indexed properly in 2015 as:
    2. Redesigning done in Aug 2016, a new URL pattern surfaced for my pages with parameter "products-handler"
    3. One of my product landing pages had got 301-permanent redirected on the "products-handler" page
    4. This redirection was appearing until Nov 2016.
    5. I took over the website in 2017, the main page was getting indexed and deindexed on and off.
    6. This June it suddenly started showing an index of this page ""
    7. These "products-handler.php" pages were creating sitewide internal duplicacy, hence I blocked them in robots.
    8. Then my page (Main Page: got totally off the Google index Q1) What could be the possible reasons for the creation of these pages?
    Q2) How can 301 get placed from main to duplicate URL?
    Q3) When I have submitted my main URL multiple times in Search Console, why it doesn't get indexed?
    Q4) How can I make Google understand that these URLs are not my preferred URLs?
    Q5) How can I permanently remove these (products-handler.php) URLs? All the suggestions and discussions are welcome! Thanks in advance! 🙂

    | Ishrat-Khan

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a non-profit client that defends wildlife and public lands in the western US. The huge website is currently not responsive so we are working on that. In the meantime, we will be making the Action pages (such as Donations, Sign Petition, Get Newsletter) pages responsive. This will be housed under a new domain. My question is, what are SEO best practices for doing this? Does it negatively impact SEO to have a visitor "booted" from a site to a second secure site? Does Google know that the Donation site is in fact fulfillment and is linked to the original site? Also, what about domain implications? Is it best to have the name of the non-profit in the domain or sub, like this: Thanks everyone!

    | CalamityJane77

  • I have a UK-based client, with a global product,  who wants his website optimised for the same keywords in Google US and Google UK. Should I treat this as two separate jobs in any way or does it make no difference? I'm particularly wondering about link building and onsite optimisation

    | markwes

  • Hi everyone, We have a new content marketing site that allows anyone to publish checklists. Each checklist is being indexed by Google, but Google is not storing a cached version of any of our checklists. Here's an example: Missing Cache: Why is this happening? How do we fix it? Is this hurting the SEO of our website.

    | Checkli

  • Hey Mozzers, Please Help! My new client has a blogger who is writing a multi-part series for them and releasing one part each week. Each part is about 500 words. I know that longer, in depth content generally provides better user signals like "dwell time" and even social shares....but i have to balance this with the fact that the client wants to publish one new post a week for SEO and to give users a reason to come back to the website. Should i just wait a while and combine the posts, using a 301 to redirect all the small posts to the big one? Thanks in advance, Nails

    | matt.nails

  • Hi i want to rank for the keyword "white sandals" on Google Australia. Currently, the top 5 ranking pages are not optimised and specific to white sandals. See screenshot: To rank for this keyword, would you create a page dedicated to white sandals even though it looks like it doesn't matter and you could rank the broader sandals page (not colour specific). Any recommendations? Cheers.

    | crazy4seo78

  • Hello Experts, For my Ecommerce site previously I was showing products at category pages i.e. first all subcategories name after that list all products of all subcateogries. That also approx per category 500 products via load more feature. My query is now I am planning to show products only at Product Listing Page and not on Category pages so what will be SEO impact and how google will treat this? Thanks!

    | Johny12345

  • Hello,  Do these meta tags have any current usage? <meta name="author" content="Author Name"><meta name="publisher" content="Publisher Name"> I have also seen this usage linking to a companies Google+ Page:Thank you

    | srbello

  • Ive had a bit of a dilemma whether to go for a full ecommerce site or having a seperate shop section.  My main goal is to push our installation services so Ive decided to go with the latter option.  The main categories will be focused solely on Installation services and then Ill have a seperate category which will take the customer to where well have our products for them to buy and fit themselves.  The only issue I see is that Im going to have two pages competing against each other.  Theyll both have different content but one will be focusing on us installing a particular product and the other will focus on the customer buying it to fit themselves.  Will it make things more difficult to rank or wont it make a difference?

    | paulfoz1609

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