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Some Interesting Tips and Tidbits from SES London Day 1
Rand Fishkin

Some Interesting Tips and Tidbits from SES London Day 1

For the first time in a good while, I managed to spend a few hours sitting in sessions here in London, re-absorbing some information and even picking up a few new bits here and there. Short post, but I figured if it's new/interesting to me, it might also be enjoyable to others (hopefully). Lisa Ditlefsen opened a new consulting agency - Verve Search...

Google AdWords Allowing Ads with Ad Titles Longer Than 25 Characters?
Patrick Smith

Google AdWords Allowing Ads with Ad Titles Longer Than 25 Characters?

I was doing some keyword/competitive research for one of my client's Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click account last week and I noticed some competitors' ads were exceeding the 25-character limit for the ad titles. It appears only to happen on [exact match] keywords for ads that use Dynamic Keyword Insertion, but this is the first time I have noticed this. I am bidding on the same exact match keywords, yet my default title is served because it exceeds the 25-character limit.

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We're Hiring an SEO
Lindsay Wassell

We're Hiring an SEO

After a whole month on the job I can attest that it’s an exciting time to work at SEOmoz! In the midst of a tough economy, we are delighted to see continued growth in the number of PRO members we serve as well as an impressive stream of consulting inquiries. To help support our next stage of growth, we are hiring an SEO! ...

Social Networking - The Other Side

Social Networking - The Other Side

I am so sick of hearing about using social networking sites to boost SERPs. Every time someone suggests this, I feel like banging my head against a wall. Not only does it go completely against the spirit of these sites, it is probably one of the hardest things to do successfully, and without alienating an entire community in the process.

The Future of Personalized Search?

The Future of Personalized Search?

I am very excited about the future of search and the possibilities that exist with new data being made accessible for search purposes. When you think about it, the one thing that is holding search back is accessibility to data. Once something is tagged with basic meta it can be searched for--imagine allowing your mobile phone to contain basic info about you that is then made available for search. This could come in handy when your friends are trying to find out what pub you are in on a Friday night!

Membership Only Sites

Membership Only Sites

Hmm, I'm not sure what category this goes in but here goes... this is my first blog post, so be gentle. This entry was very much prompted by a recent Q&A dealing with member only sites. You know the ones - limited content to titillate potential subscribers and the rest is locked up behind pay-walls.

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Whiteboard Friday - Using The Hash in URLs for SEO
Scott Willoughby

Whiteboard Friday - Using The Hash in URLs for SEO

Corned beef hash, hash browns, there are many great types of hash out there (don't start, I get it). All too often overlooked by online marketers and webmasters, however, is the old school hash symbol (#), also known as the pound symbol. This little beauty can do some pretty cool things for you. It can control duplicate content problems, martial affiliate links, and even help you...

Canonical URL Tag - The Most Important Advancement in SEO Practices Since Sitemaps
Rand Fishkin

Canonical URL Tag - The Most Important Advancement in SEO Practices Since Sitemaps

The announcement from Yahoo!, Live & Google that they will be supporting a new "canonical url tag" to help webmasters and site owners eliminate self-created duplicate content in the index is, in my opinion, the biggest change to SEO best practices since the emergence of Sitemaps. It's rare that we cover search engine announcements or "news items" here on SEOmoz, as this blog is devoted more towards tactics than breaking headlines, but this certainly demands attention and requires quick education.

Sneaky Spam in Local Search
Rebecca Kelley

Sneaky Spam in Local Search

My coworker Mike and I were pondering lunch options today and decided to order from the Honey Hole, one of Seattle's best sandwich places. Every day the place has a line out the door because it's a popular haven for hungry Seattleites who want a belly full of sandwichy goodness, so sometimes we elect to call our order in and pick it up.

An Interview With The World's Greatest SEO,, Darren Slatten, Who Is Available For Hire

An Interview With The World's Greatest SEO,, Darren Slatten, Who Is Available For Hire

Good day, fellow mozzers. This past month during my annual vacation to Afghanistan, while traversing the Karakorum Mountains I caught up with the Most Famous SEO In The World, Mr. Darren Slatten. Fortunately for me, Darren had recently wandered from his cave to stock up on rice and opium after a long cold winter. After much prying, Darren reluctantly agreed to this far reaching interview. So, grab some popcorn, sit back and revel in the greatness that is Darren Slatten - The World's Greatest SEO on the planet Earth.

The Ringo Effect

The Ringo Effect

How do you stand out from the competition? When you spend as much time as I do reading what the big guns of the Search Marketing world have to say on a daily basis, it can be a little daunting. How are you going to make your mark?