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Category: Algorithm Updates

Discuss algorithm updates and impacts.

  • Hi Guys, My site has seen a 25% drop in Google Traffic since Saturday the 24th August 2013. I see it being mentioned here: but not anywhere else really. I want to find out if there is anyone else that has been hit and what it is we have been hit by. Thanks

    | joblife

  • From what I understand, building landing pages to link back to sites is a thing of the past. I am looking for a good article that explains best current landing page practices (post Panda and Penquin). Any suggestions?

    | cschwartzel

  • Hi All, I've recently seen some of my clients experience drops in Does anyone have any info on any algo changes or updates? Thanks Bush

    | Bush_JSM

  • I'm currently using the Yoast Local SEO plugin for WordPress to generate my KML file which is linked to from the GeoSitemap.  Check it out A competitor of mine just told me that this isn't correct and that the link to the KML should be a downloadable file that's indexed in Google.  This is the opposite of what Yoast is saying...  "He's wrong. 🙂  And the KML isn't a file, it's being rendered. You wouldn't want it to be indexed anyway, you just want Google to find the information in there. What is the best way to create a KML?  Should it be indexed?

    | projectassistant

  • Okay, so I work as content manager in the travel industry and we're re-doing our site, pretty much from scratch, including the SEO, anchor text/route url, etc. I am struggling with one particular thing. If all my url's have similar keywords, ie and and so on and so forth for every destination, will using "trip" in the url be seen by Google as keyword stuffing? Should I make my url's more diverse? My gut feeling is no based on all the Moz, Google and other SEO research I've done, because it's all relevant to the content and the user experience, but I'd like to be sure, since we really can't afford to get penalized by Google...again.

    | hpeisach

  • Hello all - I am looking at a website with 8 heavily keyword optimized site-wide links in the footer. Yes, there are only 8 but it looks a bit spammy and I'm tempted to remove them. I imagine there's some possibility of a Google penalty too? What would your advice be? Thanks, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • Hi I was wondering how to check canonicalization when it's not working properly - I am getting redirect from http://www to www but not from non www version to www version of URL) - so, how do I check the type of redirect in place already in the URL? Is there a tool for testing this? Thanks, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • Hi, I've been doing a weekly blog making sure that each blog post contains my money keywords in the text, sometimes in h2 tags etc. My blog posts never contain any links to my actual sales page. Should I link each blog post to my sale page or is it overdoing it? Will internal linking of all my blog posts to my sales page will improve its page authority or have any SEO benefits? What about using exact match anchor text on these internal links? I couldn't find any resource online about this matter. Thank you for your opinion and help! -Marc

    | marcandre

  • I have a client who's Google Organic visits dropped significantly on June 26th.  I used a chart overlay called ChartIntelligence.  It says that there was an SEOF update on 6/26/2013.  Does anyone know what this update (or any other updates) would be?  Also, where might I find additional info on this update. I did notice that Moz's algo change tracker listed a multi-week update on June 27, but I'm not sure where to find info on what types of things were impacted by this update.  Any info would be helpful.

    | TopFloor

  • Hello - my developer has just put a test site up on Google which duplicates my existing site (main url is and he's put it up on "...I’ve added /test/ to the disallowed urls in robots.txt" is how he put it. So all the site URLs are content replicated and live on Google with /test/ added so he can block them in robots. In all other ways the test site duplicates all content, etc (until I get around to making some tweaks next week, that is). Is this a bad idea or should I be OK. Last thing I want is a duplicate content or some other Google penalty just because I'm tweaking an existing website! Thanks in advance, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • Hello Mozzers! I'm working on a holiday accommodation website and there's an accessibility statement at the bottom of each of the (50 odd) accommodation types on offer. This only comes up on the page (the text extends on the same page as the accommodation type) when you click the button (although it's there in the HTML at all times!). My other concern is might this "hidden until button pressed" semi-hidden text be seen as potentially manipulative by Googlebot, although it isn't!

    | McTaggart

  • Hi - Early last year we activated Authorship Photo which remained in SERP till Nov'12... However, post that the Authorship Photo is not showing, neither the schema rating tags are showing in Search engines We tried a lot by changing lot of hits and tries, still to no avail.. We have written to google twice for it (they had a link for which author whose photo now showing after everything is right can send site links )- but to no avail.... The Rich snippet shows Authorship Photo, Schema rating. Even, Google custom search on our own site own page showing it... However, this does not translated into any of these shown in actual Google Search Engines. Our Site is :- Sample Links of rich snippet Even google custom search showing schema rating tags for searched keywords like :- Ford Ecosport, Tata Nano Diesel .... However, on actual search the schema tags are now shown Can anyone suggest - what am i missing, actually lost on this...... Worse - our SERP are somehow also slowly coming down for some of the main keywords too

    | Modi

  • Moz pro have crawled my site a few times now and is reporting 105 cases of 301 redirect. Looking at some examples IE redirected to only difference i can see is the traling /.... there is nothing set up in webmaster or in the website itself, so how come this and another 104 are being flagged as 301 Appreciate any help or advice Thanks

    | RGOnline

  • Ok, so I am new at "link building"....which of course I have read furiously on how that philosophy is changed, it's a goal, not so much a process. I am focusing on great content, social sharing, etc. BUT, I see competitors still getting links from some of the directories that I have found listed on Moz as being "good" directories to list in. For example, yelllow pages, manta, ibegin, hot frog, etc. Do I have the terminology totally twisted here? Is it still good practice to get a couple links from these directories. Or is this practice completely the wrong thing to do post Panda & Penquin. Thanks guys!

    | cschwartzel

  • I have a page (for a spa) I am trying to fully optimize and, using AdWords have run every conceivable configuration (using Exact Match) to ascertain the optimal phrase to use.  Unfortunately, the term which has come up as the 'best' phrase is "spas in XXX" [xxx represents a location]. When reviewing the data, phrases such as "spas XXX" or "spa XXX" doesn't give me an appropriate search volume to warrant optimizing. So, with that said, do I optimize the page without the word "in", and 'hope' we get the search volume for searches using the word "in", or optimize using the stop word? Any thoughts? Thank you!

    | MarketingAgencyFlorida

  • I'm in the middle of a massive cleanup effort of old duplicate content on my site, but trying to make sure I'm doing enough. My main concern now is a large group of landing pages. For example: And these are just the tip of the iceberg. For now, I've put canonical tags on each sub-page to direct to the main market page (the second two both point to the first, for example). However this situation is in many other cities as well, and each has a main page like the first one above. For instance: Obviously the previous SEO was pretty heavy-handed with all of these, but my question for now is should I even bother with canonical tags for all of the sub-pages to the main pages (medical-space or executive-suites to office-space), or is the presence of all these pages problematic in itself? In other words, should and and all the others have canonical tags pointing to just one page, or should a lot of these simply be deleted? I'm continually finding more and more sub-pages that have used the same template, so I'm just not sure the best way to handle all of them. Looking back historically in Analytics, it appears many of these did drive significant organic traffic in the past, so I'm going to have a tough time justifying deleting a lot of them. Any advice?

    | BoxerPropertyHouston

  • Hello, I found two studies that seem to contradict themselves about PPC vs Organic CTR: Which one is true? Thank you

    | Cornel_Ilea

  • I have a regional careers website on a small seo retainer contract. I manage the google webmaster account and use moz tools to help keep pages finely tuned. The site has been experiencing a phenomena now for about 6 months whereby the SERPS (we work with around 10 keyphrases) are placed in top 5 positions and generate healthy google traffic and will then suddenly vanish. The cycle is roughly 1 - 2 weeks top page, followed by 2 - 3 weeks outside the top 5 pages of google results. I contacted Google via webmaster central to ask for help and they simply confirmed that there were no penalties being applied and it was normal algorithm updates. I manage the seo for 20+ sites and have not seen this phenomenon elsewhere, not since the days of 'google dance' years ago. Has anyone else had this experience ? The SERPS always come back after a couple of weeks but then vanish again after a week or so this cycle has been ongoing for 6 months now and we have eliminated all symptoms we can think of. Your feedback would be much appreciated in this matter.

    | broadshout

  • I've purchased a competitor. They rank well organically for keywords that I target, and I want to optimize the way I get value from their current rankings and traffic (and customers -- we will obviously market to their email/customer list). Which is better: (1) use a 301 redirect for any access to their domain and point it to my home page. I think this would force Google to de-index all of their pages, right? (2) put up a stub page as their homepage that announces the site has been bought, and have a do-follow link to my home page (which maybe is auto-redirected after 10 seconds or something)? Maybe this is better to keep their home page in Google's index for a while? As for option (1), I thought I read somewhere recently that 301'ing a domain to the home page of another domain would no longer pass link juice (?). Maybe I should 301 the newly purchased domain to a sub-page on my site that explains the acquisition and asks them to sign up on my site? Both sites are legit. No spamming happening here; just industry consolidation as one competitor acquires another. Thanks in advance...!

    | scanlin

  • Hey Guys, I am currently creating a website for my business that will be marketing through SEO very heavily. I Live in NYC, and i'd like to rank up for the individual locations such as Queens, Brooklyn, Long Island and eventually if my domain authority and other long hall metrics kick in NYC. What I find very tiring is targeting these locations all separately, it means I need to create the same site 4 times with completely different and unique content. Should this setup work for me, and is there a risk that Google will see 4 web design pages, and basically say even though the content is unique your ranking up for web design with a location too many times? from my understanding this is not a problem now, but is this a future risk? It also becomes extremely difficult for site navigation with about us pages, contact us pages, and other pages that either have to be duplicated or all pages shown on sidebar for navigation. Please share your thoughts with me, THANKS!!!

    | tonyr7

  • Hey, I recently modified my pages to conform more closely to the "A" page rankings for MOZ's on-page report card but saw declines in my keyword rankings. They keywords in question appear in my title tag, description, one image alt tag, either an h1 or h2 tag, and 4 times throughout the text of the document. I don't think MOZ would recommend these changes if it was seen as stuffing - is there any other reason why my rankings might have dropped by 1-4 positions? Also, does anyone know of a good article/book for Yahoo/Bing SEO? My Yahoo & Bing rankings are far below Google's in most cases.  Any help would be appreciated! -Michael

    | Stew222

  • I am working on a new site that uses a .io TLD.  I have just started working to get the domain to rank for its own name. What are some others experience with ranking and SEO for gcctlds?

    | JoshAM

  • This is more of an observation than anything else. Has anyone noticed any strange results in Google News, in terms of very old content hitting page 1?  My example is football, I support Newcastle so keep checking for the latest transfer failure or humiliation.  First page for couple of days is showing old articles (April, May) from the same source rather than the usual spread of tabloid and broadsheet news.

    | MickEdwards

  • Google started featuring "In-Depth Articles" a few days ago.  You can read about them here and here. I have two questions about them... If you already hold a great position in the SERPs.  Let's say your existing article ranks at #2 or #3.   If that article becomes one of the "In-Depth Articles", will it disappear from the #2 or #3 position?   I have lots of content that I could mark as an In-Depth Article, but I don't want to do that if it will pull me out of a hard-earned SERP position. Has anyone seen "In-Depth Articles" that do not have the Schema markup? Thanks!

    | EGOL

  • Its a non profit organization. With acquired in 2006. will be acquired soon. In SEO terms it would make sense for me just to get .com and redirect to the original .org but from the standpoint of 7 year history of is it worth keeping or its irrelevant or not that important or really important. I am in the process of rebuilding the site other than the initial domain home links to other pages do not matter at the moment.  Thanks Mozzies

    | vmialik

  • I've noticed today that Google are not serving my author profile up in the SERPs, last night it was fine but today they've all gone. Could this be due to the release of in-depth articles? Has anyone else who is using rel author/publisher seen their profiles disappear. My pages are still in the same rank position but the information has been reverted to a previous state. I'm in the UK and unsure what determines a Google roll-out in terms of time scale, so I wanted to see if in-depth articles are starting to make their mark in the SERPs in the USA or Canada. Thanks for any input on this question. UPDATE BELOW ** I've decided to update this question with my own possible answer just in case it is helpful to any one. I see today that my Author/Publisher profile have now come back to my pages in SERPs, which I'm happy to see.  I am an avid user of creating annotations in GA for each activity/change I make on my sites. The other day I wanted to test the impact on changing my profile pic to my company's logo identity - so I recorded this in GA as a date point of reference. My pic was changed to the logo and voila it started to appear in search. Why did I do this? Well our logo is a kind of high viz green box and pretty well stands out amongst the 10 blue lines and sponsored ads. I wanted to see if this would attract people's attention - should we not experiment??. For a time it worked but as you will see from my question my profile was essentially removed. Does Google watch out for this? It does not, for instance, serve our logo/profile for web pages where the author and the publisher are the same, meaning the company is the author and the publisher. I can see that Google are requesting that for in-depth articles they would like you to use the schema mark-up for organizational logos for your articles - You will see in this posting quite a lot of discussion on logo size, code location, optimal settings etc. There seems to be a hint that the logo size should be around 50k and 230x230px. So maybe this is the route we need to take in order for your brand's identity to be served with your content. I'll be trying this out on some of my content and wait and see. If anyone else is working on thism trying out new ways to serve their content using schema mark-up it would be great to hear from you. Best David David

    | David-E-Carey

  • HI, We have 3 different subdomains that target completely different industries. - school reviews - healthcare reviews - car reviews Q1: If any of the above subdomains gets demoted or penalized by Google would that affect the other subdomains? Q2: Moving forward with all the new changes in SEO, penalties, etc; would it be wise to utilize 3 subdomains for different industries or should we consider getting separate domains?

    | danialniazi

  • Hi there, I was getting good ranking on some of the 'Divorce' related keywords but after Simon Covell name involved with divorce, I've just noticed that I am pushed back to page 4 today. Page 1 is one full of magazine and newspaper websites, i don't think i can compete with them. Shall I wait and hope that this news will be old and hopefully they won't rank or is there anything I can do bring back my rankings? It was one of our good converting keyword 😞 Thanks

    | Rubix

  • Recently after performing a search I noticed one result in the "7-pack" included several sitelink-type links. It stood out among the others to me, and I was curious if this was schema or perhaps Google playing around with their local results? I'll include a screenshot for an example, any insights or links to articles discussing topic this would be appreciated. Thanks Moz! ASLo4GF

    | Etna

  • Hi - I have a country specific domain (, used it for writing blog articles Now when i go to site settings in Webmaster - the Geo target by default is coming for India, and no option of changing geographic target. Is there any way to let Search Engines know (despite .in domain) that site Geo Location is not country specific, but is meant for users from all across !!

    | Modi

  • My site, Site Builder Report, was started last year. Months 1 - 6 saw modest organic traffic growth.
    Months 6 - 9 saw explosive organic traffic growth.
    Months 9 - 12 have seen a steady decrease in organic traffic. (I've attached a graph for visualizing this) The site has not changed much over this time. In fact, in the last 3 months, I've done two things to try to get organic traffic trending upwards again: Increased the amount of long-form articles on the site (from 1 new article every 3 weeks to 1 new article every week) Fixed approxately 150 five hunded (500) errors in Google Webmaster Tools three weeks ago (converted them to 404s) Neither fix has really been able to change the trend (although perhaps it's too early to tell with the fixing of errors). Does this downtrend warrant concern? It's having significant business effects- would hiring an SEO consultant be the next step for reversing this trend? Any thoughts? GeYyuvA

    | steve_benjamins

  • Hi Peeps, Hope someone can shed a light on this and show a guidance if possible. We are going to move our sites to shopify and shopify's URL's cannot be customized to match exactly like our current URLs. What steps do I need to take so google knows the URL's are changed. Domain will be the same. Thank you in advanced.

    | cemalcebi

  • Hi, I think my website has been penalised. There are too many over optimised anchor text links with our target keyword 'roller banners' in them. People have linked to our site using our company name 'roller banners cheap' (which also contains the keyword used in my anchor text link building) resulting in too many match links. For a couple months now I have; Added fresh content to the website on a weekly basis, alt tagging images, internal linking and generally making each post very useful. Built a few more external good quality links to try to dilute the over optimised anchor text links. Added more content to the home page. At the moment I am trying to rank for cheap roller banners because I am already on page 1 for that and it seems that keyword hasn't been penalised. Can anyone please advise or recommend what I can do to recover from being penalised or help rank the new key word? I am really stuck with this now and would really appreciate the help. Lewis

    | SO_UK

  • In the last 45 days, I am receiving an increasing number of 404 alerts in Google Webmaster Tools. When I audit the notifications, they are not "new" broken links, these are all links that have been pointing to non-existent pages for years that for some reason Google is just notifying me about them. This has also coincided with about a 30% drop in organic traffic from late April to early May. The site is and its been around for a while and the site attracts a fair amount of natural links so in the 2 years I've managed the campaign I've done very little link-building. I'm in the process of setting up redirects for these urls but why is Google now notifying me of years old broken links and could that be one of the reasons for my drop in traffic. My second issue is my I am being notified that I am blocking over 8,000 urls in my Robots file when I am not. I attached a screenshot. Here is a link to a screenshot.

    | CUnet

  • Dear Moz, We have noticed that according to Google Webmaster Tools one of our client sites is ranking very prominently for some of the major key phrases that we are trying to rank them for. However, when we perform a Google search for these queries, our client's content is nowhere to be seen, not even on the 5th page (we logged out of the Google account before performing the test). A long-term manual spam action on our client's site was recently lifted by Google - is it possible that Google Webmaster Tools is providing data about our client's estimated Google rankings, without taking into consideration the penalty of the manual spam action which was taken? Thanks

    | BoomDialogue69

  • If you have a Top ranking for keyword in Google but for Bing and Yahoo you rank considerably lower how do you balance the desire to rank better in Yahoo/Bing with not wanting to damage your Google ranking? Have people found certain on page SEO tactics help one but damage the other? Does anyone else have great Google rankngs for keywords but Bing/Yahoo are mediocre to poor?

    | inhouseninja

  • Hello, I have a news based website so i am creating multiple new posts daily. I changed a lot of the site and got rid of old potentially duplicate content back in feb and had a sharp drop in pages indexed. I know this was because I removed a lot of pages though. However I still have a good 20,000 + pages on my site and my indexing has dropped a further three times since then. From 9,000 to 2,000 a coupe of months ago and then slowly down since April to just 133. It doesn't seem to have affected my search queries yet but surely will if it continues. I am really confused as to how this might happen & how to turn it around. We dont use any dodgy SEO tricks either.

    | luwhosjack

  • Two months - No Articles or Post Published in our blog. Moz shows less organic traffic. i know i could not write - i was sick. organic search and keyword also. total pageviews dropped. DA increased by +3 and then -1 in last update. What should i do.

    | Esaky

  • Many SEO writers and blogs after Google Matt Cutt said, You should not allow no-follow link in Guest Post. What should we do. ? I am allowing Guest post - what they ask in return a do-follow link to their site or blog. other articles or post i wrote about inspiration collected from different source or single portfolio site - i credit them(as blogger - we should respect them). What i am doing right or wrong ? Please advise and help me on this !

    | Esaky

  • How do you set up a region of service in schema.  For instance, we have landing pages for San Francisco and Chicago because we offer our product in these areas.

    | bloomnation

  • We've just taken on a new client who wants to rank well for 'Emergency dentist' related keywords in the London area and they have identified a website that they would like to compete with rankings wise. I've done a backlink analysis with Open Site explorer and it says that the domain only has 2 inbound links? I've also done a who-is lookup and the domain was only registered in December 2012. Any idea why it is ranking so well for 'emergency dentist' 'emergency dentists' 'emergency dentist london' 'dental emergencies' (when searched for in the london area) thanks in advance for any help Marcus

    | dentaldesign

  • When speaking with a client today, he made the comment that he didn't want all of the new content we'd been working to be added to the site all at once for fear that he would get penalized for flooding the site with new content. I don't have any strong data to confirm or refute the claim, is there any truth to it?

    | JordanRussell

  • Hi All, I work for an online appliance retailer and over the past weeks, we've seen a drop in our google SERPs.  This time last year we were ranking in the top 3 for our top converting key terms, but now we are ranking towards the bottom of the first page or even on the top of the second page with the big box stores now dominating for our key terms.  Needless to say traffic for these pages has dropped off considerably. We still have quite a bit of traffic coming in for other key terms, but they don't convert as well. Is anyone else seeing the same thing? If so what are you doing to combat this? Do you have any suggestions? Thank you!

    | airnwater

  • I have just paid a lot of money to have spam back links removed from directories owned by the same person, the links were on pages that were set up for me without me knowing, at the end of each url is my domain name, the links have been removed on the page leaving a directory page with no other links on however the url is still there with my domain name at the end of the url and in each search box is my domain name, I have asked for the pages to be removed altogether as I did say before I paid the money I did not want my domain name on any of his directories, he has come back and said leaving my domain name in the urls is not a problem as far as Google is concerned, can anyone please advise, I can ask for a refund from PayPal, there are over 768 links on different sections of a number of directories. Thank you inadvance.

    | Palmbourne

  • I want to start a new company and have an option to have a long and descriptive domain or buy out the 5 letter Abbreviated domain for $2000. abstract example:  
    V.S. The advantage of the shorter domain is that it is 13 years old.
    so now for the SEO - which one do you think is better? is Exact Match Domain a better thing for SEO or can I get away with a shorter domain? I can buy both, but which one should I build on as the main domain? any advice would be much appreciated, as well as the PROS & CONS of both.

    | NikitaG

  • Hello here, I have question for you. Please, have a look at the attached image from my website analytics which shows the unique visits trend of the last 2 months. What it is interesting is that every Monday Google brings me more traffic than any other day of the week, whereas on Saturdays it gives me the lowest traffic. And looks like that's a pretty regular weekly pattern. Why is Google doing that? What does that mean? Why such a clear and steady pattern? I am eager to know your thoughts about this! CGuULrN.jpg

    | fablau

  • Hi everybody, I want to put on my websites the rel="author" to appear in google search with the image of g+ of my profile. Does anyone have statistics or case history on the effects (positive or negative) that this can have on the CTR? Logically I think it should increase CTR, but I'm not sure that is the case for all sectors. Tnks in advance for your answers

    | BizonwebItaly

  • Hello Mozzers! I currently have a WordPress blog on a subdomain that I'd like to redirect to a subdirectory. Unfortunately, the CMS that I am on will not allow me implement a rewrite rule because we do not have access to the server (It's on Shopify, which is a fully hosted solution). If we set up a 301 from to, will all my link juice be preserved? Or is it better just to keep it on the subdomain for now? I'd like to avoid importing all my content into Shopify's native blog, if I can, just because we may be moving to another CMS shortly. Thank you in advance! -Alima Team

    | okatieo

  • The Scenario:
    Currently one of my clients has 7-8 products that they sell on their website. For each product they have two different pages one with the product info and one with a video demo. So the pages began to split their authority as they began receiving new links. Since only one of the two pages for each product rank i suggested that we combine the two and redirect the video page to the product page to increases it's authority and rank. The Clients Response:
    After explaining my reasoning and next steps the client mentioned that he thought a site's size was a ranking factor. I had never heard of this before so i told them i would do some research to prove my point, after a little digging around i am now even more confused. The Question:
    Does a websites size/amount of content indexed in Google actually effect your sites ability to rank? I look forward to everyones feedback, thanks Kyle

    | kchandler

  • Hello ! I was wondering if it's still a good idea to let a do-follow link on the bottom of agency released websites. Because they obvisouly come from different websites with no link with a web marketing agency. Do we have to keep them in the footer in no-follow ? If we do so, how to get some link juice from the different websites ? It sounds a bit stupid but one of my partners went from PR7 to PR5 recently. I guess Penguin 2.0 did not like all its links from its customers' website. Tks a lot !

    | AymanH

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