The New Science of Web Psychology: Interview with Nathalie Nahai
Nathalie Nahai, the web psychologist, talks about her love of web optimization, favorite social media tools, and the new Star Trek movie.
Nathalie Nahai, the web psychologist, talks about her love of web optimization, favorite social media tools, and the new Star Trek movie.
For those of you who have been doing SEO for awhile now, think back to when you first started pitching ideas to bosses, client lists, or other members of your marketing team. If you remember a few blank stares and responses like, "Don't most people just search for our brand name if they want to shop on our site?" you're not alone. In today's post, Rob Toledo explains why it's important to remove yourself from the technical powers of SEO and have an occasional conversation with someone from the 99% of search engine users who have minimal understanding of “under the hood” mechanics on results pages.
I was interested in click through rates in Google search engine result pages. It is obvious that the position in search engine result pages is vital. However, it is just as important that there are three main types of keywords, and these keywords might have different click through rates. To find out if that thesis is true, I conducted a study.
It is important for marketers to know where prospective customers are along the purchase process continuum. It enables them more effectively deploy messages and information that will move them ever closer towards a sale.
Personas development is a tool that has been put to use in just about every marketing arena. We know that they can help marketers engage potential clients, but as with many ideas that have made the transition from traditional media to digital we can use them in many ways to improve our workflows and our marketing efforts.
Some aspects of marketing seem intuitive, yet after time passes, the reality of data collection sets in. Such is the apparent case regarding the donations-through-text process. An online post revisits the altruistic sentiments relayed by those who donated to Haiti after the destructive earthquake of two years ago.
Howdy Mozzers! You may remember us from our last study, Mission ImposSERPble (we know, that title was way better), but we're not done yet. After we finished with Google, we started in on Bing.
On Tuesday I made my speaking debut at SMX East 2011 on a panel with Lena Flanigan and Vanessa Fox. I unveiled a methodology that I think is potentially game changing. Now I want to share this breakthrough with the community that has helped me build a name for myself. Without further adieu ladies and gentlemen of the SEOmoz community I present to you Keyword Level Demographics.
With the launch of Google+, the social sharing landscape has changed. How will the launch of Plus affect where people share information and how? We pulled the adoption rates and numbers of the +1 button, as well as the Twitter and Facebook sharing statistics, for the Technorati Top 100 websites before and after the launch of Google+. We also gathered the same statistics for some of the most visible SEO websites. I invite you to draw your own conclusions from the data and take part in the discussion by leaving a comment!
It feels kind of negative to start a post with a warning, but you’re all busy people and I’d hate for you to waste your time – so here goes: Today I’ll be talking about the ethics of personalisation online, and the potential issues which might arise as a result. As such I won’t be offended if you decide this isn’t quite your cup of tea and decide not t...
SEOs have faced a dilemma in the past: AJAX is great for users, but not so good for search engine spiders. In this post, I'll show how you can use Google's 'Crawlable Ajax' proposal to allow Google to properly crawl your AJAX-enhanced website - and show examples of sites that are already using this.
How much effort do you put in humanizing your business and building its credibility? You must have gone to flashy websites which sell their products /services in a very organized manner, provide excellent navigation and usability but which still fail to convert. Why they fail? This is because they fail to win their trust. No amount of A/B testing or multivariate testing is going to work, if yo...
The past few years have seen an explosion of usability and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) tools hit the market. Here's how to put 3 of them to work.
So here is the deal: Traditional websites frequently rank in mobile search results – especially if you are searching from a SmartPhone. What you may not realize is that the converse is also true – mobile pages can rank well in traditional search. This is quite an interesting phenomenon, and something that we need to address strategically. ...