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A Different Way of Thinking About Core Updates
Tom Capper

A Different Way of Thinking About Core Updates

Google algorithm updates seem to come in two main flavors. There are very specific updates, like the Page Experience Update, which tend to be announced well in advance, provide detailed information on how the ranking factor will work, and eventually arrive as a slight anti-climax. This post is about the other flavor: the updates announced when they're happening or have already happened with vague guidance. The kind that can have cataclysmic results for affected sites.

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Study: Which Link Metric Correlates Closest to Organic Visibility?
Domenica D'Ottavio

Study: Which Link Metric Correlates Closest to Organic Visibility?

Since 2019, Google has acknowledged that it uses Natural Language Understanding (NLU) when understanding the relevancy and intent of users' search queries. So why is no one measuring relevance when it comes to link profiles? The team at Journey Further sought to do just that – and in their latest study, they demonstrate why link relevance is more important than ever.

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