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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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How Do You Crack Open That Marketing Budget?
Jordan Ryan

How Do You Crack Open That Marketing Budget?

Recently, being a college student and all, I wrote a tech paper on the social impact of technology. Specifically, the topic I researched was The Development of the Google Search Algorithm and its Effect on Consumer Marketing. Currently, as I'm still awaiting feedback from my professor, I have to wait to publish it, but I wanted to discuss a major concern that I developed over the course of addressing current issues I have come across.

12 Easy Mistakes That Plague Newcomers to the SEO Field
Rand Fishkin

12 Easy Mistakes That Plague Newcomers to the SEO Field

I've been working with a lot of newcomers to SEO lately thanks to our PRO membership Q+A (BTW - sorry for the delays, the volume's tripled in the last 3 weeks, so we're a bit overwhelmed). It's been a great learning experience and I've gotten to see many of the struggles and misconceptions that affect entrants to the subject. As a partial remedy, I thought I'd take some time tonight to cover a ...

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The Internet Marketer's Checklist For Determining If a Business Idea is Worth Pursuing
Danny Dover

The Internet Marketer's Checklist For Determining If a Business Idea is Worth Pursuing

Starting a company is a lot like streaking. Coming up with the idea and brainstorming the execution is exciting but performing the action is difficult and rarely done well. I, like a lot of people, have had my mind hijacked by a new business idea that fools me into believing I came up with the next big thing. Unfortunately, most of these plans ended in complete failure. As soon as I started to make progress I would inevitably run into an unforeseen problem that would, like a bad streaking plan, leave me embarrassed and out of breath.

Announcing Blogscape and SEOmoz Labs

Announcing Blogscape and SEOmoz Labs

Introduction Hi, I'm Chas, a developer at SEOmoz. I've been working here since last summer, and though I've written many lines of code, this is my very first blog post. Now, I'm happy to have the chance to reveal the super-secret project I've been working on: Blogscape! Blogscape ...

SEO Friendly Maps

SEO Friendly Maps

Though I have been a member of SEOmoz for sometime now and am actually one of the first 5 PRO members on SEOmoz (under my top secret account), this is my first blog post. I was encouraged by Rebecca’s request for SEOmozzers to unite. In a recent post I discussed creating SEO friendly widgets, so today I will discuss how to create SEO friendly maps.

Content Spam 2.0: What This Means to SEO
Paul Lalley

Content Spam 2.0: What This Means to SEO

Weird email requests lately. One guy wanted a bid on 1,000 articles – all about apartments. I doubt there are 1,000 things you could even say about apartments, much less write 1,000 articles on the subject. And if tasked with such an assignment, any self-respecting copywriter would gouge out her eyes with a spork after a day or two. Tops.

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Whiteboard Friday - Dude, Your Links Kinda Suck
Scott Willoughby

Whiteboard Friday - Dude, Your Links Kinda Suck

This week on Whiteboard Friday we'll look at link quality. The strength of your link profile isn't all about volume anymore. You need to know where and how to attract strong links that will actually communicate a powerful message about your site to the engines. Watch the video for a nice breakdown of how to judge what makes a quality link. p...

(Almost) A Year In SEO
Nicole Chenet

(Almost) A Year In SEO

I'm relatively new to SEO. I started about 10 months ago, with no knowledge of search engine marketing at all. The week before I started my internship, a co-worker emailed me a "Basics of SEO" PDF and told me to read up. I did, and I even took notes. (Sidenote: I didn't actually read the entire thing. But don't tell.)

Being Found Is Crucial, But Keeping the Visitor is Just as Crucial
Melissa Fach - @SEOAware

Being Found Is Crucial, But Keeping the Visitor is Just as Crucial

We all know how important SEO is. Our clients need to be found, but once our clients get a visitor they must convince them to invest. With a B.A. and M.A. based on Psychology, I look at things a little differently when working for clients: * How do we create trust? * How do we please the visual learner and the non-visual learner? * What needs to be said to convince a user to spend their money?

Google Analytics JavaScript is Broken

Google Analytics JavaScript is Broken

I really like Google Analytics - the interface is easy to use, the information easy to interpret and it's free. You can do great tricks with filters to slice the data in different ways. I do wish that less of the reports used sample data and it'd be nice if you could label points in your data to cross-reference with your SEO activities. But the one thing that really bugs me about Google Analytics is that the JavaScript you tag your site with is broken.