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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • Hello Forum , I am working with an online yoga equipment retailer and am trying to select keywords for their homepage <title>. Initially, I focused on 2 keywords: One is a high-level (i.e. not product-specific) keyword, "yoga equipment", that receives 5,400 monthly Google phrase searches per month. The other keyword is a more-specific keyword, "yoga mats", with 60,000 monthly Google searches. </span></p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;">However, I'm noticing that Google is sending users who use other more-specific keywords to our homepage. For example, our search result for "yoga bolster" (1,900 monthly Google phrase searches) takes visitors to the homepage, not our page dedicated to yoga bolsters (this page is already optimized for the keywords "bolsters, yoga bolsters, etc") We have an optimized yoga mat page in our shop, but Google still sends visitors to the homepage instead.</p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;">1. Should I add a keywords like "bolster" to the homepage title? Example: "Yoga Mats, Bolsters, Products, and Accessories." Or should I stick to high-level keywords? </p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;">2. Would it be a good idea to add the word "yoga" to each term: "Yoga Mats, Yoga Bolsters, Yoga Gear and Yoga Accessories"</p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;">I appreciate the insight and thanks for your time.</p></title>

    | pano

  • Hello all! Thanks everyone for making my experience with SEOMOZ so far a great one. There are some really awesome folks here answering questions and we obviously have a great community here. Question We host our sites on dedicated servers with Cpanel. We have a new project that will require that users can log in and create a free Website on a sub domain eg. or So the end user will be able to provide their choice of a sub domain. Then the user can create their website, upload their logo and so on for the free site. (Content management controlled by them) What software would you suggest we use for providing this free service? Thank everyone!

    | webindustry

  • Hello Mozland, I'm looking to have a mobile site built. We have a fair amount of traffic coming from smart phones, tablets etc and want to capture this traffic better. Do you have any advice on how to have it built properly, if/how it can be optimised, what good features to include, or anything else you think might be of help? Many thanks Martin

    | Martin_S

  • Where is a good site for joomla and wordpress website templates that are free? I want to learn how to do everything on a zero budget (except for hosting and domain name) and I'd like to find some decent free templates.

    | ilyaelbert

  • Hi. This is my first question here guys and gals so please be gentle.  We are creating a town based website that will hold news, events, articles and relevant local content.  We are also creating a business directory that will be part of this. My question relates to an issue we have regarding how the directory will be treated as part of the "network".  Although we aren't 100% sure on the domain name yet, we want the directory to be found as easily as the domain itself.  Even better, if the two could be treated seperately but strengthen the overall theme for the domain we'd be in keyword heaven. Therefore in your opinion (hopefully with pro's and con's) which do you think will rank better in Google, Yahoo and Bing (or all three);
    The directory seperate as a subdomain or as a folder within the main domain? So for example - providing we are including links between the two sections and the site is Which is better for the directory itself? or you're mad Steve, use a seperate domain altogether I hope you can help, obi-wan, you're my only hope..... PS - seomoz still rocks. Thanks

    | rufo

  • We are about to change nameservers and upload a new website design design, completely rebuilt website to that new hosting, will this effect our seo efforts previously and have an effect on our SEO rankings?

    | CompleteOffice

  • Hi all, I'm about to hit the crunch button and finalise the 301 setup for our website to redirect all traffic, and our old very nice ranking, to our new website. My only question is, how long will the ranking take to move to the new site? Once the 301 is in place what happens when someone searches my keywords? Currently when you search our preferred keywords we rank 1 and 2 depending on the wording. Once I've made the 301 happen, will you see the old site in Google rankings until they re-index it or will it swap straight away to the new site with its continued high rank (from the link juice) or will I have a blackspot period where I don't rank at all? I cannot afford to have a period of time, at this time of year, that I don't rank 1 or 2 - if this is even a vague possibility I might have to consider postponing my 301 till a less important time of year. Thanks for your help, Anthony

    | Grenadi

  • For years I've run as a standalone blog. It's done well, 4k uniques a day, 5PR site. But it's standalone. I recently purchased, which doesn't get much traffic and is only a PR2. To help grow, my obvious desire is to move the blog ( over to and have it sit there as: so I can get the good google juice to start flowing to Yes, I know it's important to do the page redirects properly, etc. That's not my question. My question is: Do they have to look the same? The page design of is very different than the blog. When I move the blog over, do I HAVE to make it have the same look and feel as the larger site? Does google penalize you if your blog has a different page design than the site it is blogging for? My preference would be to simply move the blog over and change nothing... maybe change the menus to point to the larger site, etc. But will google not like it looking different? (Widgets is obviously an example... my site name is different)

    | brianmcc

  • If i am trying to implement infinite scrolling and remove pagination completely, will it effect my SEO ? Why or why should not infinite scrolling be implemented ?

    | Myntra

  • We rank well across many online furniture keywords within here in Ireland, this is our core business and it is successful. Now we want to branch out into the related field of "kitchens". So the question is do we setup a new domain (a sister site) or keep it on the same domain with a new sub category. So the main categories off the home page would be: Sofas Bedroom Furniture Dining Furniture Kitchens I know all the benefits of keeping to the one domain (the domain has age, and already has DA of 30 with many landing pages with PA from 30 to 49), so for the short term SEO angle keep it on the same domain. But from a Branding perspective this is not a great approach. Is it better to have a dedicated domain/site for kitchens (and the bonus of having a keyword match in the domain)? We are always thinking longer term so we see this as a 3 year plan outwards rather than a get rich quick. There is an additional overhead of course with managment of the domain, templates SSL, PCI etc etc and we are conscious that a new domain is not a easy route to success. Looking at the top 10 for the main keywords within the "kitchen" keyword cloud most if not all are dedicated kitchen sites, or kitchens are the main business so their homepage is there kitchens landing page. The competition in the space have 20-30 DA and PAs roughly 30 being the highest DA, we are thinking that this has not a huge challenge to overcome? Thanks for any help, assistance or comments really appreciated. Ware regards, Eunan @ Love Furniture

    | eunaneunan

  • Hello Forum, My team and I just completely redid a yoga eCommerce site, including its SEO. The old version of the site didn't feature page-specific optimization and, as a result, Google's search results for our keywords almost always directed visitors to the homepage. For example, a Google search for the term "yoga bolster" sent users to the homepage, not the product category page for yoga bolsters. After redoing the site and optimizing specific pages (i.e. the yoga bolster page is now optimized for the keyword "yoga bolster"), the Google search results are still taking users to the homepage, not the optimized page. (i.e. if you search for yoga bolster, find our search result, and click the search result link, you're taken to the homepage, not the bolster page) It's only been about 36 hours since we've launched the new website and submitted it to Google's webmaster tools. Does anyone know why Google is still sending people to our homepage and not the keyword-optimized pages we created? Is this a timing issue?

    | pano

  • I am making a new website but need to figure out the best way to do this in terms of SEO. I would like the website to have functionality of brochure website combined with an online store. My issue is that I will be using software called prestashop for my online store and CMS called MODx to develop my brochure site. (These can not be combined into one CMS). I can create brochure site with MOdx = & then from that a subdomain using prestashop for my online store = Can I get Google to index these as one site or would I be better off trying to get everything under the TLD. Ideally I would like just one site without subdomain Bacially what I am asking is... What are the effects of having subdomains in terms of SEO? Am I better of having everyhitng under TLD? Can I get Google to view TLD and Sub as one site? Hope this makes sense, thank you.

    | Socialdude

  • Hi - title says it all really! Just watched the video and throughout it they refer to the wireframes/site examples being available via the ppt download. However, even as a PRO member having purchased the DVD bundle I cannot find a link to download the presentation. Can anyone help please? Thanks in advance!

    | BlakMajik

  • Currently we use an MLS which is an iFrame of property listings. We plan to pay an extra fee and have the crawlable version. But one problem is that many real estate firms have access to the same data, which makes our content duplicate of theirs. Is there any way around this ? Thanks

    | SGMan

  • I have a shopping car button named "Add to car" but it repeats on many pages on my website, is this affecting my seo? If yes.. What should i do so it does not affect? Should button appear on hover? Thanks

    | SeMeAntoja

  • In trying to figure out navigation for a new website, I am struggling with the first link rule vs. the reasonable surfer patent where the first link rule implies that Google "counts" the first link to a page including navigation, and the reasonable surfer patent that implies that navigation links carry less weight than body copy links. What is the best solution for creating main navigation so that it doesn't take away from the body copy links?

    | cindyt-17038

  • Does anyone have any empiric data on the effect of an embedded map on SERP's? Please understand that I already have anecdotal info and a personal opinion. I am looking for data. Thanks

    | RobertFisher

  • Hi Guys I can't seem to find any info on this. Maybe you can help. We are using xcart as our shopping cart. When you land on a product page you have the option to "Quickview" the item. Google is picking up the quickview urls" and the vote on product urls. I have added the following to the robots.txt file but not sure if this will work. Any help on this would be great. Disallow: /?popup=Y Disallow: /?mode=add Undesired URL Examples: <colgroup><col width="735"></colgroup>
    | | <colgroup><col width="735"></colgroup>
    | |

    | fasctimseo

  • Would like to build some content sites and would appreciate some guidance on what you believe to be the most SEO friendly CMS platform.  I'm also hoping to find something that doesn't require much HTML and is pretty easy to jump into.

    | EdStaton

  • Does anyone have examples of e-commerce sites successfully using ajax to power faceted navigation?


  • I apologize if this has already been answered, but after reading several posts on cannibalization, I can't seem to find what I am looking for. The site in question is and in particular the term "western wedding invitation".  We rank in the top 30 for this term in Google, but Google has indexed a particular product, versus our western wedding invitation collection page. The product that is indexed for this term: The page that we would rather be indexed: After running an onpage report in SEOmoz tools for the collection page, we recieve an A grade, but get a warning on the cannibalization line item. As you can see, we name each product within that collection as "Western Wedding Invitation-x" (and have done this for other product categories...not good).  After a good head slap, we realized that we are confusing Google as to what should be the main page. If we rename our products, the product's URL will change-Do we do a 301 for those products? If we rename our products, do we take out the words "Western Wedding Invitation" entirely or can we say "x-Western Wedding Invitation"? Or. because cannibalization is deemed a "low priority" in the reports, do we let things be and work on getting links to the collections page vs the individual product? Any insight would be most appreciated.

    | UrbanityStudios

  • Hi, I have a Wordpress SEO Question. I ran the SEOMOZ checker on my website and it discovered roughly 70 of my 250 blogs had a URL length problem. I have removed the year and month from the WP structure as I read elsewhere that it is not important. The blogs displayed as follows: and the new structure is: I have resubmitted the new structure to Google Webmaster Tools XML and updating the on-page sitemap on my main site. My blog was cached on 25<sup>th</sup> October and seems to be caching every 7 days, my website cached on the 24th and I wonder if I should do any follow up work to ensure the content gets crawled properly. a)      Individually 301 redirect the old URLs to the new. b)      Individual Canonical links for each. c)      Adding the old pages to the robots file and disallowing. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    | tdsnet

  • For the site I work on we would like to make a change on the homepage from having categories on the left nav to a meta menu on the top nav. The reason we are doing this is an attempt to both make finding products better for the customer and we feel it is more aesthetically pleasing. Could this negatively affect our SEO and ranking even if we use the exact same links? Are there any other negative repercussions you feel could come from this? Thanks for any help!

    | ClaytonKendall

  • Hello, In the UK I have my domains hosted with a company and my hosting with another company. I can change the DNS so the domain works with the webhosting. Can this be setup in the USA in the same way or does the hosting and domain need to be with the same company? Thanks.

    | Seaward-Group

  • Currently experiencing duplicate pages for all hotel pages. What would be recommendation to fix the pop up pages that uses javascript? | |

    | Melia

  • Hi Everyone, I have a question about trying to get location information into title tags without having it look spammy. What I've been trying is something like this: h1 {  font-size:18px; } .h1_sub { font-size:10px; } Why Choose My Company Minnesota Website Design | Minneapolis Web Development I'm not sure if that is a good thing to do or not as everything is inside the h1 tag and visible to the engines however it makes it less prominent on the page and gives a better layout. You can see it at Thanks

    | MLTGroup

  • 7 months ago I asked the same question.. I am reaching out to all of you What platforms do you hate? and want to meet the guys or girls that coded it in a dark ally way... and What platforms are good? I keep looking at the code of some sites and its shocking. No GA Async code, No canonical tags.. it goes on and on.. If you want to pitch to me and you are in the UK email me [email protected]

    | robertrRSwalters

  • Hi all. Should we be using File Compression software on our website files for SEO benefit? If so, do you like Deflate or gzip? Thank you for your help! Jay

    | theideapeople

  • My question is with the new Google SERP.  I posted a pic of it at If you mouse over the arrows to the right of a result on the SERP, it pops up a preview of the page. On some results it also highlights a section of the page with a red box. What does this represent? Does it represent a key area that they are looking at in determining the positioning? I have some clients that are asking me and it doesn't make a lot of sense. In my example above I searched for "seo expert in georgia" and on my result (I'm #2), it shows a preview, but the part it has chosen to highlight with a red box is just, um, ...useless. It's highlighting a Recent Post sidebar on the right halfway down the page. Surely this can't be what they're looking at as what they view as "useful" to that search.  This simply can't be what they're using to determine positioning. Or is it? Just please explain what I'm seeing here. new-google-page.gif.

    | GeorgiaSEOServices

  • Hello all, We have 4 language domains for our website, and a number of our Spanish landing pages are written using Spanish characters - most notably: ñ and ó. We have done our research around the web and realised that many of the top competitors for keywords such as Diseño Web (web design) and Aplicaión iPhone (iphone application) DO NOT use these special chacracters in their URL structure. Here is an example of our URL's EX:ño-Web/Diseño-Web However when I simply copy paste a URL that contains a special character it is automatically translated and encoded. EX:ón-iPhone/Aplicación-iPhone (When written out long had it appears:ón-iPhone/Aplicación-iPhone My first question is, seeing how the overwhelming majority of website URL's DO NOT contain special characters (and even for Spanish/German characters these are simply written using the standard English latin alphabet) is there a negative effect on our SEO rankings/efforts because we are using special characters? When we write anchor text for backlinks to these pages we USE the special characteristics in the anchor text (so does most other competitors). Does the anchor text have to exactly I know most webbrowsers can understand the special characters, especially when returning search results to users that either type the special characters within their search query (or not). But we seem to think that if we were doing the right thing, then why does everyone else do it differently? My second question is the same, but focusing on the use of Capital letters in our URL structure. NOTE: When we do a broken link check with some link tools (such as xenu) the URL's that contain the special characters in Spanish are marked as "broken". Is this a related issue? Any help anyone could give us would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, David from twago

    | wdziedzic

  • I have a few years experience optimizing PPC text for click-through and conversion rates.  I don't see many web sites that are using these methods for their organic listings generated from meta tags.   Why is this? So many meta tags seem to be either keyword stuffed or auto generated.   From my research, it seems that keywords in meta tags mean little to search engine optimization other than the fact that vertically aligning keywords from search phrase to listing to landing page is important.  (Just like it is in PPC). Now that I am personally doing more than just PPC, I have begun rewriting meta text for increased conversions.  The search results look to me like My web site is the only one doing this. Is everyone missing out on something, or am I missing something?

    | EugeneF

  • Correct me if I am wrong, but for SEO purposes, it is best to host your website in the correct country? I set up hosting in Germany for our new website, but now I am concerned on how to set up our wordpress website through our german host and setting up the database. Or would I be safe to host it in the US? Can I set it all up in English and then translate it to German and then upload it that way?

    | hfranz

  • I created a good navigation but can't replicate it with html or css so I might have to stick to images. What would you recommend as a best practice for images in navigation? This site doesn't need to rank really high, it's mostly for a portfolio.

    | BeTheBoss

  • Hello Seomoz friends. I've about to pull all my hair out and need to turn somewhere.   Our site, has been around since 2004.  We used to be ranked at the top of page two on google under the keyword "live chat".  We are no on page 4, heading to page 5. Can anyone take a look at the site and see if anything jumps out at you?  The only way we have been able to get on the first page, is the pay for google adwords (which we've been doing every month for 7 years). Again, the site and the keyword is "live chat". Any help or feedback would be appreciated SO MUCH! Thanks! Eric

    | EricWeber

  • Does anyone have any recommendations of a very cheap web design company from India or other countries where the work is also high quality? I can project manage the development and provide a set of web standards such as to use valid code, no meta keyword tags, no flash, etc etc. I am looking for companies I can trust to perform the actual work. The web is full of companies but examples of quality work with WordPress, Joomla and particular ecommerce platforms is very thin or non-existent. If you can share any companies which you have personal experience with, I would appreciate it.

    | RyanKent

  • I am in a limo service industry where people are not looking for great content or product description, all they want is a nice Lincoln Town car and a competitive price. Because I need to get more pictures in front of my customers rather than more content I am not sure if by not having the content high up in the page will affect my rankings. We are transitioning to a new template where we have more control over the layout of the website but because of the slider that we have on the homepage the content needs to go further down.  We could insert some content in each of the slides but the page would start looking too "busy". We want the customers to see very clearly what we offer. They see the picture, click for more info and book the service. How important still is to have your keywords in the first hundred words on a certain webpage? Can we get away with having the content read by search engines after 3 - 4 slides and their description (about 20 words total) ?

    | echo1

  • Hello wise ones, We have been working with the charity Volunteers of America to create a new site for their car donation program at They are a national charity with extensive local programs run by regional affiliates, so the site is divided into a small national section linked to Regional Affiliate sections. You get to the regional sections either by entering your zip code or clicking on your state in the bottom nav of the national pages. Right now we have developed regional sections for Michigan, Nevada, Maryland, Washington D.C., New Jersey, Delaware and the Philadelphia area. The site is about 2 1/2 months old, and while our conversion rate is pretty good (7%) our organic search ranking isn't improving as quickly as we'd like to see. Car donation is a very competitive space, and we would appreciate any advice on how to improve the SEO of the site. Thanks so much.

    | Phibnax

  • Hello, Does anyone know of any resources or tutorials that outline how to serve a smartphone-formatted website using the same URL as the full site? I know that one solution is using media-queries to serve a seperate CSS stylesheet, but you still have the full HTML source code. In other words, I might want to serve a smartphone & desktop user different content, but under one URL. WP Touch (Wordpress Plugin) is a perfect example of what I mean, but how is it technically achieved? It serves two different sets of HTML for smartphone & full, but using one URL

    | petecampbell-bmi

  • Seems like SEO is about to get that much harder: Any thoughts on this?

    | PaulM01

  • I have a client that has a "completely pristine" web environment that is unwilling to put a wordpress installation on their server. Their management team wants a wordpress blog for the marketing department.  Is there a means where we can host the wordpress blog with a regular hosting company but yet have it appear as part of the main site e.g., vs. having to put it in a subdomain ( and lose all the SEO benefits of the blog content?

    | jtroia

  • Anyone know of any software for this... I need a simple way to create SEO friendly Image Swap Functionality on multiple product pages of a static site. The idea is that customers can see different images within the product screen by clicking on thumbnails.  For SEO purposes it is essential that: The rollover does not create a new URL when the product images are cycled The image needs to have an alt attribute (a different attribute set by the client for each product) As per: Thanks in advance. Justin

    | GrouchyKids

  • I'm thinking of creating a new url off an existing url and was wondering if there would be any impact.  For example I have the URL and rather than secure a new url for a new product launch such as I want to do  Will this hurt my SEO rankings for this new site?  Basically wanting to figure out if this will hurt me or not?  Should I get a new url or re-utilize an existing URL... really for a landing page/micro site, etc.,

    | gritacco

  • Do these typically have a negative impact on SEO?  I know this is kind of a vague question, does it make it harder to spider?  Are there SEO friendly ways of coding these?  There are so many sites out there that have these, so I've got to assume it's different on a case by case basis.

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • Hi. I was speaking with my designer last night (we are setting up a new website) and we were discussing the design of our homepage, now the designer said he wanted the first page of the website to be a sort of landing page page were the visitor has to click and enter, im sure everyone has all come across these before. However, I am concerned as to the SEO implications of this? Any help guys?

    | CompleteOffice

  • Currently our website is being redesigned into a CMS for our Headquarters in the US. We have three other locations. Germany, UK and Australia. Each Location has there own domain and hosting in there designated country. How safe will it be to upload our New Headquarters site to each of our different locations? I would like to stay uniform throughout. The content would be similar, but translated to the correct language. And some of the products would be different. Will this be a pretty easy process and will this cause any duplication issues? Are there any suggestions or MUST DO's for localization websites? The website is being designed with Wordpress and Magento as a custom CMS.

    | hfranz

  • What page is attached to if it is not the index.html ? Should I do a redirect from the index page to something more descriptive?

    | FreightBoy

  • I have a client that currently is using a sub-domain site from our local news paper site.  The domain authority looks huge, but it is not really their own domain. I know in the log run it best to change the domain name. I am afraid of a significant drop in Google Places  traffic when I change to a new domain. Has anyone dealt with type of situation?

    | Joshen

  • Hi, I have created a SEO Moz campaign for my travel blog The Crawl diagnostics tool raised a warning saying that for few pages I have a 'Too many on-page links'. All the problematic pages are of the following style: .... I am not sure what I should do with that ...  Since I continue to publish articles on that blog I imagine that that problem will keep growing and growing ... What should I do with that? Thanks P.S. That blog uses Wordpress CMS. Nancy

    | EnigmaSolution

  • If one was to own 5 sites that were in a similar vertical and at some point decide that managing 5 sites was more of a pain than managing 1,2, or 3, is it possible to combine sites via 301 redirects and increase the overall DA, and for urls that are similar, PA? So, we have site,,,, and Assuming that they have a DA of = 32 = 36 = 27 = 21 = 44 Is there any testing that has shown combining the first 4 would increase the from DA of 36 to DA of 51, etc? Is there any testing regarding the same, but with Page Authority? Thanks PS Assume other variables are equal. I also realize this could look as if they were all ECommerce, but what if they were service or bricks and mortar?

    | RobertFisher

  • I have been doing some competitive analysis basing my company on others and have noticed a pattern. Very high ranking sites seem to have limited the internal and external on page links on their subdomains to under 100. my site has a lot of links but all are relevant and lead to unique content. I am interested to know if anyone else has noticed this pattern in changes in the SERP results. bIs google now penalizing pages with to many on site nav links? And if a full site restructure is needed to allow google to index and rank these pages or if a it is a non issue and does not need to be addressed. Panda confuses me!!!!! HELP!

    | Brother22

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