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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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7 Ways to Tame Duplicate Content
Dr. Peter J. Meyers

7 Ways to Tame Duplicate Content

Whether or not you believe that Google has an official duplicate content penalty, there's no question that duplicate content hurts. Letting your indexed pages run wild means losing control of your content, and that leaves search engines guessing about your site and its purpose. Imagine that you have 25,000 pages in the Go...

SEO?  No, SPO (Self-Promotion Optimization)

SEO? No, SPO (Self-Promotion Optimization)

In the SEO world we are always learning old and new ways to promote our websites and make them more visible on the web. This is what search engine optimization is. We want to get more traffic to our site and we want our site to rank higher on organic searches. There are many ways that we can accomplish our goal and there are many ways still to be found on how to do SEO. ...

Getting Organized with Mind Maps

Getting Organized with Mind Maps

One of the biggest challenges I personally have with each site I work with, is maintaining a level or organization around the development, planning and implementation of my own and/or team's efforts. How many great ideas do I have floating around my desk and office in squirreled away emails, post-it notes, text files on my desktop, items pinned to the bulletin board, web ...

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The Beginner's Checklist For Search Conferences
Danny Dover

The Beginner's Checklist For Search Conferences

J. K. Rowling (She wrote a little book called Harry Potter) recently gave the commencement speech at Harvard University. She spoke about the power of failure and the incredible potential of imagination. It was a great speech that left me with one powerful lasting gem. She pointed out that humans are unique in their ability t...

My First Conference

My First Conference

During my 6 hour flight from Seattle to Baltimore I wrote down a few notes from the SMX Advanced conference and thought this might provide me a chance at my first blog post on SEOMoz. I will spare you a recap of the conference, as much better writers have already given excellent accounts of SMX Advanced. I would however like to recount a story about the true nature ...

Answers to Your Questions
Rand Fishkin

Answers to Your Questions

At the beginning of last week, I asked for your questions and recieved more than a hundred! As promised, here's a first round of answers to those queries, and, not surprisingly, I think there's some terrific material in here for everyone who reads SEOmoz or works in the SEO or startup community. The SEO...

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SMX Advanced Recap (The R. Kelley Version)
Rebecca Kelley

SMX Advanced Recap (The R. Kelley Version)

It's hard having a conference in your own backyard. Everything feels so much more stressful--you have to drive back and forth from the conference to your place and back out for dinner and networking events, you have underlying priorities that are hard to miss (I missed the kickoff networking event at the Sculpture Park due to an open water swim clinic), you have spouses or family members you have ...

SMX Advanced - A View On Tone & Content
Jane Copland

SMX Advanced - A View On Tone & Content

I always find it difficult to begin conference recaps. To me, they always sound trite. They're the high school English class equivalent of the forced short stories that begin, "We packed up the car to go to the beach..." Thus, my complaining about beginning conference recaps is how I've chosen to start this one. Luckily, there is plenty to talk about from SMX Advanced, and...

How to Choose the Right SEO Clients For Your Business
Gabriel Goldenberg

How to Choose the Right SEO Clients For Your Business

I had the most ridiculous, useless, time-wasting conversation with a garbage "lead" the other day. What follows is how to shoot these jokers down like playing Duckhunt with a bazooka. But just before, here's the context.The lead and I are talking, and the "lead" mentions my being 20. I'm a young guy, he notes, and therefore I should be all the more excited by ...

Easy Link Love From Higher Ed Websites

Easy Link Love From Higher Ed Websites

Greetings, I am now officially moving from lurker status to contributor. Yay!It is oft debated the value of the .EDU TLD and whether the domain itself carries greater weight with the searche engines or if it's just the high value content of the higher education sites. No matter which side you are on, wouldn't you like to have some easy link love?We're all o...