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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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How Negative Emotion Could Hurt Your Rankings
Carson Ward

How Negative Emotion Could Hurt Your Rankings

Those of us who have been working in the SEO field for a while might take for granted that citations and links are like a “votes” or “endorsements." However, what if those citations and links are negative – and what if Google can tell the difference? While trolling for links might be fun for some, the harsh responses may end up hurting more than feelings.

Aaron Wall and I Debate the Open Discussion of Webspam
Rand Fishkin

Aaron Wall and I Debate the Open Discussion of Webspam

In years past, I'd occassionally post about various aspects of webspam - manipulative links, cloaking, thin content, etc. In these posts, I'd use examples I'd seen - sometimes particularly egregious ones, other times more subtle offenders - both to help illustrate the points and to provide concrete evidence. It's hard to say "link spam is a big problem and Google's su...

Predicting ROI For Your SEO Time And Budget

Predicting ROI For Your SEO Time And Budget

How would you spend your SEO time and money when given these choices: - Take phrase ABC that ranks #5 organically and try to move it to #3 - Take phrase DEF that ranks #25 and try to move it to page 1 - Create new content for new phrase XYZ where you don't currently rank, and then try to get it ranked on page 1.

Advanced On-Page Optimization
Kenneth Martin

Advanced On-Page Optimization

In this week's Whiteboard Friday, Rand goes into depth on how you can optimize your on-page content. Presented here are five advanced tactics that get you thinking beyond the basics of traditional page optimization and set you up to start creating content that's both relevant and unique. How do the phrases on your page relate to one another? Does your page content make ...

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6  Ways Google Insights for Search Can Help Fine-Tune Your Keyword Strategy
Adam Thompson

6 Ways Google Insights for Search Can Help Fine-Tune Your Keyword Strategy

Google is indisputably seated at the throne in the free internet app kingdom. With 45+ tools in its arsenal, most marketers only use and are familiar with a few of them. One slightly lesser-known tool your marketing campaign should not live without is Google Insights for Search. Here are six of the ways Google Insights can help fine-tune your keyword strategy:

Introducing SEOmoz Custom, Automated PDF Reports!

Introducing SEOmoz Custom, Automated PDF Reports!

What’s more tasty than hot buttered nog, more cheery than an elf’s wide smile, and more efficient than hiring a tipsy, giggling elf to do your reporting? Custom, automated PDF reports, of course! The Moz team is excited to announce our newest addition to PRO. This is one of our most requested features, and we've been working tremendously hard for several months to deliver what you need for reporting...

How to Launch, the Spotify Way
Andrew Dumont

How to Launch, the Spotify Way

It's all about the first impression. Whether you're launching a startup, product or feature, the launch can make or break it. It's the shining moment when all eyes are on you. Better make the most of it. There's stories of how some companies got it right, but one that stands out in particular: Spotify. Looking at the success of Spotify, to the tune of over 2.5 million paying subscribers, there's one thing that sticks out in my mind… the launch.

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Blocking Bots Based on User-Agent
Ken Wisnefski

Blocking Bots Based on User-Agent

Normally as SEOs our focus is on giving Google and other search engines as much access to the sites we are working on as possible. There are times however in which privacy is a good thing. We have found blocking bots based on the user-agent very useful for development servers where you might be hosting multiple sites which you do not want crawled or indexed.

Wake Up SEOs, the New Google is Here
Gianluca Fiorelli

Wake Up SEOs, the New Google is Here

I must admit that lately Google is the cause of my headaches. No, not just because it decided I was not going to be not provided with useful information about my sites. And neither because it is changing practically every tool I got used since my first days as an SEO (Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, Gmail…). And, honestly, not only because it released a ravenous Panda. No, the real question that is causing my headaches is: What the hell does Google want to go with all these changes?