On-page SEO

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. On-page refers to both the content and HTML source code of a page that can be optimized, as opposed to off-page SEO which refers to links and other external signals.

For those new to on-page SEO, we highly recommend reading our On-Page Ranking Factors. On-page SEO has changed over the years, so it's important to keep up with the latest practices. Below are the latest post about on-page SEO from the Moz Blog, and we have chosen our favorite resources to help you along your journey.

On-Page SEO : The Beginner's Guide to SEO: Everything you need to get started to optimize your pages.

On-Site SEO Learning Center : Our free on-site SEO learning hub. Here, we’ve gathered our top resources in one place.

More than Keywords: 7 Concepts of Advanced On-Page SEO : On-page SEO starts with keywords, but Google uses tons of advanced methods to determine content relevance.

Illustrated Guide to Advanced On-Page Topic Targeting for SEO : A simple framework for on-page topic targeting that produces satisfying content and makes optimizing easy.

On-Page SEO for 2019 - Whiteboard Friday : No matter the year, this advice from SEO expert Britney Muller will help you to rank.

Most Recent Articles on On-page SEO

Page Layout and SEO

Page Layout and SEO

I have seen the long discussions on various blogs and forums about SEO and various factors affecting the SEO. But did not find the much on the effect of site layout on SEO. I think that this is the major factor among the onsite optimization factors.The site must be very easy to use and read by the spiders as well as by the visitors. I mean just visiting the main page of your site, user m...



Ok. You work on a big company site and everything is within the secure protocol? Here is what you have to mind for your onsite optimization: An https site can rank as well as an http site. If done right.Keep all your certificates valid, all time, 24/7/365.Https sites are more work for the servers, so there is the possibility of a slower download -> Keep your sit...

Being Matt Cutts for 30 Minutes

Being Matt Cutts for 30 Minutes

I had the opportunity today to be Matt Cutts for 15 minutes. I was researching a company Caspio. They allow you to more or less setup some applications without having to be a programmer. Kind of compelling to some folks, right?The question given to me was what impact would it have on SEO if a company were to utilize Caspio. I was give...

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Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

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Do Other Meta Tags Really Work?

Do Other Meta Tags Really Work?

Though I by no means consider myself an SEO "expert" (is there such a thing?) I try always to take a pragmatist-positivist approach to SEO techniques. That is, I research a technique; try it out on a personal site; observe the results; record the data; repeat the experiment; then publish the findings.Unfortunately for our industry, many SEO "specialists" have...

Results of Google Experimentation - Only the First Anchor Text Counts
Rand Fishkin

Results of Google Experimentation - Only the First Anchor Text Counts

Before I was inundated with the responsibilities of running a company and managing a few hundred emails a day, I used to spend a lot of time testing theories about how the search engines handled certain elements on a site or page. I'd test the engines to find answers to questions like: Does a keyword perform better or worse if it's higher up in the code of a page? (yep)...

Getting Number One on Google with Frames!

Getting Number One on Google with Frames!

If you thought I was going to give out some magical secret as to how you can achieve this result, sorry, I’m merely pointing out that it can (and has) been done! Earlier this week I was analysing local web design firms in Adelaide, Australia and noticed something interesting about the website that came up in first place for the phrase “website design Adelaide”. After look...

Is Link Juice in Limited Supply?

Is Link Juice in Limited Supply?

I read the interview with Matt Cutts today and it talks about the different uses of noindex, nofollow, and robots.txt. He states (1) whether they stop the passing of “link juice” (PageRank) (2) whether or not the page it still crawled and (3) whether or not it keeps the page out of Google&...

Local Search Improved When Geared State-wide?

Local Search Improved When Geared State-wide?

I have an interesting SEO point/question. Of all the sites I continually re-optimize to see what works, I have had the most interesting success with the company's site itself. I was trying to rank well for our "small town's name Web Design" or "our small town's name graphic design," etc. But then I decided to see how well we could rank for Florida web design and Fl...

Link Title Attribute and its SEO Benefit

Link Title Attribute and its SEO Benefit

A subject not talked about much in the SEO world is, Link Title Attributes and if they have any benefit in SEO. To understand this topic and to see if it was worth me putting any effort into doing, I did some research and came up with my own conclusions. I welcome all other SEO specialists to share their thoughts on this topic and help me and others get a better understanding of this. ...

H1s and H2s - the right tool for the job.

H1s and H2s - the right tool for the job.

I'm pretty new to looking at SEO, having previously left it up to chance and the hope that search engine's would reward me for producing valid code. But I have found myself getting sucked deeper and deeper into it as time goes on.Why? Because I love the idea that good web content is holistic. Good writing, that is relevant and well structured delivered with a brevity of code that makes the...

Keyword Sprawl: You May Surprise Yourself

Keyword Sprawl: You May Surprise Yourself

I've read more beginner SEO guides than I can count, never really being able to convince myself that I'm not a beginner anymore. One thing that appears in a lot of these guides and lists of "SEO Facts" online is the fact that one shouldn't optimize a page for more than a certain number of terms. This usually ranges between one and three. I agree with this if you have free ...