Social Media

From growing your audience to advanced content promotion to building your brand, the importance of social media to digital marketing can't be overstated. Whether you've been in the game from the very beginning or are just starting to wonder how social media tools can apply to your own professional life, the resources on this page can help you reach the next level.

We've hand-picked some of our favorite pieces of content to get you started with learning about social media marketing. Once you’ve studied those, check out the most recent Moz Blog posts about social media below.

Social Media Competitor Analysis: The Complete Guide : A detailed breakdown of how to analyze your social media competitors for a better understanding of your consumers, and to help grow your brand.

How to Turn One Piece of Content into Multiple for SEO : A simple guide to scaling your content publishing output and providing value to your audience.

How Social Media Trends Can Influence Your SEO : Actionable steps for taking advantage of social media trends and building it into your brand’s digital marketing strategy.

Social Media, Influencer Marketing, and SEO : In our free SEO Learning Center, we'll show you how social media, influencer marketing, and PR play a role in search engine optimization.

Creating a Social Media Strategy : The key to success is to have a plan. In this video, you’ll learn how to lay the foundation of all your future social media work.

Most Recent Articles on Social Media

The Right Way to Leverage Social Media

The Right Way to Leverage Social Media

Sometimes the best way to understand how to work in a new industry is to reflect on how the industry has affected us in the past. Let's take a step forward in Social Media Marketing by taking a step backwards first. The most important question to ask yourself is: What "Advertising Stunts" do I remember from social websites?

'Putting Out' to 'Score' on Social Media
Marta Turek

'Putting Out' to 'Score' on Social Media

A recent post on Mashable attempts to develop a case for utilising a candidate’s social media footprint to determine their eligibility for the applied role. The post asserts that if you do not have an expanded and publicly available "social media footprint," you are at a serious disadvantage in the recruitment process to other, more candid candidates. It recommends the creation of fully updated LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter profiles and to “shed your preconceived notions of keeping your work and home life separate.”

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Social Media and the Future of Customer Relations

Social Media and the Future of Customer Relations

Recently, I’ve been doing quite a bit of reading and discussing the question of “What’s next?” in terms of social media, online brand strategy, and the Internet as a whole. There are many different, compelling opinions about what the future holds for our beloved World Wide Web, but I’ve found myself commonly summing up my own thoughts as follows: “more information, faster.”

How To Make Your Offline Presence Work For You Online

How To Make Your Offline Presence Work For You Online

I was recently working on a social media strategy for a popular city newspaper and it got me thinking about the benefits a business can get from a well-thought out crossover between its offline and online presence. I've tried to write this post so that it's useful for any sized business that has some kind of offline presence, from a shop, through a publication to any kind of offline advertising or PR. If you're spending money offline, you should consider how that investment can be taken advantage of online.

Die Digg-Bar Die, Die!  (or Should You Kill the Digg Bar on Your Website)

Die Digg-Bar Die, Die! (or Should You Kill the Digg Bar on Your Website)

You'll have noticed that Digg has recently added the Digg-bar as a central feature, if not the main feature of their social media website. TechCrunch's discussion has a good range of comments from all sides. Having read a few such discussions, used Digg and developed a frames jail-break plugin to release my pages from Digg's grip, I thought my first YOUmoz post was due with my reflections on the use and abuse, hits and misses of the Digg-bar.

Social Media and Ethics for Small Businesses

Social Media and Ethics for Small Businesses

I would like to see some more discussion about Social Media Rules and Ethics. I work for a small company which is open to social media, but we don't entirely get it. We attempted a social media campaign last year, but after a few months of work it slowly fizzled into just me posting a few pictures on Flickr every week. One of the major problems has been knowing when and where we could actually promote our products. We thought we were playing by the rules, but a few sites/people called us out as marketers.

Twitter Impacts Relevance Like I Impact Gravity
Darren Slatten

Twitter Impacts Relevance Like I Impact Gravity

I am awestruck by the collective nonsense I'm reading on this page. You people need a serious reality check. Even if Twitter was big enough to significantly influence search engine rankings--which it definitely ISN'T--it would still be nothing more than a noisy stream of garbage data, being produced by a very narrow range of internet users.

Twitter is Email Marketing 2.0

Twitter is Email Marketing 2.0

There still seems to be hesitation by some industry professionals to jump on the Twitter bandwagon because they don’t yet understand its value. They don’t see a bottom-line altering reason to devote manpower and resources into building up Twitter followers and starting to tweet. While the uses of Twitter are as varied as the number of members, to those professionals, I would like to present the case that Twitter can be considered and used as Email Marketing 2.0.

Viral Marketing Tips and Examples
Dan Petrovic

Viral Marketing Tips and Examples

Viral marketing. We've seen it, enjoyed it, passed it on, and thought, “I could do something like this for my clients.” Most of us, however, do not pass the “I could” stage while others experiment with varying degrees of success. One thing is for sure, a well-executed viral marketing campaign can have a profound effect on traffic and branding. This post will reflect on main characteristics of successful campaigns and cover observations with two successful viral content experiments.

Effective Linkbaiting and 48 Hours Can Drive Your Website Viral

Effective Linkbaiting and 48 Hours Can Drive Your Website Viral

Linkbaiting is one of the most universally effective tactics for promoting a site, both for search engine rankings and short-term traffic boosts. I remember Rand Fishkin saying these words in a guest post on Search Engine Journal way back in 2005. Even today, linkbaiting proves to be an effective way for attracting more eye balls to your website and becoming the center of attraction.