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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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Dumbing It Down For Your Sales Force

Dumbing It Down For Your Sales Force

I recently composed the following letter for one of my clients and figured it might be helpful for some of you. Feel free to use any or all of it and change it as you see fit for your own purposes.Cheers!Tim Staines ABC Company Website Growth Strategy How the ABC Company Sales Team Can Have a Huge Impact The Concept When a website links to a...

Headsmacking Tip #3: Run Your Blog Post Titles Through Keyword Research Before You Hit Publish
Rand Fishkin

Headsmacking Tip #3: Run Your Blog Post Titles Through Keyword Research Before You Hit Publish

I'm getting to like this series :-) (see #1 and #2). This week, I thought I'd talk about a tip that might cause mild concussions if you haven't been doing it. That's right, it's the ultra-simple "research before you post" technique for bloggers. The basic tenet goes something like this - if your blog has any reasonable quantity of link equity and ranking ability, chances are t...

Link Building Using Unique Original Content and Other Techniques

Link Building Using Unique Original Content and Other Techniques

As the head of a good sized SEO team I've been getting us off the drug of paid for links over the last 12 months. We're nearly clean and we're determined to stay that way. Inspired by Eric Enge's post, I thought it would be useful for me to share some of the things we're doing that has made that possible and ...

Manage Client Expectations And Reduce Your Risk By Including A Warranty Disclaimer In Your Client Contracts
Sarah Bird

Manage Client Expectations And Reduce Your Risk By Including A Warranty Disclaimer In Your Client Contracts

May It Please the Mozzers, Today's Legal Monday is brief (for a change!), but very important for anyone doing SEO consulting. When selling their products, consultants tend to use overstate their abilities and over promise on deliverables. It is important to resist this temptation and communicate as effectively and honestly with clients as possibl...

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What Part of the SEO Process is Hardest for You?
Rand Fishkin

What Part of the SEO Process is Hardest for You?

Every SEO has their strong points and their weak ones. For me, subjects like content creation and keyword research have always come naturally, but others like methodically using analytics data to improve and running manual link building campaigns have always been a struggle. Today, I'd thought it would be interesting to get a bit self-critical and talk about those items on the SEO-to-do-list th...

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Simple Fix: The Easiest Page Views You'll Ever Get

Simple Fix: The Easiest Page Views You'll Ever Get

One of the highest trafficked pages on your site may be your "404 Error - Page Not Found," as it with many small to mid-sized sites, and chances are, this page also has the highest Exit/Bounce Rates.. Outdated inbound links and misspelled URLs (from less-than-careful webmasters) will send viewers to your site - but they'll land on your Page Not Found page - not on the page you'v...

Whiteboard Friday - Has Pagerank Changed?
Scott Willoughby

Whiteboard Friday - Has Pagerank Changed?

Live (on tape) from Whiteboard Studios 2.0, it's our first ever WBF from our sweet new digs in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood! This week, Rand discusses good ol' Pagerank. How has it evolved, and is it still the same fickle curmudgeon we all know and loathe love? PR has certainly seen its share of tweaks and updates over the years, but how much does it even resemb...

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 7/13/08
Rebecca Kelley

Roundup Thursday for the Week of 7/13/08

Three star links: * 10e20 brings us "The Ultimate Guide to Decoding Digg Speak." It's both amusing and surprisingly thorough. Pretty handy if you're an SMM noob and need to know what "those crazy kids" are talking about. * Now we know why your socks keep disappearing when you wash them...they make a good snake sweater! * Here's an interesting article about how the "Google generation" thinks differently. Generation Google appears to prefer multi-tasking, networking, multiple media sources,and images and video over text, while "digital immigrants" prefer the opposite. Interesting stuff.

An SEOmoz PRO Tip (For Everyone) & Feedback About the PRO UI
Rand Fishkin

An SEOmoz PRO Tip (For Everyone) & Feedback About the PRO UI

Lots and lots of people sign up for SEOmoz's PRO membership, and I have to tell you that on a personal level, every single one makes me feel honored, humble and yes, even a bit guilty about reading comic books last night instead of working on new tools/q+a/tips/etc. One of the big frustrations PRO members have, though, is that they can't find (or don't even know about) a lot of the cool st...

Hey Microsoft: Here's How to Kill Google

Hey Microsoft: Here's How to Kill Google

Ok, don't kill me for bringing google killers again. I am fully aware Google rocks and Google will not be easily killed of by some junior startup, or even by improved Microsoft Live technology. I'm talking about something different here - I'm talking about something obvious that Microsoft could use to overlap Google, using what it does best...

Real Tools For SEO Copywriters
Paul Lalley

Real Tools For SEO Copywriters

Forget Google Analytics. Toss your SEO Elite. These tools can only go so far in writing text for a well-optimized site. The tools I find most useful aren’t digital. They’re 100% analog, guaranteed to cut any assignment down to size. Check your SEO copywriter’s tool kit for the following: A ball peen hammer. The ball been hammer ...