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How Effective Are Outbound Links?
Tim Grice

How Effective Are Outbound Links?

Whenever outbound links are mentioned in an SEO environment, the response is usually negative. I have read recently on some blogs that it even casts a very negative shadow over outbound links, stating they could "harm your site's PageRank." I know this is simply referring to the old "bad neighbourhood," but I have wondered for a while now what the effect of outbound links are.

I Know You Heard Me - NOW LISTEN!
Brendan Fullam

I Know You Heard Me - NOW LISTEN!

Ok, some of you may have heard this statement before from your mother, girlfriend, wife, co-worker, etc. But I think it’s an important lesson that needs to be stated again, and in my opinion has many implications for the SEO/SEM environment as well.

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Nofollow is Dying: The Impact of Micro-Blogging and Nofollow on SEO
Will Critchlow

Nofollow is Dying: The Impact of Micro-Blogging and Nofollow on SEO

In the interests of starting with a bold statement, I'll go with what I twittered earlier this morning: "My seo theory for the morning. Nofollow is dying." In the same way that blogging, commenting, trackbacks (and associated spam) forced a change in the search engines' strategies, I believe we are starting to see similar changes caused by the meteoric growth of Twitter and use of nofollow. The effects on web usage are there for all to see - what has been less discussed is impacts on SEO both now and in the future.

A Wrinkle in London Time
Rand Fishkin

A Wrinkle in London Time

WARNING: The following post is long, personal and rambles quite a bit. It contains very little SEO advice, so if this isn't your kind of thing, you might want to skip it. It was written over the course of 20ish hours and hops back and forth between days and times during my recent trip to London. Enjoy!6:45am GMT, February 19t...

Google Search Quality or Franz's Brain Quality?

Google Search Quality or Franz's Brain Quality?

I may not be the best Googler out there who can think of keywords to search for something at the spur of the moment (impromptu or impulsively - I give up on my first few tries). And seriously, I don't know if I should classify myself as impatient, lazy or intolerant. Let's just say I'm being a little ignorant on this here.

What Type of SEO Consultant are You?
Lindsay Wassell

What Type of SEO Consultant are You?

For every excellent experience I have had in seeking, retaining, or managing an SEO consultant relationship, I have had five others that were downright bizarre. Of all the consultants I’ve considered hiring or have worked with (voluntarily or otherwise) these are the ones that intrigue me most... Closet Genius Brilliant and eccentric, you are ‘internet famous’ and greatly respected in the search community. Your reputation is enveloped in an air of mystery. Nobody has met you in person… this includes the pizza guy and your largest paying client....

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Whiteboard Friday - Buckets and Buckets of Keywords
Scott Willoughby

Whiteboard Friday - Buckets and Buckets of Keywords

This week Rand's invented a new word: "bucketizing". What the heck does this mean, yous ask? It's the process of putting keyword groups into different buckets--segmenting them, if you will--by different factors such as traffic volume, intent, conversion rate, etc. Rand describes the process in more detail in the video, but this is a valuable way to organize your gigantic...

Want a Free SEOmoz PRO Account? Prove It!

Want a Free SEOmoz PRO Account? Prove It!

Hey, hey, Mozzers. I'm invading SEOmoz! Muahaha! [looks around] Okay, being on the inside actually feels a little weird. Let's just do this. I guess I'll introduce myself: I'm Lisa Barone and during the day I hang out at Outspoken Media, an Internet marketing company I recently founded with partners in crime Rhea Drysdale and Rae Hoffman. We kick ass. But this post isn't about them. It's about me.

How Do You Register for Google Local with Multiple Languages?
Will Critchlow

How Do You Register for Google Local with Multiple Languages?

There are some difficulties at the moment with how to manage large numbers of local listings. As the tools for managing local listings improve, this will all get easier, but there is a fundamental problem with the setup if you operate in multiple languages. The guidelines currently say that you cannot create multiple listings for an individual entity (business location in a city) - but each listing is just associated with a single URL which doesn't work well when you operate in multiple languages.

How to Start an Internet Company That Will Be Noticed: The Proposal and Outline
Danny Dover

How to Start an Internet Company That Will Be Noticed: The Proposal and Outline

This post is a little different than what you might be used to. Instead of talking at you, I would like to talk with you. I would like to propose a blogging outline, not actually blog on the given subject (yet!). First, allow me to explain myself. I have been under-utilizing my blogging privileges the last three months and I would like to try to make this up to you. I have made the ...

How Can You Use Social Media as Marketing Channels

How Can You Use Social Media as Marketing Channels

In the age of new media, how can we use them effectively to increase sales/business? How can you use new-age social media as a marketing channel? Let’s start from some basics to have a thought on this subject. People always neglect some simple facts, and that’s why most people fail in building a social media brand. This article is about how can we use even our simplest web activity as a marketing effort. It’s about how to use the power of social media as a powerful inbound marketing tool.