SEO Events

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 11/2/08
Rebecca Kelley

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 11/2/08

Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week: * Are you going to Pubcon? Do you enjoy kicking ass? If you answered "yes" to those questions then you're in luck! Rae Hoffman is giving away a ticket to meet Shawn Tompkins and learn some MMA 101 while you're networking in Vegas next week. All you have to do is leave a comment over on Rae's blog about why you kick ass. If your comment is the best, you'll win the free ticket!

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 10/26/08
Rebecca Kelley

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 10/26/08

Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week: On Thursday, November 6th, Exact Target and Marketing Sherpa are launching a free, 8-part webinar series. They'll be extracting actionable intelligence from Marketing Sherpa's new 2009 Email Benchmark Guide. If you attend any of the sessions you'll receive $100 off the guide and $400 off Marketing Sherpa's Email Summit being held in March.

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 10/19/08
Rebecca Kelley

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 10/19/08

Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week: * Dwight Silverman criticizes Valleywag writer Paul Boutin, who said that blogs are becoming obsolete and that nowadays all blogs are a "tsunami of paid bilge." Never mind the fact that Paul works fulltime at the SiliValley gossip blog. What a butthole.

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Pre-Weekend Roundup for the Week of 10/12/08
Rebecca Kelley

Pre-Weekend Roundup for the Week of 10/12/08

Since I've caught the awesome cold that's been running rampant through our office, I was unable to publish the roundup yesterday. As such, I'm publishing it today as a temporary "Pre-Weekend Roundup." Now you'll have something fun to read on your lazy Saturday morning! Aren't I thoughtful... Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week: * TechRadar has a list of 20 websites that changed the world and revolutionized the way we lead our lives. The first ever website went online August 6, 1991, which was my 8th birthday. That's one hell of a birthday gift!

6 Lessons from the Search Engineers at SMX East
Rand Fishkin

6 Lessons from the Search Engineers at SMX East

During the final day of SMX East, Nick and I sat in a fascinating session where search engineers from Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft all answered questions posed by the audience and filtered by moderator, Danny Sullivan. I have, in my 5 years of search conferences, attended numerous sessions like this, but I must say that this was, if not the best one I've attended, very close to it. The question...

Roundup Thursday for the Weeks of 9/28/08 and 10/5/08
Rebecca Kelley

Roundup Thursday for the Weeks of 9/28/08 and 10/5/08

My apologies for the missing roundup last week--I got a lot of panicked emails from folks who were afraid that Thursday Roundups were killed off along with our old site design. Not the case--blame the missing roundup on our last-minute scramble to get Linkscape all shiny and purdy for our launch. Never fear, however: this week the roundup is back in action (also, expect my triumphant retur...

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/24/08
Rebecca Kelley

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/24/08

Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week: Three star links: Over on Graywolf's blog, Joe Hall talks about web 2.0 real estate innovators foreclosing some pain on old school real estate brands. Sites like Zillow and are having an open house of ass whooping, and Remax and Century 21 are invited! (If I think of any other real estate-related puns, I'll let you know.) The Google Webmaster Central blog answers your burning questions about 404s. I actually picture people being kept awake at night because they don't know how Google treats a 410 status code. That's sad.

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/17/08
Rebecca Kelley

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/17/08

Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week: Three star links: * Royal Pingdom shares the best interview questions from Google and Microsoft (and they throw in a cheeky IKEA interview question, too). Warning: the questions are uber-geeky and pretty quantitative/logic-heavy. * Speaking of nerd alert, here's the linear algebra behind search engines. Geez, my head hurt just typing that. * The O'Reilly Radar asks if linking to yourself is the future of the web. The post has two good recommendations for self-linkers, so be sure to check 'em out.

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/10/08
Rebecca Kelley

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/10/08

Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week: Three star links: * Soxialize came out with Tweet Pro, a service that allows you to quickly and easily find Twitter users who share your same interest by searching through posted messages and profiles using keywords you enter. * Richard Baxter teaches us how to create a new page template in Wordpress for social media targeting. Lately he's been providing some solid tips and posts on his blog, so check it out if you haven't already.

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/3/08
Rebecca Kelley

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/3/08

Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week: Three star links: * Gmail got 302 hijacked. Oh, the humanity! * Lisa Ditlefsen nerds it up by introducing SEO Wars. Rand is "Rand Link Walker." Need I say more? * Live Search Webmaster Center has been updated to offer crawl issue reports, backlinks data, and download functionality. Hooray for new features! * Searchlight Digital disputes a recent YOUmoz entry that displayed SERP clickthrough rates (the post is linked to in the YOUmoz roundup below) and releases their own ultimate guide to SERP clickthrough rates. * Want to know how magicians can control your mind?