Social Media

From growing your audience to advanced content promotion to building your brand, the importance of social media to digital marketing can't be overstated. Whether you've been in the game from the very beginning or are just starting to wonder how social media tools can apply to your own professional life, the resources on this page can help you reach the next level.

We've hand-picked some of our favorite pieces of content to get you started with learning about social media marketing. Once you’ve studied those, check out the most recent Moz Blog posts about social media below.

Social Media Competitor Analysis: The Complete Guide : A detailed breakdown of how to analyze your social media competitors for a better understanding of your consumers, and to help grow your brand.

How to Turn One Piece of Content into Multiple for SEO : A simple guide to scaling your content publishing output and providing value to your audience.

How Social Media Trends Can Influence Your SEO : Actionable steps for taking advantage of social media trends and building it into your brand’s digital marketing strategy.

Social Media, Influencer Marketing, and SEO : In our free SEO Learning Center, we'll show you how social media, influencer marketing, and PR play a role in search engine optimization.

Creating a Social Media Strategy : The key to success is to have a plan. In this video, you’ll learn how to lay the foundation of all your future social media work.

Most Recent Articles on Social Media

Is Your Social Media Campaign Targeted?
Anthony Kirlew

Is Your Social Media Campaign Targeted?

Yesterday, as I was checking stats of a website that I manage, I decided to take a closer look at the bounce rate and percentage of new visitors. The bounce rate wasn't hateful (39%), but could definitely be improved. Realizing that this site gets lots of StumbleUpon traffic, I wondered if the (higher than desired) bounce rate could be due to random traffic from SU. Fortunately,...

Social Media and SEO
Mani Karthik

Social Media and SEO

Social Media seems to be current "happening thing". Everyone is asking the questions - "Are you on XYZ?" (XYZ being replaced by the newest social media network) and "How many profile have you got?" It's all the bandwagon effect. You jump in because your friend already has. Otherwise you don't really bother. But apart from all the hype,...

Will Search Engines Ever Regulate Your Linkbait?
Jane Copland

Will Search Engines Ever Regulate Your Linkbait?

"Avoid tricks," Google says, "intended to improve search engine rankings." Of course, they don't mean it, or else we'd all be out of a job. When we explain what we do to people, we tend to use words like "tactics", "methods" and "strategies." The Search Engine Strategies Conference and Expo is currently taking place in London. Search Engin...

Viral Marketing at the Grass Roots Level

Viral Marketing at the Grass Roots Level

Here is my current theory on Viral Marketing:The whole point of "social media marketing" is to get people to promote your site by tagging it so other people will look at it too. Getting people to spread your info/promote your brand is a very basic definition of viral marketing (word-of-mouth, not actually new). You don't have to have write a blog or build a website o...

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Making Up New Words != Creativity
Jane Copland

Making Up New Words != Creativity

Disclaimer: I work for a company called SEOmoz. Its There is absolutely nothing wrong with making up new words for something that, as it stands, can't be properly named or described with existing language. Quite simply, this is how languages evolve and grow, and it would be tough to name everything with words that already exist....

The Sheer Complexity of Social Trends

The Sheer Complexity of Social Trends

Preface Though it is yet unwritten, my follow-up to the test I proposed on whether Google can count thumbs has been much on the forefront of my thoughts, and ever changing. Many people are adding information to this concept that I'd not yet thought of. Many people agree with me and many more...

Do Thumbs Hold Weight? Let's Test It

Do Thumbs Hold Weight? Let's Test It

Does SEOMoz's Thumb system hold any weight with search engine rankings? On SEOmoz, if a blog post, a Youmoz post, or a comment had a greater number of thumbs as another identical post/comment of equal real world or "human" value, would the search engines know? Would they care? Wow, that's kind of a mouthful. Basically, does gi...

Maximizing the Likelihood of Getting Dugg

Maximizing the Likelihood of Getting Dugg

There has been plenty of discussion about the stories that become popular on Digg. However, these posts don't actually help the submitter that much. Do 'Microsoft' stories hit the front page frequently because there are a lot of stories submitted about Microsoft or because Diggers love Microsoft?I think it is much more useful to look at the statistics behind what does a...

Search Results Improve With Social Media Eliminations
Jane Copland

Search Results Improve With Social Media Eliminations

If you've ever had a small to medium sized website have an incredibly popular outing at Digg, the following story is probably quite familiar. Many months later - seven, in this case - the referrals from Digg, whilst having dwindled to very few, keep rolling in on a somewhat regular basis. You didn't think much of it, because you'd become accustomed to seeing that page or those pages get Digg, Stum...

Announcing the Social Media Directory
Jane Copland

Announcing the Social Media Directory

While this is not meant to count as our weekly social media post (Wasabi Wednesday, if you will), I'm pleased to set free our newest directory. Added to our Premium Content, the Social Directory is lists social media sites that can help you accomplish one of three things: allow direct outbound links, provide profiles that rank well in search engines, or serve as great places to promote link-worthy...

It's Gonna Blow! The Critical Mass of  Web 2.0
Jane Copland

It's Gonna Blow! The Critical Mass of Web 2.0

Initially, I was going to wade through all of the nominations for this year's SEOmoz Web 2.0 Awards before writing a blog post about them. Currently, I've only made it through two thirds of the entrants and I can't take any more, at least for a little while. Over a year ago, people were predicting the imminent death of "web 2.0" companies and yet the companies soldiered on.