Social Media

From growing your audience to advanced content promotion to building your brand, the importance of social media to digital marketing can't be overstated. Whether you've been in the game from the very beginning or are just starting to wonder how social media tools can apply to your own professional life, the resources on this page can help you reach the next level.

We've hand-picked some of our favorite pieces of content to get you started with learning about social media marketing. Once you’ve studied those, check out the most recent Moz Blog posts about social media below.

Social Media Competitor Analysis: The Complete Guide : A detailed breakdown of how to analyze your social media competitors for a better understanding of your consumers, and to help grow your brand.

How to Turn One Piece of Content into Multiple for SEO : A simple guide to scaling your content publishing output and providing value to your audience.

How Social Media Trends Can Influence Your SEO : Actionable steps for taking advantage of social media trends and building it into your brand’s digital marketing strategy.

Social Media, Influencer Marketing, and SEO : In our free SEO Learning Center, we'll show you how social media, influencer marketing, and PR play a role in search engine optimization.

Creating a Social Media Strategy : The key to success is to have a plan. In this video, you’ll learn how to lay the foundation of all your future social media work.

Most Recent Articles on Social Media

Mintel on Social Networking and Viral Marketing
Jane Copland

Mintel on Social Networking and Viral Marketing

There is plenty to read about social media online, but rarely do I come across something that I find really interesting or even particularly believable. On any given day, you can wade through a mass of blog posts and articles about new tools with which to waste time on Twitter. I know how to waste time on Twitter. I do it all the time.

Social Media Gamblers: Learn to Play the Odds
Danny Dover

Social Media Gamblers: Learn to Play the Odds

Creating viral content for social media is always a gamble. Seemingly great pieces can unexpectedly flop while poorly written blog posts and strange images can go viral without any effort from the creator. In most ways, the success of viral marketing is out of the hands of the marketers. Yet, smart marketers, just like smart gamblers, know there are certain things they can do to help their chances...

No, Unfortunately Digg Doesn't Know Who You Are
Rebecca Kelley

No, Unfortunately Digg Doesn't Know Who You Are

As you fully know, this week we launched the 2008 Web 2.0 Awards. Like last year and the year before, the awards were met with praise and kudos (good job, Jane and crew), and the page was submitted to Digg in hopes of making the home page. Jane and Rand sent out some tweets and commented on the blog post, urging various colleagues and users to digg t...

SEOmoz's 2008 Web 2.0 Awards: The Results
Jane Copland

SEOmoz's 2008 Web 2.0 Awards: The Results

To quote our fantastic CTO Jeff Pollard, we're live. Two years after SEOmoz's first Web 2.0 Awards launched, we've finally finished compiling, ranking and awarding hundreds of websites across forty-one categories. We've added new categories and removed outdated ones. We've also again teamed with a great group of bloggers, marketers, and w...

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A True Story
Jane Copland

A True Story

If you take any interest in Sphinn and the debates which rage therein, you properly noticed last week's uproar over linkbait specialist Lyndon Antcliff's fake story that ended up being mentioned on Fox News. We've dabbled in a fair few linkbait projects over the years and since the Sphinn discussion was still alive just two days ago, I don't think it's t...

You Don't Own Your Brand Online...But You Can Own the Search Results
Glen Allsopp

You Don't Own Your Brand Online...But You Can Own the Search Results

There are over 200 million blogs online, thousands of review sites, sites specific to leaving feedback about companies and thousands of forums on any topic imaginable.People can talk about whatever they want, pretty much wherever they want, and with so many people "conversing online" a lot of that conversation is involving brands - their products, their services and their busin...

Social Marketing and Web 2.0: It's About Passion

Social Marketing and Web 2.0: It's About Passion

A true question:"How do you create a community/forum to start? I am in the mortgage business and wondering if I were to start something like that, how I would go about getting people there." That prompted a debate about how to get a community going. Buying the community, starting off in other communities and luring people over, making up ide...

Digg Has Shout-Blocked Me
Rebecca Kelley

Digg Has Shout-Blocked Me

I've been shout-neutered, folks, and it ain't cool. Let me explain. Yesterday I submitted a story to Digg. I didn't expect it to get on the home page, but I had an "Oh well, what the hell" mentality about it. My plan was to do the usual--shout it once and call it a day. After I submit a link to Digg, I typically shout the story to my friends in about three waves. You can o...

Customer Service Protocol 101: The Revised Edition
Jane Copland

Customer Service Protocol 101: The Revised Edition

I apologise for another Facebook-centred post, but something interesting happened to me this week. I also realise that it is a bit strange to title an original post, "The Revised Edition," but this is indeed a complete re-write of my first draft. My initial post was titled, "Cusomter Service Protocol 101: Threaten To Ban Your Most Loyal Users" and it was quite the diatribe. You see, on Monday Facebook threatened to ban me. They said I had been caught spamming. I became very angry, as I hadn't spammed anyone. I'm also one of Facebook's biggest fans in an environment where everyone has something bad to say about the company.

My Five Favorite Things About Twitter

My Five Favorite Things About Twitter

I setup my Twitter account in April 2008 to see for myself whether Twitter was worth its weight. I initially setup Twitter just for the web but that wasn’t very engaging. I then set it up for my phone and that was too engaging for my lifestyle (plus I don’t have an unlimited texting plan). I finally decided to choose the IM option and to turn ‘devices ...

Facebook Does Keyword Research
Jane Copland

Facebook Does Keyword Research

If I had been paying attention on April 15th, instead of swanning around New Zealand, I would have noticed that Facebook had launched what amounts to an elementary keyword research tool... and as I write that, I realise that Facebook Lexicon is perhaps less elementary than some of the tools that we already pay for. An anonymous aggregation of "public and semi-public" keywords from across...

Is Social Media Marketing Right For You?
Rebecca Kelley

Is Social Media Marketing Right For You?

Last week on The Office, corporate weenie Ryan visited the Scranton branch and told them that they needed to make up extra sales that their website should have brought in. He had been fervently pushing the website onto the staff, telling them that version 2.0 of the site will be even bigger and better, and that embracing new technology like online sales will skyrocket paper purchases and make thei...

8 Ways to Make Sure I Do NOT Follow You on Twitter
Ian Lurie

8 Ways to Make Sure I Do NOT Follow You on Twitter

Aw, Twitter's all grown up: It's got spam!Sniff. I'm so proud.If you want to make sure I totally ignore your Twitter follow request, please: Make sure you're following at least 5,000 people, but have only 100 followers.Have at least 10 of your last 15 posts deal exclusively with Toshiba television sets, pirated software or discount perscription...

Holy Mother of Linkbait
Jane Copland

Holy Mother of Linkbait

This past Tuesday night (and, eventually, Wednesday morning), Rand and I sat down and "wrote" a post that we were quite sure was rather amusing. Admittedly, posting to a widely read SEO blog after getting little sleep and consuming three beers and two cocktails isn't advisable. We were, however, relatively sure we were on to something good.