
Turning a Fail Into a Win: Twitter Gets PR Right
Jane Copland

Turning a Fail Into a Win: Twitter Gets PR Right

Using Twitter over the past week or so has been a very frustrating experience. The site takes a long time to load, its features either intermittently or permanently don't work, updates get lost and, due to the site's miserable uptime, its third party applications don't work either. For a time, every second person's update complained about Twitter's uptime (or lack thereof), and some suggested a mu...

Have Online Press Releases Gone the Way of the Dodo?
Rebecca Kelley

Have Online Press Releases Gone the Way of the Dodo?

Recently I attended the eCommerce Summit, and while I was there I attended the "Using Press Releases to Drive Sales" session. The sole speaker was Joe Beaulaurier, marketing manager of PRWeb. Sure, his session was a bit salesy (then again, so were a lot of the session at the eCommerce Summit, but it is ecommerce, after all), but he did make so...

Online Brand Management by Julius Caesar

Online Brand Management by Julius Caesar

One year in Rome, the festival of the Bona Dea ("good goddess") was held at Caesar's house. No men were permitted, but one did manage to enter disguised as a woman, intent in seducing the Caesar's wife Pompeia. He was caught but was later released with no charges. Nonetheless Caesar divorced Pompeia saying that "my wife ought not even to be under suspicion."

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Raising Awareness for Your Favorite Non-Profit

Raising Awareness for Your Favorite Non-Profit

The web/tech community tends to be a helpful, compassionate bunch, who have great zeal for sharing knowledge and promoting various social and political ideals.Last week, my employer sent me to a grant-writing conference in Washington, D.C.(the other Washington, for those of you residing in the Pacific NW.). It was by far the most intense week of my life, and along the way, I met...

Taking Advantage of Google News

Taking Advantage of Google News

Google News can be a powerful tool for finding super targeted websites to get amazing traffic from. I know I am not alone when looking for places with great authority to send me traffic so, I think this tip could be beneficial for those frustrated with figuring out great places to get started with press.I am not taking anything away from the typical PR sites like ...