Social Media

From growing your audience to advanced content promotion to building your brand, the importance of social media to digital marketing can't be overstated. Whether you've been in the game from the very beginning or are just starting to wonder how social media tools can apply to your own professional life, the resources on this page can help you reach the next level.

We've hand-picked some of our favorite pieces of content to get you started with learning about social media marketing. Once you’ve studied those, check out the most recent Moz Blog posts about social media below.

Social Media Competitor Analysis: The Complete Guide : A detailed breakdown of how to analyze your social media competitors for a better understanding of your consumers, and to help grow your brand.

How to Turn One Piece of Content into Multiple for SEO : A simple guide to scaling your content publishing output and providing value to your audience.

How Social Media Trends Can Influence Your SEO : Actionable steps for taking advantage of social media trends and building it into your brand’s digital marketing strategy.

Social Media, Influencer Marketing, and SEO : In our free SEO Learning Center, we'll show you how social media, influencer marketing, and PR play a role in search engine optimization.

Creating a Social Media Strategy : The key to success is to have a plan. In this video, you’ll learn how to lay the foundation of all your future social media work.

Most Recent Articles on Social Media

SEO Friendly Maps

SEO Friendly Maps

Though I have been a member of SEOmoz for sometime now and am actually one of the first 5 PRO members on SEOmoz (under my top secret account), this is my first blog post. I was encouraged by Rebecca’s request for SEOmozzers to unite. In a recent post I discussed creating SEO friendly widgets, so today I will discuss how to create SEO friendly maps.

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Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

Win rankings and traffic from your competition

How Can You Use Social Media as Marketing Channels

How Can You Use Social Media as Marketing Channels

In the age of new media, how can we use them effectively to increase sales/business? How can you use new-age social media as a marketing channel? Let’s start from some basics to have a thought on this subject. People always neglect some simple facts, and that’s why most people fail in building a social media brand. This article is about how can we use even our simplest web activity as a marketing effort. It’s about how to use the power of social media as a powerful inbound marketing tool.

Social Networking - The Other Side

Social Networking - The Other Side

I am so sick of hearing about using social networking sites to boost SERPs. Every time someone suggests this, I feel like banging my head against a wall. Not only does it go completely against the spirit of these sites, it is probably one of the hardest things to do successfully, and without alienating an entire community in the process.

How to Promote Yourself, Web 2.0 Style

How to Promote Yourself, Web 2.0 Style

As we all know, there are a lot of so-called SEO experts sending out emails telling you that they guarantee page 1 ranking but then ask for your link. I don't agree with that strategy; instead, I think that taking these 7 steps will help get your name out there and connect with the people within our industry and make you look like a real SEO expert.

Yes, Social Media is Powerful. No, It's Not as Powerful as Search.
Rand Fishkin

Yes, Social Media is Powerful. No, It's Not as Powerful as Search.

It's late. I'm just back from a week of travel and crazy amounts of email (note to other CEOs, when emailing 120K people with a special offer, be wary of putting your email address as the reply-to). I had a terrific time at the Online Marketing Summit - great people, many of whom I'd never met before, an impressive turnout of more than 500 (even in a down economy; wow!) and some terrific networking parties (the conference even featured catered dinner for the attendees, which was really nice). One of the subjects that arose, as usual, was the emergence and power of social media, and I had some quick thoughts to share.

The Future for SEO

The Future for SEO

So as we all know, universal searching is going to be more widespread in the future. But we all know that images, videos and news comes from social media portals. So does this mean that in order to make an effective SEO campaign, an SMO campaign is equally important?

Social Media: The People's Choice Awards of the Internet
Rebecca Kelley

Social Media: The People's Choice Awards of the Internet

I've been hearing a lot of grumbling lately about the steady degradation of the quality of content online, especially as it relates to social media and social news sites. I don't necessarily agree with the gripes--was content that magical in 1999? As far as I can recall, there were hamster dances, dancing babies and Geocities pages long before LOLcats, Rickrolls and MySpace. Sure, there are millions and millions more people online now than there were 10 years ago and there are buttloads more pages of content, but to me, the type and quality of content hasn't changed all that much. You still have news articles and research papers and useful information in one corner, and porn, memes, photoshopped images, and general nonsense in another corner.

Widget Marketing Model
Patrice Albertus

Widget Marketing Model

[Text translated from the French version of my blog -] As you already know by using your iphone or by reading blogs, the widget revolution is flying up! But what exactly are all theses widgets offering to e-marketers? Let’s look at it as a gadget, one easy-to-use application, something which has to be practical for its user, in order to simplify as much as possible the essential meaning of a widget: your product, your service, your branding. This post will outline how to figure out the new widget marketing and “ecosystem" and about the innovation that opened its field from the Internet over to all new media from the numeric convergence.

Which Social Media Platforms Work Best For Your SEO Efforts?
Rand Fishkin

Which Social Media Platforms Work Best For Your SEO Efforts?

The SEO world, particularly the blogosphere and forum chatter, is overwhelmed with talk of how to leverage social media sites for SEO value. Tonight, I'm curious - which types of social media platforms do you actually get the most direct SEO benefit from? Think classic SEO - higher rankings and more search traffic. Which slice of social media sites help you achieve this goal?...