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As the SEOsons Turn...
Brandon Na

As the SEOsons Turn...

A recent spike in traffic reminded me to keep my eye on the calendar. While the season or rather the SEOson hasn't drastically changed recently, in many parts of the United States students are graduating and it's basically officially Commencement season. As a result, people online are doing more searches on topics related to graduations, Universities, High Sc...

Getting Value From Social Media Links
Scott Willoughby

Getting Value From Social Media Links

This week we've got a quick and dirty Whiteboard Friday about how to make use of all of those social media profiles you've been building. The trick: don't let them sit idle! You've got to network them a little in order for them to do you any good (read: links and rank). p: Video will go here Rand: Put stuff here....

Explaining the Value of Ranking Internal Pages

Explaining the Value of Ranking Internal Pages

Hello YOUmozzers! (somehow that almost sounds rude)This is my first post on YOUmoz, so please be scathing.This morning I found myself trying to explain to my biggest client why it is valuable to have internal pages rank and not only the domain root. It was the first time that I've had to actually explain this, so I thought it might be a good idea to share....

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Solving Duplicate Content Issues with Http and Https

Solving Duplicate Content Issues with Http and Https

I just took a premium account with SEOMoz and saw the canonicalization video. It was impressive except the https part of it. It said that, for https try to redirect to http in case of bot and otherwise show the https page, as https pages are meant for users not for bot. Yeah, somehow I can agree but I still won’t recommend doing such a work ...

Turning a Fail Into a Win: Twitter Gets PR Right
Jane Copland

Turning a Fail Into a Win: Twitter Gets PR Right

Using Twitter over the past week or so has been a very frustrating experience. The site takes a long time to load, its features either intermittently or permanently don't work, updates get lost and, due to the site's miserable uptime, its third party applications don't work either. For a time, every second person's update complained about Twitter's uptime (or lack thereof), and some suggested a mu...

No, Unfortunately Digg Doesn't Know Who You Are
Rebecca Kelley

No, Unfortunately Digg Doesn't Know Who You Are

As you fully know, this week we launched the 2008 Web 2.0 Awards. Like last year and the year before, the awards were met with praise and kudos (good job, Jane and crew), and the page was submitted to Digg in hopes of making the home page. Jane and Rand sent out some tweets and commented on the blog post, urging various colleagues and users to digg t...

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Getting the Anchor Text You Want
Eric Enge

Getting the Anchor Text You Want

<p>One of the reasons people focus on buying links is that they want to be able to select the anchor text that they need to drive their rankings. It makes for a pretty simple relationship. You offer the publisher of another site money for a link, and in return you get to specify the link. If they don't want to give you the anchor text you want, you move onto another site.<...

Protect Your Site and Your Users Against Cross-Site Scripting

Protect Your Site and Your Users Against Cross-Site Scripting

Cross-site scripting (or XSS) has been discussed a few times here on SEOmoz but I'm pretty sure that not enough people are doing the right things to help protect their site against XSS attacks. XSS should be viewed as both a security and SEO issue and so Mozzer out there... listen up! Before I look at details of these attacks and some ways to protect your site and users here is a qui...

Gambert Strikes Back!! The Confidential Official Response to SEOmoz's Opposition Proceeding
Sarah Bird

Gambert Strikes Back!! The Confidential Official Response to SEOmoz's Opposition Proceeding

That's right ladies and gents, the zaniness continues. Mr. Gambert and I must be psychically connected because apparently he filed an official response to our Notice of Opposition at the same time I was filing our Motion for Default Judgment. You can take a look at the case documents and download copies of both Jason's 41-page response and my motion, here. It's forty-one pages and truthfully, I haven't sat down and studied the whole thing yet. But it's too delicious to withhold any longer.

SEOmoz's 2008 Web 2.0 Awards: The Results
Jane Copland

SEOmoz's 2008 Web 2.0 Awards: The Results

To quote our fantastic CTO Jeff Pollard, we're live. Two years after SEOmoz's first Web 2.0 Awards launched, we've finally finished compiling, ranking and awarding hundreds of websites across forty-one categories. We've added new categories and removed outdated ones. We've also again teamed with a great group of bloggers, marketers, and w...