SEO Events

10 Reasons You Must Attend SMX London
Rand Fishkin

10 Reasons You Must Attend SMX London

I haven't promoted an SMX event on SEOmoz in a long time, but the agenda and opportunity in London (May 18 and 19 - just 2 weeks away) is too good to miss. If you have search marketing personnel anywhere in the UK, the expenditure (£890 with a 10% discount for SEOmoz PRO members) will undoubtedly bring a high ROI. I'll explain why:

SEO Since 1999
James Svoboda

SEO Since 1999

Monday, April 20th, 2009: Today I celebrate the completion of my first decade in search. I have been waiting for this day with some trepidation for the past 6 months or so. I am not really sure why or even what this anniversary really means. Does it mean that I am some sort of expert? Well, anything is possible. Or does it mean that I have wasted the past decade with little to show in an industry that my friends and family can hardly even understand? Hmm, I hope not. In truth, it means I not only have a job that I like, but a career that I love.

Belated Thursday Roundup for the Week of 4/12/09
Rebecca Kelley

Belated Thursday Roundup for the Week of 4/12/09

Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week: Stephen Tallamy did an interview with the SEO team at Distilled. I love the Mod Squad-esque snapshots of each employee. They're so posh. Joost de Valk wrote up a new guide to Magento SEO. Since the platform keeps evolving, he'll keep it nice and up-to-date for all you nerds. Maybe I need to implement this strategy in order to shave my swim time down a bit...

SEO - 10 Things On My Wish/Gripe List

SEO - 10 Things On My Wish/Gripe List

This is my wish list from Google and the other search engines. Rankings should be based more on the content of the site and less on technical aspects (tags, domains, links). The theory is that, as SEO teams, we could devote more time to content, the good stuff that actually benefits the user.

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Reykjavik Internet Marketing Conference: An Extraordinary Experience
Rand Fishkin

Reykjavik Internet Marketing Conference: An Extraordinary Experience

This past week, as Sarah, Adam, Jeff and I left the office for our Tuesday lunch meeting, they asked me how the Iceland conference went. I believe my exact words were "It was the most fun I've had since my wedding." The more I reflect on the experience, the truer it is. I arrived in Keflavik airport at 6:15am last Thursday morning. I walked outside to take the bus to Reykjavik...

Presentation Skills for SEO

Presentation Skills for SEO

Good presentation skills are essential in the SEO industry. As well as the multitude of conferences that feature so prominently in our industry, we are also often called on to present SEO clearly (and favourably!) to potential clients and skeptical CEOs.

Obscenely Belated and Bloated Roundup: The Triumphant Return
Rebecca Kelley

Obscenely Belated and Bloated Roundup: The Triumphant Return

I've been neglecting the Thursday roundups lately due to chronic deadlines and client work taking precedent over sitting down for four hours and putting together a post full of links. However, since I've received clamorings to resume the roundup (and because Rand is sad that I haven't been blogging much lately), I figured I'd hunker down and get you all up to date on what's been going on the past couple months. I'll also be "Andy Dufresne-ing" old YOUmoz entries and Marketplace listings into subsequent roundups until we're all caught up, so don't feel sad if you contributed to the site some way in the past and aren't listed below--I'll get to you! My apologies for some of the more "dated" news--hope you enjoy this mega long, uber-huge roundup!

SEMpdx's Searchfest 2009: The Best of the Bunch
Rebecca Kelley

SEMpdx's Searchfest 2009: The Best of the Bunch

Earlier this week Rand and I spoke at the third annual Searchfest, put on by SEMpdx and a load of lovely sponsors. Loyal readers and R. Kelley fanboys (and girls) will remember that my first ever speaking engagement was at the first Searchfest two years ago. The organizers were gracious enough to overlook my profound suckitude and invited me back to speak about link building last year. This time around, they asked me to participate on the blogging panel with Stoney deGeyter and Heather Lloyd Martin. I wasn't sure what to cover since the panel details simply said "Blogging," so I talked about various blogging myths. It seemed to go over fairly well considering it was 9:00 am--I think my half naked pictures of David Hasselhoff helped.

A Review of Thinkvisibility

A Review of Thinkvisibility

Over the weekend I was lucky enough to attend ThinkVisibility, a conference in Leeds (UK) where I was speaking on reputation management. Here's a quick roundup of the conference for you UK types - there's another conference in September and tickets were only £30 this time around which was a right bargain - just take a look at t...

Some Interesting Tips and Tidbits from SES London Day 1
Rand Fishkin

Some Interesting Tips and Tidbits from SES London Day 1

For the first time in a good while, I managed to spend a few hours sitting in sessions here in London, re-absorbing some information and even picking up a few new bits here and there. Short post, but I figured if it's new/interesting to me, it might also be enjoyable to others (hopefully). Lisa Ditlefsen opened a new consulting agency - Verve Search...

Pubcon Recap: Booths, Beginners, and Bashes
Rebecca Kelley

Pubcon Recap: Booths, Beginners, and Bashes

Pubcon came and went last week in a red-eyed whirlwind (I can never wake up in Las Vegas without emptying a half bottle of Visine in each eye). I actually didn't attend any sessions except for the two panels I spoke on and the Five Microphones and a Blogger session, but I'll get to that later. First I want to talk about our booth we displayed.

SMX London 2008 Recap

SMX London 2008 Recap

This week saw a few momentous events, of which I'll name two: the election and SMX London. The election seems to have been covered in a few other places, so I'm going to focus on SMX. It was a pretty awesome venue and a lot of fun. Here's a picture of me, Jay, Rob and Wiep sitting on the link building panel being dwarfed by Lyndon's lemon-coloured presentation.