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Category: Getting Started

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  • moz academy

    Easy-to-access SEO education has always been dear to our mission. Simply log in with your Moz Profile and start learning. Whether you're new to SEO or looking to take your skills to the next level, Moz Academy has fun, affordable courses for the entire team! Check it out now! moz-academy-training.png

    | HayleyBowyer
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  • Unsolved

    url issue url

    I've got way too many long url's but I have no idea how to shorten them?

    | laurentjb
  • Unsolved

    robots.txt crawl error

    I'm trying to setup a campaign for and I keep getting messages that Moz can't crawl the site because it can't access the robots.txt. Not sure why, other crawlers don't seem to have a problem and I can access the robots.txt file from my browser. For some additional info, it's a SquareSpace site and my DNS is handled through Cloudflare. Here's the contents of my robots.txt file: # Squarespace Robots Txt User-agent: GPTBot User-agent: ChatGPT-User User-agent: CCBot User-agent: anthropic-ai User-agent: Google-Extended User-agent: FacebookBot User-agent: Claude-Web User-agent: cohere-ai User-agent: PerplexityBot User-agent: Applebot-Extended User-agent: AdsBot-Google User-agent: AdsBot-Google-Mobile User-agent: AdsBot-Google-Mobile-Apps User-agent: * Disallow: /config Disallow: /search Disallow: /account$ Disallow: /account/ Disallow: /commerce/digital-download/ Disallow: /api/ Allow: /api/ui-extensions/ Disallow: /static/ Disallow:/*?author=* Disallow:/*&author=* Disallow:/*?tag=* Disallow:/*&tag=* Disallow:/*?month=* Disallow:/*&month=* Disallow:/*?view=* Disallow:/*&view=* Disallow:/*?format=json Disallow:/*&format=json Disallow:/*?format=page-context Disallow:/*&format=page-context Disallow:/*?format=main-content Disallow:/*&format=main-content Disallow:/*?format=json-pretty Disallow:/*&format=json-pretty Disallow:/*?format=ical Disallow:/*&format=ical Disallow:/*?reversePaginate=* Disallow:/*&reversePaginate=* Any ideas?

    | andrewrench

  • When I enter my domain in the free analysis tool, I get a "bummer, no data found". I am certain whatever is causing that to happen is causing other SEO problems

    | verdet3232
  • Unsolved

    getting started

    Im new to Moz and would like to get the most out of it as quickly as possible. so like the subject say - What are the top 5 things you would recommend I should to get the most out of Moz? #getstarted

    | djnlowe
  • Unsolved

    closed caption

    By default, the lesson videos I'm watching have closed caption turned on. I find it annoying and I'd like to turn it off. How do I do that?

    | digipal55

  • When I try and crawl our site through Moz it gives this message: Moz was unable to crawl your site on Aug 7, 2019. Our crawler was banned by a page on your site, either through your robots.txt, the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header, or the meta robots tag. Update these tags to allow your page and the rest of your site to be crawled. If this error is found on any page on your site, it prevents our crawler (and some search engines) from crawling the rest of your site. Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster. I have been through all the help and doesn't seem to be any issues. You can check the site and robots.txt here: Anyone got any advice on where I could go to get this sorted?

    | MyFamilClubLtd
  • Unsolved

    seo scripts

    Does Moz offer sales scripts to sell SEO services?

    | SeanMontes

  • i see where I can check the DA for a site, but how can I check the PA of a page?

    | Konvertica

  • I'm new to Moz and SEO. When setting up a new campaign there are some keywords pre-filled. Sometimes there are a lot. Sometimes they are very client-specific rather than for the sector or for a search. Sometimes there are very few poor quality keywords. Should I research keywords so that there are as many as possible relevant keywords when first setting up the campaign or leave it as it is and add keywords later?

    | thepeterlunt

  • moz academy

    I'm looking to learn more about SEO. Has anyone purchased the courses available through MOZ? If so, are they useful?

    | Stevepair
  • Unsolved


    Why on Domain Overview are there only 4 countries to choose from? I am in NZ and need to check websites that operate businesses in NZ not Canada, US or Australia?

    | KapitiGirl
  • Unsolved

    locations campaign settings

    Hi all 🙂 I've created a campaign and entered locations - but I'd like to change the locations. How or where do I do this? I can't find the answer on Moz. Thank you! Karen

    | karen_e

  • In other words, if one of my tracked keywords doesn't currently have a URL associated with it / assigned to it, how do I add a URL to it?

    | AllChargedUp
  • Unsolved

    download keyword list csv

    I'm just getting starting with MOZ Pro and I may be missing something simple. If MOZ says my site currently ranks for 9.1K keywords, is there a way I can download to CSV that 9.1K list? I have a MOZ Pro account, but haven't figured out how to do this. Thanks for the help!

    | MarvinsP32

  • Hi, I have my  4 month old blog, PA of site is 17 but DA is still 5. I don't know how to increase DA of site.  Please suggest me how to increase DA of Site  . Thanks

    | markwillson
  • Unsolved

    refund trial

    Hi guys I forgot to cancellation my  subscription before the trail expired. I am currently at a very nascent stage and do not require the product and can't afford it as well. I would really appreciate if you can refund the money and help me. Kindly consider.  I missed the date by one day. I will be really grateful!

    | Arthursd4
  • Unsolved

    url inspection single page

    I ran the crawler, and it found a few errors on the site. I have fixed these errors. I don't want to run the crawler against the entire site again. I just want to run the test against a single page. How can I do that?

    | imranh70

  • I Have A website Related to Agras T16 Drone Today DA of my website decreased what could be the reason Please help me what about issue?

    | JerryAlexo
  • Unsolved

    help with title pages help

    Hello, I am using a plugin named translatepress, however whenever I activate it the moz crawl gives my site as having duplicate content on it. How do I avoid this? I would like to have a website version in English and Portuguese? Thanks

    | SilvinoFernandes

  • Hi professionals, I am newbie in SEO field, I want to audit my company blog "" How to check domain authority, page authority and other matrics of this blog. I want to rank this blog in google and other search engines but no one can help me to do this! Please guide me in depth i am very thankful to you Thanks!

    | Smartlanjabdul
  • Unsolved

    robots.txt crawl disallow subdomain sub-domain

    I need Moz to stop crawling a subdomain of my site, and am just checking what the exact text should be in the file to do this. I assume it would be: User-agent: Moz
    Disallow: / But just checking so I can tell the agency who will apply it, to avoid paying for their time with the incorrect text! Many thanks.

    | Simon-Plan
  • Unsolved

    trouble connecting

    having trouble getting to the dashboard i think mozilla fire fox is blocking

    | ecoofficescreens
  • Unsolved

    subscription cancelation cancel cancelation cancelmyaccount

    Is there anyway to cancel moz local? I can not figure it out. I've tried for hours now.

    | SouthBayWebs
  • Unsolved

    overview seo 101

    Hello, I'm looking for an overview for how to use some of the MOZ features for teammates that are unfamiliar with the full ins and outs of SEO. Or perhaps a list of tips to share out with them? Is there any sort of webinar or tips that you have available or perhaps a training they could attend? Thanks!

    | Athene

  • Hello Mozzers! I've received an error message saying the site can't be crawled because Moz is unable to access the robots.txt. I've spoken to the webmaster and he can't understand why the robot.txt can't be accessed in Moz. and Google isn't flagging anything up to us. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thanks

    | tigersohelll
  • Unsolved

    fintech seo tactic seo page treatment

    My question is how to begin developing an SEO strategy for finance and software websites as an SEO Analyst. This is two entirely different industries which have merged together into fintech and we want to start building an organic traffic roadmap as well as technical changes that come with government and finance quid-lines.
    The core function it deals with are payment collection, payment disbursement, invoices, SAAS as solution, automated payments, payment links, etc.
    Let me know what steps and measure need to take place before creating any roadmap.

    | praveenyadav0915
  • Unsolved

    title tags

    where can I view all the pages of the website crawled to see all the page urls, page titles and descriptions all in one single view not one page at a time? for example when using screaming frog you can scan a site and it will make a list of all pages urls, titles and descriptions that you can export. Thanks.

    | peterbriss

  • Hi, I am drawing your attention to Moz's Domain basics here: It reads: "Since search engines keep different metrics for domains than they do subdomains, it is recommended that webmasters place link-worthy content like blogs in subfolders rather than subdomains. (i.e. rather than The notable exceptions to this are language-specific websites. (i.e., for the English version of the website)." I am wondering if this is still Moz's current recommendation on the subfolders vs subdomains debate, given that the above (sort of) implies that SE's may not combine ranking factors to the domain as a whole if subdomains are used - which (sort of) contradicts Matt Cutts last video on the matter ( ) which implies that this is not the case and there is so little difference that their recommendation is to use whatever is easiest. It would also seem to me that if you were looking through the eyes of Google, it would be silly to treat them differently if there were no difference at all other than subdomain vs subfolder as one of the main reasons a user would use a sud-domain is a technical on for which it would not make sense for Google to treat differently in terms of its algorithm. I notice that in terms of Moz, while most of the site uses subfolders, you do have - and I was wondering if this is due to a technical reason or conscious decision, as it would seem to me that the content within this section is indeed linkworthy (as it has external links pointing to it from external sources), therefore it would seem to not be following the initial advice that is posted in Moz's basics on domains. Therefore I am assuming it is due to a technical reason - or that Moz's adive is out of date with current Moz thinking, and is indeed in line with Matt C in that it doesn't matter. Cheers

    | James77

  • kindly explain me i am new.

    | saadrazaa12

  • Did Moz have a citation report ?

    | Vbleuwire
  • Unsolved

    share addresses same address how to list same address

    I have a two businesses with same address. Should I differentiate them with a different suite number?

    | jw3333
  • Unsolved

    trial beginner features question

    If you had to prioritize Moz features for those just getting started, what would be your top three? I have my own thoughts here, but I am keen to hear what other Mozers believe.

    | CAYK
  • Unsolved


    Hello, We noticed that MOZ tried to charge our credit card, while we are on Trial period until today. We decided to cancel the subscription (until our budget grows and come back). The tool is great, but it currently is too expensive for our business. We enjoyed the trial period and will surely come back when our business can afford it!! Thanks!

    | intenseed

  • how can i check spam score and tf cf of my mygiftcardsite

    | johnvella
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  • da pa domain authority page authority

    The DA and PA of my site have a huge difference.
    I know DA is Domain Authority and PA is Page authority.
    But is this normal to have 5 DA and 17 PA?
    Is my site having some sort of issues or is it normal?

    | seotoolshero024

  • How can I come to know that google has put over Website in Sandbox, I have read some article where they define SandBox as Ranking stuck or Google remove keyword Ranking from it SERP, but not satisfied I need clear explanation regarding to SAND BOX, because I think that one of my Service based website Automatic Srew is stuck in Google Sand box, so guys I need your help for clearing my concept.

    | usama_k
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  • This question is deleted!


  • Hello, I want to know how moz calculates the keyword difficulty? What are the basic things which moz pro consider while calculating keyword difficulty? I wanna Calculate the KD of JB Battery Keywords,

    | Shafqat_mehmood

  • I am new here and my question is how rank a website with moz because my website was not ranking in any keywords  so plz guide me

    | RoyDigitalWorld

  • Hey Community, This is my site which is the Best Drifitng in Australia. I am getting a problem and my site's DA is unable to show using. I want to see it as soon as possible, although I am using a premium tool. Thanks

    | jndjue4

  • Hello, I want to ask what are the benefits of Moz Pro other than finding low competitive keywords? I want to know the best use of Moz Pro for betterment of my site (chicken grill recipe). I want the best possible result. Guide me. Thanks.

    | maxcharles

  • Hello, I want to know how moz pro calculates the keyword difficulty? What are the basic things which moz pro consider while calculating keyword difficulty? Whenever i check my site(Sehhaty app) it shows different keyword difficulty. why so? Thanks.

    | emmaava6
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