Social Media

From growing your audience to advanced content promotion to building your brand, the importance of social media to digital marketing can't be overstated. Whether you've been in the game from the very beginning or are just starting to wonder how social media tools can apply to your own professional life, the resources on this page can help you reach the next level.

We've hand-picked some of our favorite pieces of content to get you started with learning about social media marketing. Once you’ve studied those, check out the most recent Moz Blog posts about social media below.

Social Media Competitor Analysis: The Complete Guide : A detailed breakdown of how to analyze your social media competitors for a better understanding of your consumers, and to help grow your brand.

How to Turn One Piece of Content into Multiple for SEO : A simple guide to scaling your content publishing output and providing value to your audience.

How Social Media Trends Can Influence Your SEO : Actionable steps for taking advantage of social media trends and building it into your brand’s digital marketing strategy.

Social Media, Influencer Marketing, and SEO : In our free SEO Learning Center, we'll show you how social media, influencer marketing, and PR play a role in search engine optimization.

Creating a Social Media Strategy : The key to success is to have a plan. In this video, you’ll learn how to lay the foundation of all your future social media work.

Most Recent Articles on Social Media

List Link Bait = Overdone

List Link Bait = Overdone

Blogs are a good way to set up some fine quality link baits (mind you Link Baiting is good thing)... write something great about or atleast related to what your selling and if its good, you'll find all kinda people linking to ya... or even digging you on digg, stumbling you stumbleupon or "whteva they do" on i've recently seen or may be noticed it recentl...

Tracking Your "Viral" Video Campaign

Tracking Your "Viral" Video Campaign

This one is for anyone who has ever had the pleasure of doing a viral video marketing campaign.As we are all aware there are so many hurdles to getting either a client or an in house CEO to sign off quality "viral" video content. Two of the most difficult of these hurdles are "can you guarantee results e.g. numbers of views etc...." and "how do we track this&quot...

Tiers of Transparency: The Ethical Brand Ambassador

Tiers of Transparency: The Ethical Brand Ambassador

In the physical world we meet people everyday who share their personal motivations (or not) on multiple levels. Some of them could be artists or even work for companies with a vested interest in our particular demographic segment. In the traditional publishing realm, authors release great works under pseudonyms and even have teams of associate writers compose large chunks or whole books. In man...

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Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

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Taking Note Of Competitors' Mistakes & Successes
Jane Copland

Taking Note Of Competitors' Mistakes & Successes

Quite often, people ask me this, either to my face, via Q&A or in emails: how do I come up with truly unique, never-before-seen, shiny new ideas? What a question. It's a rare thing to come up with something that's really never been done before. Many of the novels on a bookstore's shelves contain stories that have been told before in one form or another. Real originality is fantastic, but there is plenty to be made from taking a good idea and putting a new spin on it and making it better.

Treat Me Mean, I Need The Reputation

Treat Me Mean, I Need The Reputation

There's been a fair amount of buzz recently about online reputation management and how to do it. One thing which I think has been missing from the discussion however is looking at the different ways a negative reputation can manifest itself online. After all, not all negative reputations are created equal. Sometimes it's a page that looks innocuous but contains mildly negative negative things once...

A Few Things That Irk Me About Plurk

A Few Things That Irk Me About Plurk

If you've been hanging out on Sphinn recently, or keeping up with the Twitterati, you'll no doubt have heard of Plurk. It's the latest Me 2.0 site, promising a whole new world of micro-blogging, despite sharing many features with Twitter (which, I guess is now officially SOOOO 2007). Muhamma...