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Category: Algorithm Updates

Discuss algorithm updates and impacts.

  • After searching around on the web for a while I couldn't find any case studies or interesting posting about Google's new feature to highlight structured data. In Google Webmaster Tools you can now tag your products to be displayed as structured data in Google's search results. Two questions that rose immediately: 1. What effect will Google's new Data Hightlighter for products have on your SEO? Can we expect better CTR's for productspage results in Google? Better conversion rates perhaps? Any case studies that show KPI improvements after using structured data for products? 2. I would love to see some examples in the search results to see what productpages would look like after Data Highlighting it. Your thoughts or input about this subject will be much appreciated.

    | SDIM

  • Especially Restaurant and Hospitality marketers, have you changed your SEO or (as in my case much of my) overall online strategy for your Hospitality Clients after Carousel? Carousel's functionality as a SERP is so different that it does seem to have larger implications for businesses that will be presented in this SERP format. Now rather than one click to a client's website where you have much more control over the experience, Carousel will create more clicking and comparison shopping within the SERP. Clicking on a Thumbnail in Carousel doesn't click through to the business' website, instead it now returns a new SERP with a search phrase on the business name. As a result, things like online ratings sites (Yelp, Urbanspoon, etc) are much more relevant to the client's overall digital presence. Hence in many cases the need on the part of clients for more digital marketing services. And while on first blush, it appear to potentially be a negative for SEO and a boon to other disciplines, I am currently of the belief that this raises the stakes for SEO for restaurants in competitive markets immeasurably. All of the Carousel SERPs that I've seen have been limited to two panels of horizontal thumbnails. If your restaurant doesn't appear in those results, you're much less likely to have online traffic turn into real world traffic. Interested to hear the input of the community, especially those that specialize in Hospitality Marketing.

    | JohnVanDekker

  • Hi there. I have the luxury of launching a few sites after the penguin and panda updates, so I can start from scratch and hopefully do it right. I will get SEO companies to help me with this so i just want to ask for advices on what would be a good strategies for a brand new site. my understand of the new updates is this content and user experience is important, like how long they spend, how many pages etc social media is important. we intent to engage FB and twitter alot. in New Zealand, not too many people use google+ so we will probbaly just concentrate on the first two hopefully we will try to get people to share our website via social media, apparent that is important should only concentrate on high quality backlinks with a good diverse set of alt tags, but concentrate on branding rather than keywords. Am i correct to say that so far? if that is the principle, what would be the strategy to implement these goals? Links to any articles would also be great please. Love learning. i just want to do this right and hopefully try to future proof the sites against updates as possible. i guess quality content and links will most likely to be safe. Thank you for your help.

    | btrinh

  • When is next google Pagerank update is expected to arrive.
    I know it takes one month to one year for Google to update it but I know many people sitting here at Moz know some secrets for sure.

    | csfarnsworth

  • So, I am using Wordpress and the seo by yoast.....  I have heard that meta keywords and descriptions are no longer recognized or used by search engines with respect to page rankings in the serps.  Is this true?  If so, why do people still recommend using these?  I thought content is  king these days?

    | APICDA

  • Hi, My website was effected in the recent google updates. I have a feeling that this was due to the bad links. I have analyzed all my existing links and either I am removing the bad links or disavow the links. 1. When can I see the effect / results of this activity.

    | adiez1234

  • I own a site called After months and months we still have a serious issue with all pages having blocked URLs according to Google Webmaster Tools. The 404 errors are returning  a 200 header code according to the email below.  Do you agree that the 404.php code should be changed?  Can you do that please ? The current state: Google webmaster tools Index Status shows: 26,000 pages indexed 44,000 pages blocked by robots. In late March, we implemented a change recommended by an SEO expert and he provided a new robots.txt file, advised that we should amend sitemap.xml and other changes.  We implemented those changes and then setup a re-index of the site by google.  The no of blocked URLs eventually reduced in May and June to 1,000 for a few days – but now the problem has rapidly returned. The no of pages that are displayed in a google search request of where the query was ‘’ is 37,000: This new site has been re-crawled over last 4 weeks. About the site This is a Linux php site and has the following: 55,000 URLs in sitemap.xml submitted successfully to webmaster tools robots.txt file has been modified several times: Firstly we had none Then we created one but were advised that it needed to have this current content: User-agent: * Disallow: Sitemap:

    | socialgrowth

  • Hi guys - this question isnt strictly SEO its more of a programming one. I am currently building a directory with a number of different retail shops listed there. At the moment I have google map installed there but I have to drag and drop the pin - rather than google searching the address I input and putting it in themselves automatically. Can anyone point me to documentation on how to get this to word properly? Whether or not I can get the above to work aside - could someone tell me how to use the google drop pin to get the co-ordinates and and correctly add them into the page header? Finally - I want to geotag all images on the page with the same coordinates as the droppin too (as the pictures are taken on premises). Can anyone recommend software that might be able to do this en mass automatically? Thanks in advance Alex

    | socialgrowth

  • Hello Mozers; I am having an issue, my client has 10K pages on their site; in WP, and they have a classified section. Question #1: I am asking, what's better for seo, NOINDEX, or INDEX, for their Classified section. They currently have no SEO plug ins, that fix their errors, and warnings. Question #2: My question is also, do I want the Categories crawled, or INDEXED or NOINDEX? Check out their Campaign results by Moz: Title Element Too Long (> 70 Characters) 32 Too Many On-Page Links 9,032 Missing Meta Description Tag 6,234

    | smstv

  • Hi everyone, I am looking here and I don't fully understand. Could someone please explain, step by step, what I have to do to optimize for Google video search? I.e. Step 1 do this Step 2 do this. I don't fully understand Thank you!

    | jhinchcliffe

  • Dear Moz Community, Our site - publishes a high volume of daily sport stories and aims to follow Google's Webmaster Guidelines, yet our pages don't appear anywhere in Google's SERP's. We've looked in details at the issue and think it could be something to do with: a) Unusual links or b) High page loading time or c) Too many on-page links If you could have a look at the site - - and give your professional opinion as to why our website is not appearing in SERP's, we would be most appreciative. SDN

    | BoomDialogue69

  • Hi guys, Just a simple one really. Our in house company has seen a significant improvement in rankings and traffic over the weekend period for 4-5 classified niche sites. However, so far there seems to be little out there in the blogosphere. I did find this article by Barry Schwartz, and it seems some on WMW agree: Has anyone else seen signs of an algorithm update around the 14th July? Cheers. (UK)

    | Sayers

  • I perform Google searches every single day, sometimes several times in a day. These searches have nothing to do with being a marketer--they're simply as a consumer, researcher, person who needs a question answered, or in other words: a typical person. For about the past month or so, I have been unsuccessful at finding what I'm looking for on the first try EVERY SINGLE TIME. Yes, I mean it--every single time. I'm left either going all the way to the third page, clicking dozens of results and retuning to the SERPs, or having to start over with a differently worded query. This is far too often to be a coincidence. Has this been happening to anymore else? I know there was a recent significant algorithm update, right? I always look at algorithm updates through the eyes of an SEO, but I'm currently looking at it through the eyes for an average searcher, and I'm frustrated! It's been like trying to find something on Bing!

    | UnderRugSwept

  • Is there a new algo update happening now with Google? I am seeing a big change in the SERP's for many keywords over the past two days.

    | bgs

  • Hi all We're trying to increase our efforts in ranking for our keywords on Bing, and I'm discovering a few unexpected challenges. Namely, Bing is reporting 16000+ pages have been crawled... yet a search on Bing shows less than 1000 results. I'm aware that Duane Forrester has said they don't want to show everything, only the best. If that's the case, what factors must we consider most to encourage Bing's engine to display most if not all of the pages the crawl on my site? I have a few ideas of what may be turning Bing off so to speak (some duplicate content issues, 301 redirects due to URL structure updates), but if there's something in particular we should monitor and/or check, please let us know. We'd like to prioritize 🙂 Thanks!

    | brandonRT

  • Have you ever heard that upgrading vBulletin forum software from 3.8 to 4.2 will kill SEO ratings/rank?

    | MSWD

  • Hi all, I have recently signed up to MOZ as I have seen a large drop in the turnover of a site I work with as well as a slump in visitors. I know part of this slump is the transition from google product search from being free to paid and chewing through our adwords budget quicker. The other part though seems a little more tricky, I have always been under the impression from reading online that an algorithm update would see a site destroyed for most terms and a notification generated in webmaster tools, however the site still seems to still rank for some terms, others however it has fallen off the face of the earth for. As you can see in the attachment webmaster tools is showing much decreased visibility, and MOZ agrees with this. Key terms that have lost rank have done so by around 4-10 positions. The content on the site has all been hand written by myself, however some of the pages are a little "stale" so I am currently running through re-writing every product page on the site (1000 products or so) all my product pages grade a minimum B with 99% A on the Moz page grader. I am keeping my fingers crossed that fresh content should assist in getting google interested again? However my real questions is, Is this Penguin? or is this just stale content? dmDdMr5.jpg pYkzck0.jpg 9f4mgM9.jpg

    | speedingorange

  • Hi,Since Penguin 2.0 we've taken a 20-25% knock but not recieved an unatural link message from Google. After sending a bunch of removal requests, I decided to submit a disavow file anyway two weeks ago and tried to make sure I rooted out some links that were built way back when our site started and link building best practice was a bit shadier. Analysis of our backlink profile points to about 40-50% links coming from general directories, wondering if perhaps their weight has been adjusted and this is why the drop occured? Having said that we have some high quality links from government sources and highly trusted sites so not too spammy. Can anyone shed some light or offer suggestions? Thanx

    | Mulith

  • I don't recall the page rank of prior to the company's change to But did notice that currently has a Page Rank of 2 (which I find weird since it's such a strong, content rich, highly-regarded site). I'd be interested in hearing about findings from the team on why the low PR and how has it affected your site since the change? (...and perhaps a look at the future through a crystal ball 🙂 I recall reading the MOZ domain changing article titled "Domain Migrations: Surviving the "Perfect Storm" of Site Changes" which had great info and addresses some reasons for PR loss in the 'Traffic and Ranking Loss' section:

    | Prospector-Plastics

  • We always talk about great engaging content being the way forwards for sites. As a small business this is an expensive commodity to outsource when you have probably in the region of 250 pages that could probably all use some work. To that end I have some questions. how do do you make a product or category description engaging? Should they still contain a certain number of words ( personally I hate ready reams of text) As on-page SEO what should we be striving to achieve? I am sure this has all been asked before but what the general consensus right now?

    | Towelsrus

  • We just discovered that depending on the address format you enter into Google, you may come across incorrectly placed marker locations on Google Maps. Is this because our Google Places address format is not consistent with Google Maps' format? If so, when I go into Google Places to update the address format, am I going to have to go through the citation process all over again?

    | SSFCU

  • Did something happen recently that would affect pin locations on Google Maps? I've been updating Google Places pages, but not touching the address or pins - but I received a phone call from one of my locations that their pin location changed in the past month and now it is wrong. Meanwhile, another department recently had MomentFeed update the pins for accuracy. Thoughts?

    | SSFCU

  • Hello, 3 months passed since we start to make Seo at an accessories shop for Smartphones. On page seo is ok, having moz help. Links are ok, not too many, not few. But results is not coming .... Something we miss, that is for sure. But what. Meanwhile the web grows up from Facebook ads and Google Adwords. When i said grow up i make referral at number of visitors that come and visit web and make some conversions.  You know? Here is an proverb: "What you take from selling apples you spend on buying pears". I mean: we take money from conversions, pay products, and the difference at last complete the cost of web campaigns. We got in a point there where if you try to double the conversions you can`t, cause the costs grows up too much. **Competitors vs us: **
    If you take moz tools, and compare you will see our pages better than competitors but still not growing in positions. Social interactions (how much there count?) I have pages with +300 likes on facebook / 50 shares on facebook / 10 google plus / 10 twitters ....
    Google cares ? (my answer is: No, ofc not. But i wait yours.) Page Authority and Domain Authority vs Google PageRank update There will be a new PageRank update? I have on many keywords with their pages the PA and DA much better than competitors and still a bad position into google. Does an PageRank update change the situation? Seo vs Sem .... nothing will help you at beginning. They both win, you lose. That is my conclusion. Maybe after a while, after the brand will be more visible, after we will got 30k+ fans on facebook, maybe the situation will change. If you are wondering about web, here is the web: If you want to see how we present most of products i give you here some examples of the products with most conversions: 1. 2. 3. (you will love that) 4. As you see we invest a lot of work into products (we are working to do at all products). We made 360 view only at 30% of products cause it take a lot of time, and we are doing like 10% per month. What ever.... wait you with some suggestions ... thank you in advance.

    | Shanaki

  • Hi all, This morning as I am doing some keyword research for a new client, I typed in the phrase and Google returned both the listings as well as a vertical photo bar.  I've never seen this before.  Is this new?  Is it common and I've just missed it? I presume this means we need to really have our photo alt tags 'ducks in a row' but I'm also wondering if this points to an increased importance on visual content? Image attached. Thanks, YINd14d

    | EricOliver

  • Earlier we used to submit single Article & Press releases to 100+ sites..... Now shall we submit to only one site? Is it the same with Infographics?

    | zigmund

  • **According to an article about the "no no's for local SEO" links are not very important. Here is an excerpt: "**Local SEO is very different when compared to traditional SEO. The importance of backlinks in local SEO isn’t as important. In other words, links simply don’t matter as much when it comes to local SEO. Googles’ local search algorithm treats links completely differently than its standard algorithm." How accurate is this statement? Wouldn't more links help your local pages rank better in non-local organic results such as the results outside of the new carousel?

    | pbhatt

  • I'm looking after a site that has around 400 pages. All of these pages rank pretty well for the KW they are targetting. My question is: if we add another 400 pages without doing any link building work, holding DA the same, 1) would the rankings of those 400 previously good pages diminish? and 2) Would the new pages, as more and more new ones are created, rank less and less well?

    | xoffie

  • I have a site that is starting to rank well (top 10 to top 50) for dozens of keywords in but very little traction in .com. is the primary market. Webmaster tools is set to US, less than 1% of links to the site are the UK TLD or hosted in the UK. Keywords I'm ranking for in UK are medium to high competition with up to 16k exact search volume per month in the US. I just started to get ranked for these keywords in in the past week, and I do rank for some long tail keywords in I have a handful of keywords ranking in and as well, but next to nothing for I have been building links for one month. I can think of a few possible explanations: - There is a delay in updating the rankings for and the rankings similar to my rankings will come soon - vs use a different algorithm - My site is penalized in .com only Of course, there is no way to be sure what the reason is, but what do you think is the most likely? Thanks!

    | kentaro-256929

  • I'm trying to figure something out, as I just finished my "new look" to an old website.  It uses a custom built shopping cart, and the system worked pretty well until about a year when ranking went down.  My primary traffic used to come from top level Brand pages.  Each brand gets sorted by the shopping cart and a Parameter extension is added... So customers can click Page 1 , Page 2 , Page 3 etc. So for example : , , and so on... The page= is dynamic, therefore the page title, meta's, etc are the same, however the products displayed are different. I don't want to exclude the parameter page= completely, as the products are different on each page and obviously I would want the products to be indexed.  However, at the same time my concern is that have these parameters might be causing some confusion an hence why I noticed a drop in google rankings. I also want to note - with my market, its not needed to break these pages up to target more specific keywords. Maybe using something like this would be the appropriate measure?

    | Southbay_Carnivorous_Plants

  • Did I miss an alogrithim update that happened last month? The rankings for my tracked keywords do not seem effected (so I didn't notice until now) but according to SEMRush the number of keywords I am ranked for dropped significantly in June.  Traffic did not significantly drop in one day, but compared to last month is 20% lower (and should have been ~30% higher based on industry trends) According to SEMRush other websites in my industry, including the most reputable ones still ranked #1 for the most competitive terms - seem to have also dropped significantly this month the number of positions they were ranked for...

    | theLotter

  • Hi,
    We are small business owners who've been running a website for 5 years that provides our income. We've done very little backlinking ourselves, and never did paid directories or anything like that - usually just occasional forum or blog responses. A few articles here and there with some of our keyword phrases for internal pages. Of course I admit we've done some kwp backlinks on some blogs, but our anchor text profile is largely brand names and our domain name and non keywords (excepting for some "bad" backlinks). Our DA is 34, PA 45 for our home page. We were doing great until last Sept 27 when we got hit by Panda and have been working on deoptimizing our site for keywords, we made a new site in Wordpress for good architecture and ease of use for our customers, and we're deleting/repurposing low quality pages and making our content more robust.  We haven't yet recovered from this and now it appears we got hit May 22 for Penguin...ARGH! I recently discovered (hard to have time to devote to everything with just two of us) that others can "negative seo" a site now and I feel this has happened based upon results below...  I signed up for yesterday and it gives a grim picture of our backlinks (says we are in "deadly risk" territory). We have 83 "toxic" links and 600 some "suspicious" links (many are in malware/malicious listed sites, many are .pl domains from Poland, others are I believe foreign domains, or domains that are a bunch or letters that make no sense, or spammy sounding emd domains),  - this makes up 80% of our links. As this is our only business, our income is now 1/3 of what it has been, even with PPC ads going as we've been hit hard by all of this and are wondering if we can survive fixing this. We do have an SEO firm minimally helping us along with guidance on recovering, but with income so low, we are doing the work ourselves and can't afford much. Needless to say, we are quite distressed and from reading around, not sure if we'll be able to recover and that is deeply saddening, especially from Negative SEO. We want to make sure we are on the right path for recovery if  possible, hence my questions. We haven't been in contact with Google for reconsideration, again, no penalty messages from them. First of all, if we don't have a manual penalty, would you still contact all the toxic/malicious/possible porn looking sites and ask for a link removal, wait, ask for link removal, wait then disavow? Or just go straight to Google disavow? For backlinks coming from sites that are "gone" (like a message saying the account has been suspended), or there is no website there anymore, do I try and contact them too?  Or go direct to disavow? Or do nothing? For the sites flagged as malicious (by linkdetox, my browser, or by Google), I don't want to try and open them on my browser to see if this site is legitimate. If linkdetox doesn't have the contact info for these - what are we supposed to do? For "suspicious" foreign sites that I can't read the webpage -would you still disavow them (I've seen many here say links from foreign sites should be disavowed). How do you keep up with all this is someone is negative SEOing you?  We're really frustrated that Google's change has made it possible for competitors to tank your business (arguably though, if we had a stronger backlink profile this may not have hurt, or not as much - not sure).  When you are small biz owners and can't hire a group to constantly monitor backlinks, get quality backlinks, content, site optimization, etc - it seems an almost impossible task to do. Are wordpress left nav and footer link anchor text an issue for Penguin? I would think Google would realize these internal links will be repetitive for the same anchor text on Wordpress  (I know Matt Cutts said to not use the same anchor text more than once for internal linking -but obviously nav and footer menus will do this). What would you do if this was you?  Try and fix it all? Start over with a new domain and 301 it (some say this has been working)?  Just start over with a new domain and don't redirect? Thanks for your input and advice.  We appreciate it.

    | mlm12

  • We have a local client who would like to score under the words "locksmith" and "locksmiths". What is the best way to get him to rank organically and not just in Google Plus Local for those keywords?

    | GregWalt

  • Hi all, I'm experiencing something very odd with my website ranking at the moment. My homepage is fluctuating in rank for my main keyword by 10 pages every day and night. So, during the day i am on page 14, 15 or 16 for my main keyword yet by night i am on page 5 or 6. This trend has continued for the past 7 days now and i can't quite understand why this is. I'm using pagewash dot net to carry out manual searches and a ranking tool - both of which produce exactly the same result. Does anyone have any experience of this or why this is happening? My domain is around 8 years old and has around 50,000 pages. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

    | MarkHincks

  • Hi Moz Community! My website gets just over 50% of its traffic from ranking in the top 3 in over 10 countries for my exact match keyword domain. 80% + from keywords related to the exact match domain. We are now looking at doing a to 301 re-direct to a new domain to start a fresh branding to the site to increase scope and expand. This would involve removing the keyword from the homepage and domain entirely . However. Considering all competitors ranking for our main keyword, have the keyword in their domain as either a subdomain to or in their root domain and in their homepage content, would this make ranking without the keyword in domain & content hard? I have found a very similar example that has done so, so I guess the answer to that question is no its not. about 65-70% of our anchor text on our backlinks is for our domain keyword. Can anyone advise how best to go about maintaining rankings after 301ing or how best to go about 301ing to make sure that we can maintain the rankings for our main keyword! Any advise at all would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

    | howiex1

  • We haven't made any changes to the robots.txt file and suddenly Google claims they can no longer access the file. The site has been up and active for well over a year now.  What are my next steps? I have included a screenshot of the top half of the file.  See anything wrong? D3H5tgE.png

    | rhoadesjohn

  • Hi Moz & members, I just want to make sure over website , does it impact over ranking this website if the same content (of about us or home care services) being used some other external sources or local citations places. Do those published same content create any ranking drop issue with this website's and making its content strengthen week? . As I was on 9th position in before, now it has slipped to 29th position. WHY? is there content issue or anything else which i am not aware.
    See the content used:
    Home page content
    About us page content Regards,
    Teginder Ravi

    | Futura

  • My site was well established and I'd built up some good rankings in Google using link building and onsite optimization. Then last year it completely fell out of the rankings except for a few keywords. There were some suspicious links but nothing that seemed too toxic, no warnings from Webmaster Tools. 9 months later I still haven't recovered. The site is well optimized. Any ideas?

    | Infogenix

  • Hi, Since we sorted all duplication issues using the rel canonical tag in the home page, and redirects in the htaccess file, our Moz Ranking has dropped markedly (possibly because there are now less apparent links on our site. At the same time our rankings and traffic from Google have dropped markedly. I notice that none of our top ranking competitors are using the rel canonical tag in the source on their home pages. We have just performed the same seo strategy on another unrelated site with the same immediate drop in MOZ ranking.


  • Hi, If your business name contains keywords, is that an issue? Some companies, have keyword based brand names... So what is Google's policy regarding EMD or PMD? What happens when the company name has a keyword in it? If anyone could help clarify, I would appreciate it. Thanks, Ben

    | bjs2010

  • We were badly hit by Panda back in January 2012. Unfortunately, it is only now that we are trying to recover back. CASE 1:
    We develop software products. We send out 500-1000 word description about the product to various download sites so that they can add to their product listing. So there are several hundred download sites with same content. How does Google view  this? Did Google penalize us due to this reason? CASE 2: In  the above case the product description does not match with any content on our website. However, there are several software download sites that copy and paste the content from our website as the product description. So in this case, the duplicate content match with our website. How does Google view  this? Did Google penalize us due to this reason? Along with all the download sites, there are also software piracy & crack sites  that have the duplicate content. So, should I remove  duplicate content only from the software piracy & crack sites or also from genuine download sites? Does Google reject all kind of duplicate content? Or it depends on who hosts the duplicate content? Confused 😞 Please help.

    | Gautam.Jain

  • Has anyone noticed issues with Gmail deliverability and spam inboxing happening around the same time as other large Google updates?  For example, if Google blasted your site in Panda or Penguin, have anyone seen them use the same judgement across into Gmail deliverability to blacklist your domain?

    | Eric_edvisors

  • Hi guys, Anyone come across a problem with Google places and it impacting organic search results? I have a client the was ranking top 3 on Google for all local keywords (letting agent).  They have set up Google Places and now appear with a nice Google places ad but the organic position has now disappeared....Gone down to page 8 and nothing. Any ideas? Ta

    | SEOwins

  • I know Cutts addressed this as a potential future update to the Google algo but it's driving me bonkers.. My primary targeted keyword has one of our competitors listed 4 times in a row on the top of page 2. Some of the pages have duplicate page titles and the content is relatively thin. The site has a PR of 2 and a DA of 35. Why on earth are they able to suck up a whole half of a results page?!?!?! I don't know that there's anything anyone can tell me that will help, but if there's something I missed about this update please let me know. 'snot fair. 😞

    | jesse-landry

  • Hi All, I have a site live with a homepage rank of 5, Ever since relaunching (on the same domain) 6 months ago the inner page rank has remained at NA. Its crawled pretty consistently, Can anyone think of a reason this may be happening?

    | thebluecubeuk

  • After researching and comparing desktop keywords vs mobile keywords, I came to the conclusion that they are pretty much the same, with minor variations. The new keywords for mobile website do not have a great potential for bringing in much traffic. If I don't want to go after those new mobile, do I need to build separate links to our parallel mobile website (URL) to rank better or the link building for my desktop website would be enough to rank for my parallel mobile website as well?

    | echo1

  • Hi Mozers 🙂 I have a multi regional website which serves uk, india, china, usa and more. I want to increase my rankings for the specific country. I dont have a physical address at the UK and in am thinking of getting a PO box address and have it placed on the UK version of the site and also at google places/+. Will having a PO box address against physical address help me in getting better ranks and will i be penalized in any way. Looking forward for the views 🙂

    | HiteshBharucha

  • What is the importance of listing score at regarding higher local 7 pack rankings ? My listing score is 60% and i am trying to improve it. I am on 2nd page on local map results. So maximum score will help to get place in 7 pack ?

    | mnkpso

  • Can you share your experience about Keyword rich domains; do they still hold same value as before?

    | ShashankGupta

  • Need List of new high pr free local USA based directories list. Anyone can help ?

    | mnkpso

  • My website is daily showing different position on on all its keywords like one day first page on all keywords next day 3rd page on all keywords for the last one month. Is this a Google Dance ?? what can be its period ? and what is the solution to handle it ??

    | mnkpso

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