SEO Events

SES San Jose Day 1 - Overheard on Twitter
Jennifer Sable Lopez

SES San Jose Day 1 - Overheard on Twitter

This week I'm at SES San Jose covering the conference for SEOmoz. I'm a one woman show so I'm putting my multi-tasking skills to the test! Obviously I can't make it to every session, or cover every track. Plus there are many others live blogging the event. So, how can I make sure the SEOmoz community gains as much information as possible from this conference? Reuse other people's content, that's h...

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Summer 2009 Online Marketing and Search Conferences
Jennifer Sable Lopez

Summer 2009 Online Marketing and Search Conferences

Is it just me, or is it getting on hot in here? Well it IS summer time again, and this year there are some interesting (both national and global) summer online marketing conferences happening. Some of the mozzers will be attending and/or speaking and I thought this was a great time to let everyone know where we'll be, and in some cases, where we'd like to be! Online Marketing Su...

SMX Madrid 2009 Recap
David Carralon

SMX Madrid 2009 Recap

If SES and SMX London have been two key players of my SEO education this year, then SMX Madrid has definitely topped up my SEO Spanish terminology. This may sound strange coming from a Spaniard, but after I have lived abroad...

IMC Stockholm, Swedish Meatballs and New Friends
Rebecca Kelley

IMC Stockholm, Swedish Meatballs and New Friends

A couple weeks ago I went to Sweden to speak at IMC Stockholm. I had a really lovely time exploring the beautiful city as well as speaking at IMC and networking with marketers from all over the world. I thought I'd provide a recap of my trip and share some conference coverage with all of you who didn't attend the conference but are curious as to what it entailed. Enjoy! Pre-...

SEOmoz Best of May 2009
Rebecca Kelley

SEOmoz Best of May 2009

Happy June, evvabody! Here's what happened last month in case you were bedridden with swine flu: Best Blog Posts in May 2009 If I Could Go Back In Time & Give Myself Some Advice, This Would Be It. If Rand could turn back tiiiiiime......

Getting Value from Search Conferences

Getting Value from Search Conferences

I've just got back from SMX London (when I say "just" I'm obviously referring to the Hangover, as I've been back multiple days), and It's probably the best event I've been to for all around value and enjoyment. Having to been to several conferences (Including 3 SES events) over the years though, I've come to the conclusion that, unless you are networking for clients, these events are not easy to justify the expenditure they incur. The problem most people in the intermediate-advanced tier face is hearing only what we know already; I spend a lot of these sessions sucking eggs now.

Weekend Roundup for the Week of 5/10/09
Rebecca Kelley

Weekend Roundup for the Week of 5/10/09

Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week: Google crashed between 8:40 and 9:55 ET yesterday, preventing people from Googling to find out why Google wasn't working. Oh noes! Speaking of Google, they recently overhauled Google News as well as updated their blog search algorithm, and they're allowing trademarks to be used in US Adwords copy. Geez, no wonder there was downtime. Methinks Google needs a little R&R.

Upcoming Spring 2009 Search Conferences
Rebecca Kelley

Upcoming Spring 2009 Search Conferences

The weather's getting nicer, the days are getting longer and Rand's barely in the office. You know what that means: it's conference season! Since there are so many conferences right around the corner, I thought I'd list some upcoming events in case you're thinking of attending a show but aren't sure which one to book. SMX London in London, UK: May 18-19, 2009...

SEOmoz Best of April 2009
Rebecca Kelley

SEOmoz Best of April 2009

At the beginning of every month I'll be highlighting the best content from the previous month. I'll still be doing the weekly roundups (I owe you guys a big one tomorrow), but here's a monthly recap of the best blogs, YOUmoz entries, tools and more. Best Blog Posts in April 2009 Fear and Forg...