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Category: White Hat / Black Hat SEO

Dig into white hat and black hat SEO trends.

  • With the latest Google updates in both cracking down on useless pages and concentrating on high quality content, would it be beneficial to include user posted comments on the same page as the content or a separate page? Having a separate page with enough comments on it would he worth warranting, especially as extra pages add extra pagerank but would it be better to include them with the original article/post? Your ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    | Peter264

  • Why does buying links still work?  I don't mean approaching an individual webmaster and cutting a deal, that seems to be nearly impossible to detect.  But the huge link brokers, like Text Link Ads, Build my Rank or Linkvine, Google has to be aware of them, right?  Can't they just create accounts to see the whole network, and ban the sites?  Why wouldn't they just do that?

    | menachemp

  • I have been slowly working to remove near duplicate content from my own website for different locals. Google seems to be doing noting to combat the duplicate content of one of my competitors showing up all over southern California. For Example: Your Local #1 Rancho Bernardo Pest Control Experts | 858-352 ... <cite></cite>CachedYou +1'd this publicly. UndoPest Control Rancho Bernardo Pros specializes in the eradication of all household pests including ants, roaches, etc. Call Today @ 858-352-7728. Your Local #1 Oceanside Pest Control Experts | 760-486-2807 ... <cite></cite>CachedYou +1'd this publicly. UndoPest Control Oceanside Pros specializes in the eradication of all household pests including ants, roaches, etc. Call Today @ 760-486-2807. The competitor is getting high page 1 listing for massively duplicated content across web domains. Will Google find this black hat workmanship?  Meanwhile, he's sucking up my business. Do the results of the competitor's success also speak to the possibility that Google does in fact rank based on the name of the url - something that gets debated all the time? Thanks for your insights. Gerry

    | GerryWeitz

  • Dear Mozzers, I've been working on a friend's website that is fighting for pretty competitive keywords (+90,000 gms) and has been relying almost exclusively on $1800/mo of comment spam to rank on the first page. Now that I've taken over SEO my first priorities were to: eliminate duplicate content improve site structure optimize internal links build legitimate do-follows add some keyword density fix titles and H tags Essentially just the basics, right? But since cancelling the comment spam, rankings for their primary keyword have consistently dropped over the last 3 months. I'm using the same strategies that I've used successfully on at least 6 similar websites. At the moment their homepage is still almost entirely duplicate content -- which is obviously a huge problem, but it seems a little odd that they could have been held up exclusively by that comment spam for so long, doesn't it? Even stranger, their authority and trust scores are now higher than any of the competition. Needless to say, my friends are getting pretty antsy and I'm starting to second guess myself. Do you think I should continue to push them to improve content, eliminate penalties, and build legitimate links -- or should I give in and suggest buying links as a short term solution? Advice is really appreciated!

    | brevityworks

  • Someone here pointed out that my server ip is on the SORBS-SPAM list and I was wondering if this was a big deal, and how it might have got there, and I would go about getting it off the list?

    | ayetti

  • Matt Cutts has just anouced that they are bringing in a penalty for over optimized sites, to try and reward good content.

    | AlanMosley

  • Hi Guys, We have recently took a dip in rankings for some of our main keywords. We have had an SEO company look after our campaign but when we noticed we were moving down the rankings and not up we have decided to leave them. Our rankings dropped on the 7th January 2012 and haven't picked backup we are still #10 we were #3 on the 1st page... From what I can see using SEOMOZ and other tools our site has a good profile and is dominating some of our competitors when we look at our link analysis report. I was wondering if we submitted a 'Reconsideration Request' to Google would they tell us if we have a manual penalty against our site. At the moment we are struggling to work out what could be causing the problems. Thanks, Scott

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • Hi Everybody, I am trying to work out how off-site SEO works and I am facing some troubles when it comes to link building. Does SEOMOZ provide any solution to this? Regards, Guido.

    | SilbertAd

  • Hi, I've been struggling to get followers on Google Plus and Twitter, and recently stumbled upon It offers an easy service that allows you to get twitter followers very quickly.  Is this considered black hating?  Even if Google doesn't consider the followers as valid, am I likely to be punished if using their service?  Even if it doesn't help rankings, it is nice to have lots of followers so that they will see my tweets which has the potential to drive more traffic to my site, and give awareness to my business. What are your thoughts?

    | eugenecomputergeeks

  • Dear All SeoMoz users, I'm a web designer for some time now. Doing some basic SEO from time to time. I just started up with brand new website. The website is not ranking very well for 2nd line keyword (keyword density  < 2%), but the problem is not ranking at all for  for my main keyword. I think the problem is the keyword density. For phrases that are 3-words long my keyword density is less than 4%. I suspect the problem is that keyword density for single-word phrases is between 8-12%. Please note that  the 3 words with highest keyword density make my main 3-words long keyword. Is this the case? Should I be avoiding keyword density larger than 4% for single-word phrases as well? What is you experiences is this matter? Could my single-word phrases be treated as keyword stuffing by Google?

    | pseefeld

  • I had previously asked this as a 'private question' and couldn't make it a 'public question' automatically-- hence reposting it as a new question: We have an existing site, let's say --- which attracts traffic from all over the world (including the US), though it's primary audience is the UK/ Europe. Most of this traffic is via organic search results on Google. Now, there is a business case to launch a US-centric website --, which will have most of its content from the original site (probably with some localization). Our goal is that on day 1 when the new site is launched, we want all traffic originating from the US (and may be some other North American countries) to be directed to the .us domain instead of the .com domain. We don't want to lose any search engine traffic; equally importantly, we want this to be done in a manner that is seen by the search engines as a legitimate technique. What are the best options to do this such that the new .US site automatically inherits all of the traffic from the .com site on day 1, without either of these sites getting penalized in any form. Thanks.

    | ontarget-media

  • Hi I have a script detailed below, that 301 redirects based upon different queries --- """"<%if (Request("offset")     = "") Then%> <% if Request("keywords") = "" AND Request("s") <> "" AND Request("j") <> "" then'Sector and Location NOT NULL%> <% if (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_REQUEST_URI")) <> "/" & LCase(SEOFriend(replaces.Fields.Item("JBCategoryLabel"))) & "-jobs-in-" & LCase(SEOFriend(replacej.Fields.Item("JBLocation"))) Then Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently" Response.AddHeader "Location", "/" & LCase(SEOFriend(replaces.Fields.Item("JBCategoryLabel"))) & "-jobs-in-" & LCase(SEOFriend(replacej.Fields.Item("JBLocation"))) Response.End End If %> <%End if%> <% if Request("keywords") = "" AND Request("s") <> "" AND Request("j") = "" then'Sector NOT NULL and Location NULL %> <% if (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_REQUEST_URI")) <> "/" & LCase(SEOFriend(replaces.Fields.Item("JBCategoryLabel"))) & "-jobs-in-" & LCase(SEOFriend(SiteDetails.Fields.Item("JBSRegion"))) Then Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently" Response.AddHeader "Location", "/" & LCase(SEOFriend(replaces.Fields.Item("JBCategoryLabel"))) & "-jobs-in-" & LCase(SEOFriend(SiteDetails.Fields.Item("JBSRegion"))) Response.End End If %> <%End if%> <% if Request("keywords") = "" AND Request("s") = "" AND Request("j") <> "" then'Sector NULL and Location NOT NULL %> <% if (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_REQUEST_URI")) <> "/jobs-in-" & LCase(SEOFriend(replacej.Fields.Item("JBLocation"))) Then Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently" Response.AddHeader "Location", "/jobs-in-" & LCase(SEOFriend(replacej.Fields.Item("JBLocation"))) Response.End End If %> <%End if%> <%End if%>"""" But this still allows for both the www and non www versions of these pages to render in the browser, which is resulting in duplicate content. On my home page I use -- <% If InStr(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME"),"www") = 0 Then Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently" Response.AddHeader "Location","http://www." & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & "/" Response.End End if %> `Is there a good way to combine these, so that I still get all of the rules of the first script whilst also redirecting any non www versions to the www version? in other words" & LCase(SEOFriend(replacej.Fields.Item("JBLocation")))
    Eould redirect to" & LCase(SEOFriend(replacej.Fields.Item("JBLocation"))) Thanks in advance`

    | TwoPints

  • When examining our inventory of backlinks (and our competition's), is it more important to look at overall domain authority or page authority where the backlink comes from?

    | Relfdy25

  • Had someone offering to place a link on their site for a monthly fee, claiming their site is PR8 - I checked the PR and it seems to be real, with no 301 redirect, but by looking at the site and their presence in google results, I highly doubt their PR is legitimate, but cannot find out how they faked it, and whether having a link on their site will have a negative effect on my site. Their domain is articledomination(dot)info Can anyone shed some lights into this ?

    | gamblingau

  • Hey Mozzers! We have come up with a new layout design for a category page and would love to have your opinion on it, specifically from an S_E_O perspective Here is our current page: Our new page (pending approval): Just to brief you in on the key differences b/w old and new layout: Left text link menu is removed in new layout
    New layout looks funny with JS disabled - long vertical line up of products(Perhaps important keywords/ content in new layout appears way down?)
    Lot of 'clunk' has been removed (bits of text, links, images, etc) Thanks for checking this out.

    | Syed1

  • Hey guys, I've been using an article network to post unique articles (not spun). Been posting 1 paragraph articles with 1 text link. Just wondering what the main difference would be if I were to post a full article with 2 or 3 text links vs 1 paragraph with 1 text link, besides the fact that you get more links and save more time writing only 1 paragraph. Will the full article with 3 backlinks improve keyword ranks more or not by much? Cheers!

    | upick-162391

  • What do you think are some of the least talked about topics of SEO?  Do you think these topics need to be given more attention?  Why do you think they've been ignored?

    | TheOceanAgency

  • I've recently started working with a travel company - and finding the general link building side of the business quite difficult. I had a call from an SEO firm the other day offering their services, and stating that they had worked with a competitor of ours and delivered some very good results. I checked the competitors rankings, PR, link profile, and indeed, the results were quite impressive. However, the link profile pointed to one thing, that was incredibly obvious. They had purchased a large amount of sidebar text links from powerful blogs in the travel sector. Its painfully obvious what has happened, yet they still rank very highly for a lot of key terms. Why don't Google do something about this? They aren't the only company in this sector doing this, but it just seems pointless for white hats trying to do things properly, then those with the dollar in their pockets just buy success in the SERPS. Thanks

    | neilpage123

  • Hi everyone, another quick question.  We have a number of different resources available for our users that load dynamically as the user scrolls down the page (like Facebook's Timeline) with the aim of improving page load time.  Would it be considered cloaking if we had Google bot index a version of the page with all available content that would load for the user if he/she scrolled down to the bottom?

    | CuriosityMedia

  • I am I really new when it comes to SEO and especially link building. I have been hooked into websites ever since I did my first just writing content on what I loved. Then came the number one ranking and enquiries! Since that time I have created many websites and have always relied on good on page optimisation and have got great results in low competition keywords. Now I am trying to make a living out of this business with multiple websites retailing products I am hitting more moderate competition on keywords and have found myself on a 30 trial with SEOmoz. This has been a huge eye opener for a beginner and I have not had much sleep since analysing all the data that the tools can give. (My wife thinks I have an online mistress). What has really got me stuck is the link analysis on competitors open site explorer! As I am becoming a real SEO research geek and creating spreadsheets on my competitors links I am finding many are paid directory links! (one off 30 dollars’) . From what I understand from Google is that paid links are against their guidelines? These links are from sites that are ranking above me? What I am asking is should I follow suit in a fine balanced mix or stay clear of paid links completely? Where I always write unique content  on experience for my content category pages the real chance of organic linking is slim. Is the only way forward to buy the odd cheeky link?

    | jtay123

  • I am in the process of recreating my company's website and, in addition to the normal retail pages, we are adding a "learn" section with user manuals, reviews, manufacturer info, etc. etc. It's going to be a lot of content and there will be linking to these "learn" pages from both products and other "learn" pages. I read on a SEOmoz blog post that too much internal linking with optimized anchor text can trigger down-rankings from Google as a penalty. Well, we're talking about having 6-8 links to "learn" pages from product pages and interlinking many times within the "learn" pages like Wikipedia does. And I figured they would all have optimized text because I think that is usually best for the end user (I personally like to know that I am clicking on "A Review of the Samsung XRK1234" rather than just "A Review of Televisions"). What is best practice for this? Is there a suggested limit to the number of links or how many of them should have optimized text for a retail site with thousands of products? Any help is greatly appreciated!

    | Marketing.SCG

  • I have about 4000 you tube video urls that I need someone to submit for comment links, and profile links, and other links above pr2 and above. (will consider lower pr too). The ones I see when searching, don't seem to be able to understand how to use their submitters. Yes I know PR most likely will not be passed, but at least the vid will rank better with higher pr. My pr4 vids do. It seems to be that you tube vids are easier to gain pr. When I do a link search for pr5 vid urls, it doesn't seem to return links that justify the PR, so any info on that is appreciated. Any comments about how I should not do this or any form of this will not be appreciated. Thanks

    | joemas99

  • Hi. Can you please point me in the right direction concerning a site whose default page has a PR of 0?  There does not appear to be any errors in the robots.txt file (that I can tell).  When I ran a duplicate content check by searching the title tag and first sentance in quotes it did not return more than 2 sites.  When I ran a site:  it is reporting 287,000 results.  Does this mean that they purchased links and have now been penalized? Or where should I go from here? Thank you for any feedback and assistance.

    | JulB

  • I don't think there is a definitive answer to this, but worth the discussion: How to handle an expired ad in a classified / auction site? Michael Gray mentioned you should 301 it to it's category page, and I'm inclined to agree with him. But some analysts say you should return a "product/ad expired" page with a 404. For the user I think the 404 aproach is best, but from a SEO perspective that means I'm throwing link juice out. What if I 301 him from the ad, and show a message saying why they're seeing the listing page instead of the product page? Thoughts?

    | mirum_agency

  • Please check out this doc - Any insights will be highly appreciated! Oleksiy

    | wcrfintl

  • Assuming you need to build a private link network from scratch, how would you go about doing it? I am not looking for some shady tactic, but rather something that would be white hat, yet will help in our SEO efforts. Thanks in advance.

    | ConversionChamp

  • One of my sites was hit after Google confirmed  its panda 3.2 update. The site ranked very well for many heavy traffic keywords in my niche. But all of a sudden, 80% of the keywords which ranked high in the previous dropped 50 in SERP. I know it is a -50 penalty , but i do not know how to recover from it. The link building campaign is almost the same as before and all of the articles are unique. BTW, i have two image ads on the sidebar and 7 affiliate links on the bottom of the page. Any input will be great appreciated !

    | aoneshosesun

  • On a page I am trying to make it have a better on page analysis for a keyword. Is it worth creating a small image that you cant see in the background 5 pixels by 5 pixels with the keyword img alt, or does google see this negatively? I know they say to create good content for the reader / viewer but an image wouldnt be suitable as it is a category page within my ecommerce website. e.g Mens golf Clothing category

    | funktiongolf

  • I am looking to send out a press release article on Asset Based Lending for SEO purpose. Anybody knows the difference between these two newswires services?

    | AppleCapitalGroup

  • Does publishing a white paper good for SEO? We are trying to decide to publish one or not for the purpose of SEO. If it will not help, we will spend money for other things.

    | AppleCapitalGroup

  • My site has about 50k pages indexed in Google. We are well respected, and we believe our stories add much value to the user. However, we are having serious problems with my hosting service and the site is unavailable for more than 15 hours. Unfortunately we also have no provision for him to return to work. I wonder if this kind of instability can cause some punishment on Google, if so, I wonder if there is anything we can do to tell Google that we are aware and working to resolve the problem.

    | lucastudio

  • Scenario Dynamic page produces great results for the user but produces a long very un-user and un-search friendly URL Solution 301 redirect in .htaccess Fantastic - works a treat BUT after redirect the original long ugly old URL appears in the location field Would really like this showing the new short user friendly short URL What am I doing wrong? Thank you all. CB

    | GeezerG

  • Hi there! I've got a site selling outdoor jackets and remembered about a friend's old business website (that also sold outdoor jackets) which is now dormant. He's kindly agreed to let me host a splash page on his old domain, or to use the domain to redirect. I wasn't sure if Google looked negatively at redirects, so I suggested the page host option? What do you think? I guess what it would mean is for us to supply our name server details to him, and then ask him to put these into his DNS settings. If we were to host a page in this way, would we add a page of relevant content, a simple link? Would this pull the link juice through? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Matt

    | Macinasac

  • There's never any love for Quebec and the horrible french we speak! However, I obviously still need to rank in French SERPs. Anyone know of any good directories or possible backlinks for are Quebec/Montreal/French/Canadian ish? Thanks folks!

    | deuce1s

  • Hello everyone. Here's my problem: I just searched for "link inside iframe counts for backlinking?" and on #5 there's a site that caught my attention because of it's Description Snippet. This page is totally irrelevant to my query if you take time and read what's on it, however it ranks well. It's clever because the page contains all the required elements: one h1 with keyword in it, some short paragraph under it, similar links (totally irrelevant though), a selection of people who are supposed to be relevant to my question but they are not, all the good stuff. I looked in the source code and i found this: link href="[](view-source:" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Latest projects" Please take the time and look at this feed and you'll see something totally wrong here. Could someone please explain how this works? I'ts a total spam however they managed to trick the system... Looking forward to hearing your answers. Alex

    | pwpaneuro

  • One of our competitors indexes all searches performed by users on their site. They automatically create new pages/ new urls based on those search terms. Is it black hat technique? Do search engines specifically forbid this?

    | AEM13

  • Is it black-hat SEO to send,, and to (send all to the same page, or same domain home0?     Since the domain name matching with keywords is important, this strategy makes sense.  It is allowed? How many domains can I 301 redirect to if I want to target all the colors of widgets? I'd be willing to put up a one page keyword article of original content for the search engines to crawl before redirecting the 'bluewidget' page. Would this be necessary

    | Uramark

  • I saw a question on this forum that was saying that text-indent -9999px was bad SEO, or even worse blackhat seo... But isn't it what everyone is doing for image replacement in logos...? Is it really bad?

    | i-kreo

  • On one of our sites, since the Summer, Yahoo Slurp bot has been crawling our pages at about 5 times a minute.   We have put a crawl delay on it and it does not respect our robots.txt.    Now the issue is it's triggering javascript (which bots shouldn't) triggering our adsense, ad server, analytics information, etc. We've thought of banning the bot all together  but get a good amount of Yahoo traffic.   We've though about programmatic-ly not showing the javascript (ad + analytic) tags but are slightly afraid the Yahoo might consider this cloaking. What are the best practices to deal with this bad bot.

    | tony-75534

  • Hi! I've technically been a member for a few years, but just recently decided to go Pro (and I gotta say, I'm glad I did!). Anyway, as I've been researching and analyzing, one thing I noticed a competitor is doing is creating location-specific pages. For example, they've created a page that has a URL similar to this: They have a few of these for specific cities. They rank well for the city-keyword combo in most cases. Each city-specific page looks the same and the content is close to being the same except that they drop in the "seattle keyword phrase" bit here and there. I noticed that they link to these pages from their site map page, which, if I were to guess, is how SEs are getting to those pages. I've seen this done before on other sites outside my industry too. So my question is, is this good practice or is it something that should be avoided?

    | AngieHerrera

  • Hello, I'm experiencing decreasing on some of my keywords. I'm aware of some things which could be responsible for it. So I'd like to asi you, if my thoughts are right, and what to do with it. 1. I put backlinks leading onto my website. Those backlinks are on website I also own (they are on the same server). But nothing happened. Than I put other backlikns on this webiste. Those links also led to webistes I own. So could Google "punnished" those websites I'm linking to? 2. I offered my content to another website, which has a higher authority. This content had been published on my website weeks ago, I put it on this (another site). Co could Google punnished me for "duplicate" content? 3. In the past, we outsorced our SEO, and the company which was responsible for our SEO put backlinks leading to our website almost everywhere, I mean, those websites, they put links leading to our webistes fos focused on almost everything but our field (finance). But everything seemed to be fine, till now 4. Couple of days ago, I put our RSS on many RSS agregators and put our webiste on many catalogs. My website URL is Could you help me out? 🙂 Thanks a lot Petr

    | petr.rozkosny

  • Hello, When link building, is it acceptable to link with a site that has high authority but has minimal relevancy to our site? For example, if we sell nutritional products and the link exchange would be with a site that relates to free coupons, would that work? Also, if we are publishing articles on other sites, should we also publish them on our own site? Should we add "nofollow" if we publish them in our site?

    | odegi

  • I see lots of ads like "Boost Your Trust Rank with pure .EDU Anchor Text Backlinks" Is this for real? And if it is what's the real value of such links? I assume they would be from some spam comments on some .edu blogs...right? Is it worth going this route? Thank you!

    | pwpaneuro

  • Hey Mozzers, quick question about link networks. I've identified quite a few, like these: Build My Rank Unique Article Wizard Authority Link Network Article Ranks EZ Article Link Socialadr Linkvana SEO LinkVine Does anyone have experience using any of these? The basic premise is they own or their members own tons of different blogs. You write an article, give it to them, they publish it one one of those blogs. You include a link in your article. Done. They charge a monthly fee to use and all that, so is it worth it? Anyone had any success with them? Finding mixed things on forums online, and since many of their websites like awfully spammy, wanted to poll the Mozzers and get your thoughts.

    | DanDeceuster

  • What tools and signals do you use to determine if a link is quality or not? How can you tell if a link is going to hurt your ranking?

    | anchorwave

  • We are working on a site with a page that has been ranking on page one of serps for quiet some time. It all the sudden completely lost its ranking for a single term (no major changes to on page made), but still ranks on the 3rd page for a few similar terms. Those terms used to rank a bit higher. Is it possible that some old spammier link building techiniques could have caught up with this site? The page itself is still indexed, has a few terms it is ranking for - but just completely gone from index for primary term.

    | Hakkasan

  • So I had asked this question a while back in a previous thread and thought I had the correct answer to it, but just actually heard differently on a webinar by Dr. Pete. Basically, we have a large number of domains that just replicate our website. Some are brand names, some are exact match keyword domains, some are clever plays on words. This is a tactic that our marketing department thought was a good idea. Obviously its not. My question is - Some of these domains actually have a significant amount of link value coming into them. How people found them I'm not sure, but nonetheless, I want to try to take advantage of the incoming links somehow if possible. Dr. Pete recommended against 301 redirecting back to our main domain all at once because that would be a signal to Google that something fishy is going on. This is what I was going to do, but now I'm really not sure what to do now... If possible, it would be great to get Dr. Pete in this thread to get his comments.  I wasn't able to get an answer on the SEO in 2012 Pro Webinar.

    | CodyWheeler

  • I do SEO for a legal site in the UK and one of the keywords I'm targeting is 'Criminal Defence Solicitors'. If you search this term in this site comes top,  yet in my mozbar it has 0 links, 0 DA etc, I noticed it top a few weeks ago and thought something spammy was going on; I thought if I was patient, Google would remove it, however it still hasn't. Can someone explain how it is top in the SERPs? I've never seen this before. thanks

    | TobiasM

  • We have been ranking No.1 for a nice term for over a year, but in the last few months a competitor has taken 1 and 2 (we are 3rd now).  It seems hes using a linking web i.e each of his pages has about 20 text links at the bottom of his page to irrelevant sites which in turn do the same thing giving them a nice PA thats about 5-4 more than mine now. But the interesting thing is that his top 3 links are from videos he has put up on to Dailymotion which has linked back to himself with (no follow links). We use youtube for our embedded videos, but are we missing a trick? should we be using daily motion too? on a side note it looks like he has made some articles from junk submit article sites, that link to his site, his facebook fan page and the dailymotion video.

    | eunaneunan

  • I manage a number of client's Google Places from the same IP and heard this is not a good thing.  Are there Do's and Don'ts when managing multiple Google Places?  Create separate google accounts for each or can you use the same account?

    | Souk

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