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Blue Ocean SEO Strategy
PJ Howland

Blue Ocean SEO Strategy

If you're familiar with the blue ocean marketing strategy, you know that SEO is inherently a "red ocean" industry. With fierce competition to attain rankings, links, and authority, SEOs are constantly trying to one-up their competitors. In this environment, is there any hope for creating a "blue ocean" — innovating to avoid the choppy waters of the current market?

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How to Win Potential Consumers with Customer Journey Mapping on Google
Christopher Hofman Laursen

How to Win Potential Consumers with Customer Journey Mapping on Google

If your website is like most others, there is likely a mismatch between the content you provide, and what your prospective customers search for on Google. This article is about understanding those potential customers and their conversation with Google by using the customer journey mapping method to provide them with the best content.

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7 Local Business Incentives to Offer Instead of Amazon Gift Cards
Miriam Ellis

7 Local Business Incentives to Offer Instead of Amazon Gift Cards

When budget is allocated to increase sign-ups or improve retention with gifts, we want recipients to feel intrigued, recognized, engaged, welcomed, and understood. And when 65% of your local business customer base views Amazon’s market dominance as a challenge to the existence of their business, it turns out there are much better ways to sweeten a deal than sending a gift card with that logo.