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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Just wondering if this was strong enough signal to search engines that we don't need to write a 301 rule in .htaccess.

    | KevinBudzynski

  • We have several vanity domains that forward to various pages on our primary domain.
    e.g. (301)--> (200) These forwards have been in place for months or even years and have worked fine.  As of yesterday, we have seen the following problem.  We have made no changes in the forwarding settings. Now, inconsistently, they sometimes resolve and sometimes they do not.  When we load the vanity URL with Chrome Dev Tools (Network Pane) open, it shows the following redirect chains, where xxxxx represents a random 5 character string of lower and upper case letters.  (e.g. VGuTD) EXAMPLE:                                  (302, Found) -->                        (302, Found) -->                        (302, Found) -->               (302, Found) --> (404, Not Found) This is just one example, the amount of redirects, vary wildly.  Sometimes there is only 1 redirect, sometimes there are as many as 5. Sometimes the request will ultimately resolve on the correct, but usually it does not (as in the example above). We have cross-checked across every browser, device, private/non-private, cookies cleared, on and off of our network etc...   This leads us to believe that it is not at the device or host level. Our Registrar is Godaddy.  They have not encountered this issue before, and have no idea what this 5 character string is from.  I tend to believe them because per our analytics, we have determined that this problem only started yesterday. Our primary question is, has anybody else encountered this problem either in the last couple days, or at any time in the past?  We have come up with a solution that works to alleviate the problem, but to implement it across hundreds of vanity domains will take us an inordinate amount of time.  Really hoping to fix the cause of the problem instead of just treating the symptom.

    | SS.Digital

  • Is the time it takes to rank keyword dependant ? in other word does it take more time for a page to rank on a keyword that has 5000 request a month than for a page to rank on a keyword that has 50 requests a month ?

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi There, In our company, we never had AMP implemented on sites that we SEO for. We want to start doing that now. I know the basics of AMP and their requirements, however, I need to know a lot more about it from an  SEO perspective of this before I actually get developers onto it. I want to know all the  1) risks involved, 2) the best ways to implement it (plugin etc.), 3) why it is worth it. I also want to know how to see if a developer knows what he is talking about - and really will do it the right way without messing me up? Are there any specific questions I should ask, or information he should be aware of? Also, is there a way for it it be done for pages that have more than just text like quote forms, sliding headers etc.? Should we only do it for the blog section of our site? I would greatly appreciate any links to additional resources on this topic, (not why to use AMP, but everything else) I greatly appreciate you taking the time to answer my question

    | Ruchy

  • I know that descriptive image file names are important for SEO. But how important is it to include .png, .jpg, .gif (or whatever file extension) in the url path? i.e. vs. Furthermore, since you can set the filename in the Content-Disposition response header, is there any need to include the descriptive filename in the URL path? Since I'm pulling most of our images from a database, it'd be much simpler to not care about simulating a filename, and just reference an image id in my templates. Example: 1. Browser requests GET /images/123456
    2. Server responds with image setting both Content-Disposition, and Link (canonical) headers Content-Disposition: inline; filename="golden-retriever"
    Link: <https: 123456="""" images="">; rel="canonical"</https:>

    | dsbud

  • I need help - I'm trying to boost the rankings of a competitive category page - Leather Office Chairs First I'm thinking I need earned links - but for something like leather office chairs thinking of interesting, unique content people would love to read & share is proving difficult. I am struggling - can anyone help?!

    | BeckyKey

  • I hired a company to redesign our website.there are many pages like the example below that we are downsizing content by 80%.(believe me, not my decision)Current page: page (on test server): question to you is, that 80% of content that i am losing in the redesign, can i republish it as a blog?I know that google has it indexed. The old page has been live for 5 years, but now 80% of it will no longer be live. so can it be a blog and gain new (keep) seo value?What should i do with the 80% of content i am losing?

    | CamiloSC

  • Hi there! We are in the process of transitioning to a faster platform, and we recently moved a subset of URLs over. The subset that moved over saw a drop. We didn't change the URL pattern, or the content. The only thing that is different is the new platform. Here's a link to one of the URLs that is currently served from the new platform: And, here is an example of a URL currently served from the older platform: Any ideas why the newer platform is seeing a decline in organic traffic?

    | nicole.healthline

  • We migrated 4 days ago to https and followed best practices..
    In search console now still 80% of our sitemaps appear as "pending" and among those sitemaps that were processed only less than 1% of submitted pages appear as indexed? Is this normal ?
    How long does it take for google to index pages from sitemap? 
    Before https migration nearly all our pages were indexed and I see in the crawler stats that google has crawled a number of pages each day after migration that corresponds to number of submitted pages in sitemap. Sitemap and crawler stats show no errors.

    | lcourse

  • We have a ton of ugly parameter urls that are coming up in google, in semrush, etc. What do we do with them? I know they can cause issues. EX

    | stldanni

  • Hey All. I have a client whose ecommerce site is build in Webjaguar. Does anyone have experience with this platform. It appears to be loaded with technical SEO challenges (duplicate content, weird URLs, etc). Interestingly, when I Google "webjaguar SEO challenges" and things like that....nothing comes up. Suspicious, methinks. I appreciate any thoughts from SEO folks. Thanks!

    | JBMediaGroup

  • I am about to implement AMP  and structured data markup on my site which one should be done first?

    | Leebi

  • Hi Is my faceted navigation bad for SEO?! example: Thanks  🙂

    | BeckyKey

  • We purchased a keyword rich domain name to use with an existing website. What is the best way to use this domain? Below are some thoughts, I welcome any input. Use this domain as an add-on to the main domain, but only have it load one page off the main domain? Would that cause duplicate content issues? Create a single static page of content for the domain (separate from main domain) Redirect domain to page on master domain, would we loose any benefits of the keyword rich domain? Thank you!

    | idlwebinc

  • This is quite advanced so maybe Rand can give me an answer? I often have seen questions surrounding a 301 chain where only 85% of the link juice is passed on to the first target and 85% of that to the next one, up to three targets. But how about a canonical chain? What do I mean by this:? I have a client who sells lighting so I will use a real example (sans domain) I don't want 'new-product' pages appearing in SERPS. They dilute link equity for the categories they replicate and often contain identical products to the main categories and subcategories. I don't want to no index them all together I'd rather tell Google they are the same as the higher category/sub category. (discussion whether a noindex/follow tag would be better?) If I canonicalize new-products/ceiling-lights-c1/kitchen-lighting-c17/kitchen-ceiling-lights-c217 to /ceiling-lights-c1/kitchen-lighting-c17/kitchen-ceiling-lights-c217 I then subsequently discover that everything in kitchen-ceiling-lights-c217 is already in /kitchen-lighting-c17 and I decide to canonicalize those two - so I place a /kitchen-lighting-c17 canonical on /kitchen-ceiling-lights-c217. Then what happens to the new-products canonical? Is it the same rule - does it pass 85% of link equity back to the non new-product URL and 85% of that back to the category? does it just not work? or should I do noindexi/follow Now before you jump in: Let's assume these are done over a period of time because the obvious answer is: Canonicalize both back to /ceiling-lights-c1/kitchen-lighting-c17 I know that and that is not what I am asking. What if they are done in a sequence what is the real result? I don't want to patronise anyone but please read this carefully before giving an answer. Regards Nigel Carousel Projects.

    | Nigel_Carr

  • Hey fam. So I'm a content creator and halfway SEO for a Locksmith company here in Oregon. As probably a lot of you know, the Locksmith industry is known for being super spammy. This company was no different. In 2009 they had like 50 urls for 5 metros. All ranking on page one or close. Well, when I came on I helped them clean up this mess and get honest. It's been quite a journey but we have 301'd almost every Url back to their one and only brand domain. We use wp-engine (whom I love) and we have never had an issue redirecting anything. But last week, we were finally ready to redirect one of their highest ranking domains back to a proper landing page on the main site. Everything looked clean and we were literally ranking number one in that metro. Then we get this email: | Hello Meier, Your SSL/TLS certificate order for had a domain validation error, so we could not successfully set up your certificate for lpibend. The most common cause for this error is that your domain is not pointed to the correct WP Engine install or IP address. To fix this error and prevent it in the future, we recommend using a CNAME record for your domain instead of an A record. If you have further questions about configuring your domain, please start a chat in the User Portal and a support tech will be glad to help. | and the next day we just disappeared from all rankings. I called wp-engine, they said they fixed a problem with the cdn the ssl. I requested reindexing in search console. Is there anything else I can do? How long should we expect to be out of the game? Thank you so much gang, it's pretty embarring to have this happen, I can't even begin to explain how livid they are with me.

    | Meier

  • Hi Guys, We are looking to purchase a .ag domain for a agriculture website, we want to target two countries Australia (primary) and United States. So the main site e.g. (will target Australia) While the sub-folder will target the United States From my understanding through after reading this: .ag is for countries Antigua and Barbuda. So i was wondering can you even geo-target to Aus or even the sub-folder to United States in search console? Any advice would be very much appreciated! Cheers.

    | bridhard8

  • I see this strangely formatted image URLs on websites time and again - is this an issue - I imagine it isn't best practice but does it make any difference to SEO? Thanks in advance, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • A client implemented hreflang tags in the site header. MOZ says you aren't supposed to do an hreflang Sitemap as well. My question is how should I do a Sitemap now (or should I do one at all)?

    | navdm

  • If a page is never used as an entry page to your website -- in other words it's an obscure, relatively unimportant page that never ranks high enough in the search engines to be in the first few pages of the search results for any significant number of searches --  does editing the META Description really have any significant benefit? I guess the question could also be phrased as, does the Google Search Algo factor in the META Description tag, or is it only used for display purposes on the search results and doesn't affect ranking?

    | SeoJaz

  • We want to start a blog or forum (maybe eventually both) and are unsure what is the best way to publish it from an SEO standpoint. If the blog is published on our domain, like then that obviously helps the site but if the base site is a for-profit business wouldn't it get less credibility, eyeballs, links as opposed to if you started the blog as it's own separate community on a separate domain and then just strategically linked to the for profit site (sponsorship links)? Essentially the question is, if I'm the Lucky Soday Company, do I start a Blog on the Lucky Soda website, or do I start a separate website to grow a soft drink enthusiast community blog / forum? I would guess a blog has more SEO potential than a discussion forum?

    | MrSem

  • Hello, I have a question regarding the snippet of a specific case: When i search the homepage by searching the business name, i find the correct snippet of the homepage (with the meta description that was entered). If i search it via site:www. it still show the default meta description. Has anybody had experience with this? Is there a way to change the snippet of site:www.? Does it influence SEO? Thank you!

    | conversal

  • Hello, On my website I have button coded this way (it is automatic in my wordpress template) Can google pass PR and anchor text thru that or would a basic text link be better ?

    | seoanalytics

  • Anyone doing SEO for a local business ever tried to do an A/B test between city name in title and not in title? Seems that if you have a Google Places for Business Listing and have correct NAP on your web pages, Google places heavy importance already on that when determining geographic relevance in their algo. As a business expands, maybe not that far from their original service area but starts to offer services in other nearby cities some of which may be as big of a population as the city the business is located in, it seems to make less and less sense to put city names in the title if not for the basic reason of making the title too long. But what if your primary area is basically three cities and including them pushed your title to say, 90 characters.  How much does city name in the title tag matter when you are already coming up the local 3-pack map listing on search results for the relevant cities?

    | MrSem

  • For a new B2B service we have identified websites that we would like to make aware of our service.
    There are about 1000 websites for which it was not possible to retrieve emails, and where we need to do the outreach using the websites contact pages. Do you know of any tools that save time or outsource companies specialized in such a service? We do not want to fully automize the process but a human should do a visual check that form is properly filled. What I imagine could save time would be tools that already load from a list of URLs the next pages already in the background  of the browser and good autoform fillers. Any recommendations?

    | lcourse

  • Hello, I have an unsual challenge I would appriciate some feedback from the community. I have been managing the digital marketing for a UK franchise for around three years. My approach has been to try and keep to the priciple of one microsite per franchisee - listing only the serviced locations once as appropriate. Now this franchise has been aquired by a US company and a new marketing manager for the US company is overseeing the site - why I am still involved is unkown and is a matter of time I supsect. This marketing 'guru' is clearly blackhat and is pushing agaisnt my eithical, brand driven approach in favor of creating landing pages for pretty much every location. I can see from the other brands he manages - this has been his approach --- boiler plate content and fake addresses (complete with schema markeup) for every location and and additional websites per actual valid location (so 2x listings per term for same brand) My question is how do I go about combating this - or is it a lost cause? I feel responsible for the success of the franchisees. Thanks in advance. Steve

    | goodersuk

  • Hi, I’m working with a client that is building a job board website. We want to have the ability to show search results in Google that show job results for a specific area. For example, “Office Administrator Jobs in Chicago” or “Marketing Assistant Positions in Cleveland”. How can we go about setting this up? Do I need to create a separate landing page for each of these exact searches? Or can this be done with a taxonomy or the job search function? This is a WordPress built website and we're using the Yoast SEO plugin. Any help would be appreciated!

    | cslingerland

  • Hi Guys, I am preparing for a pretty standard site migration. Small business website moving to a new domain, new branding and new cms. Pretty much a perfect storm. Right now the new website is being designed and will need another month, however the client is pretty antsy to get her new brand out over the web. We cannot change the current site, which has the old branding. She wants to start passing out business cards and hang banners with the new domain and brand. However, I don't want to be messing with any redirects and potentially screw up a clean migration from the old site to the new. To be specific, she wants to redirect the new domain to the current domain and then when the new site, flip the redirect. However, I'm a little apprehensive with that because a site migration from the current to the new is already so intricate, I don't want to leave any possibility of error. I'm trying to figure out the best solution, these are 2 options I am thinking of: DO NOT market new domain. Reprint all Marketing material and wait until new domain is up and then start marketing it. (At cost to client) Create a one pager on new domain saying the site is being built & have a No Follow link to the current site. No redirects added. Just the no follow link. I'd like option 2 so that the client could start passing out material, but my number one concern is messing with any part of the migration. We are about to submit a sitemap index to Google Search Console for the current site, so we are just starting the site migration. What do you guys think?

    | Khoo

  • I have an FAQ database setup on my site and there's about 30 questions in 6 categories so 5 questions per category which is a pretty good page size for one category.  I'm trying to determine the best strategy for publishing them from both a user and SEO standpoint. From a user standpoint, I want to have one page per category.  Dumping them into a page with all 30 questions is not user-friendly and some categories are very unrelated to others.  I should note that Google did already index a page that does have all the questions on it, but I was just planning on changing that page to just have 6 links to each of the category pages so then I don't have to bother with 301 redirect or removing the pages in the site's Search Console. There's also an option to to link the questions for the entire FAQ or from the category list to one page with just that question and answer. So my thinking at this point is to as I said, just change the page that has all 30 questions to a list of the categories and link to category pages having the questions for that category and disable the individual question pages. Or would it be beneficial from an SEO page to have google index the individual question pages and link back to the category page and put a canonical tag on the category pages?  In other words the question then becomes, index the category pages or index the individual question pages? The other issue is the answers for some of the questions are lengthy, multiple paragraphs, and the FAQ has the option to have a hide/unhide feature on the answers so you can easily see all the questions first then expand the answers on the ones you are interested in.  However I thought I heard Google discounts (doesn't ignore) content that is by default hidden on page load.  I guess this would then give a reason for going with the indexing of the individual question pages.  But it seems to me, you can't put the canonical tag on the category pages and point it to the individual question page.  And if you put the canonical tag on the individual question page linking it to the category page, then the individual page won't necessarily get indexed will it?

    | MrSem

  • Hey all, Quick question about taxonomies and sitemap settings. On our e-commerce site, we noindex product tags and post tags. Under the "Taxonomies" settings in Yoast I'm seeing taxonomies such as Product Color (pa_color). Would it be wise to remove such taxonomies from our sitemap if we already include product colors, attributes, etc. in our page titles and product descriptions? Thanks in advance, Andrew

    | mostcg

  • We migrated to HTTPS in June 2017, so why would I still be seeing a bit of traffic in our HTTP property in Google Search Console? QyqQ2

    | catbur

  • Hi The company I work for are planing to re-brand & come under our parent company name. This means the whole site will be moved to a new domain. Does anyone have any experience with this and can give me some useful docs to read/any advice? Thank you!

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi all, Need some expertise here: We recently (3 months ago) launched a newly updated site with the same domain. We also added an SSL and dropped the www (with proper redirects). We went from to I joined the company about a week after launch of the new site. All pages I want indexed are indexed, on the sitemap and submitted (submitted in July but processes regularly). When I check everything is there, but so are pages from the old site that are not on the sitemap. These do have 301 redirects. I am finding our non-product pages are ranking with no problem (including category pages) but our product pages are not, unless I type in the title almost exactly. We 301 redirected all old urls to new comparable product, or if the product is not available anymore to the home page. For better or worse, as it turns out and prior to my arrival, in building the new site the team copied much of the content (descriptions, reviews, etc) from the old site to create the new product pages. After some frustration and research I am finding the old pages are still indexed and possibly causing a duplicate content issue. Now, I gather there is supposedly no "penalty", per se, for duplicate content but a page or site will simply not show in the SERPs. Understandable and this seems to be the case. We also sell a lot of product wholesale and it turns out many dealers are using the same descriptions we have (and have had) on our site. Some are much larger than us so I'd expect to be pushed down a bit but we don't even show in the top 10 pages...for our own product. How long will it take for Google to drop the old and rank the new as unique? I have re-written some pages but much is technical specifications and tough to paraphrase or re-write. I know I could do this in Search Console but I don't have access to the old site any longer. Should I remove the 301s a few at a time and see if the old get dropped faster? Maybe just re-write ALL the content? Wait? As a site note, I'm also on a Drupal CMS with a Shopify ecommerce module so maybe the vs is throwing it off with the products(?) - (again the Drupal non-product AND category pages rank fine). Thoughts on this would be much appreciated. Thx so much!

    | mcampanaro

  • The problem is there was redirection between the old branded site and the new one, and now when you type in the name of the old brand, the new one comes up. I have desperately tried to convince this client there is nothing we can do about it, dozens of news articles crop up with the two brands together as this was a hot topic a few years ago, but just in case I missed something I thought I'd ask the community of experts here on Moz. An example for this would be Tyco Healthcare that became covidien in 2007. When you type tyco healthcare, covidien crops up here and there. Any ideas? Thanks!

    | Netsociety

  • Hey guys and happy Monday! We run a content rich website, 12+ years old, focused on travel in a specific region, and advertisers pay for banners/content etc alongside editorial. We have never used 'nofollow' website links as they're no explicitly paid for by clients, but a partner has asked us to make all links to them 'nofollow' as they have stated the way we currently link is damaging their SEO. Could this be true in any way? I'm only assuming it would adversely affect them if our website was peanalized by Google for 'selling links', which we're not. Perhaps they're just keen to follow best practice for fear of being seen to be buying links. FYI we now plan to change to more full use of 'nofollow', but I'm trying to work out what the client is refering to without seeming ill-informed on the subject! Thank you for any advice 🙂

    | SEO_Jim

  • Hi dear experts; I trying to migration to https and follow the guide line that explain how to do it. After redirect 301, I created new property on WMT for ssl version and change the pre address to new one. but as you can see in the attach file, the new property does not appear in the list. the old version of domain is: the new one is : yd9fL

    | seoiransite

  • I am working with a client who migrated their site prior to starting their SEO work with us. In a crawl of broken backlinks, I found some old image files with links. Ideally, I would like to redirect to an appropriate image, but I have no way of knowing what the image was because the page it was on is now dead. Does anyone have a way to identify and handle broken image files from a site that has already been migrated?

    | FPD_NYC

  • Howdy folks. So, here is a dilemma. One of competitors of ours is somehow ranking for a keyphrase "houston chronicle obituaries" without any usage of these keywords on the page, without any full or partial anchor text match ("chronicle" is not used anywhere). The rest of competitiors' rankings make sense. Any ideas?

    | DmitriiK

  • Hello, I want to mark up my site and I don't know if I can markup up 'CEO' for a person if it doesn't say 'CEO'  on my site. In general, does everything that I markup have to be visible on my site? Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. Leebi

    | Leebi

  • We migrated to a new CMS in Feb (put in redirects as needed). Since the migration, organic traffic is down 11% YOY, but direct is up 22%,  FB referrals up 1,000% and PPC up 500%. Page views are up 35%. Should I be worried about the decline in organic traffic?

    | BGR

  • Hi, I have breadcrumbs on my site but wondering if in addition to those I should also add contextual links linking to the same pages ? Or is it necessary to duplicate ? The reason i would be doing this is because contextual links/ editorial is what google likes and I am not sure breadcrumbs counts as much. Thanks,

    | seoanalytics

  • How do I know if i got it by penguin because my external anchor text is over optimised ? I have 80 external links and 22 of those are exact match, could it be the reason why I went from ranking 1 st for years on a keyword to ranking on 2 nd page for about a year now... Do you recommend trying to get new links or asking to change the existing one... I read that google doesn't treat links the same way if you change the anchor text, is it really the case ? For internal links should I also worry about exact match percentage or not ? is it better to have exact match internally or not ? PS : I redid my website in the meantime so it is hard to say where the issue is coming from. Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello, Is the screen shot below considered contextual ?  and does it have any value or no value What is the value on a scale from 0 to 10 (if you know) of a contextual link versus non contextual links. Thank you, mrbQq

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi Guys, I have pages which are 3 levels deep on this site: ** ** They are barely ranking even though we have optimised them with category based content. Now it seems it might be a internal linking issue. Also noticed ahrefs has not visited the URL yet. So we are in the processing of installing breadcrumbs, building links from level 2 categories to level 3 (which is that url above) plus building links from blog to these level 3 pages. Also links are all in the sitemap. Besides that do you see anything else we can do? Cheers.

    | bridhard8

  • Hi we have clients http version of our site verified in our search console but for some reason the https version is not verified, do you usually have to install another HTML tag to do this? Cheers.

    | bridhard8

  • I have images (.jpg's) of products that when you click them redirect you to a .pdf's containing all the products' specs, patterns, colors, etc. These are 302 redirects that open on a different window when clicked on. Is there a way to keep these redirects and maintain SEO optimization? Any advice is appreciated.

    | SuperiorPavers

  • Hi there, I am scratching my head lately and wondering what is the best in order to increase the ranking of my website... I am sure most of you will say a combination of everything but what else... I know that if an influencer (someone who has a important Klout score) writes about you and links to your website is helpful but what about having a link on a webpage like that : is it still worth my time asking for link on those types of webpages (not that they aren't considered spam according to moz spam score) What about having a link in article on the USA today, what is more important, the fact that the usa today writes about you and has a high DA or the person who writes it ? I am in tourism industry and work with hotels is it worth my time contacting hotels I work with for links or see that a hotel page is not related to what I do which is bicycle tours, or am I wasting my time ? Finally, can't I outrank my competitors by just being more relevant in my content than them know I have a DA of already 38...without chasing links and a website that is 10 years old. Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello, I was trying the keyword explore and got some questions : I first used it with all the search terms for the keyword "italy bike tours" and came across terms like this one "tuscany bike tours florence italy" Does it mean I have to include this exact expression in my content or do I just need to include somewhere in my content the words tuscany and florence ? Then I did the same search but this time with closely related keywords and the keyword explorer give me the word "pasticceria" or "tirrenia" are being closely related to the keyword italy bike ... How does the keyword explorer find those words because I don't see how those can be related... If someone could explain that would be awesome. Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

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