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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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Do I Really Need to Build Web Access to My Service?
Rand Fishkin

Do I Really Need to Build Web Access to My Service?

Yes, whiny title writer, you most certainly do. Check out this piece from the AP on The nation's third-largest pizza delivery chain trumpeted the $1 billion milestone Wednesday, noting that its U.S. online sales have been growing at an average clip of more than 50 percent per year. In 2001, the chain's online sales totaled $20.4 million. Last year, its online sale...

Two Conflicting Judicial Opinions on Using a Competitor's Trademark in Metatags
Sarah Bird

Two Conflicting Judicial Opinions on Using a Competitor's Trademark in Metatags

Both cases involve using a competitor's trademark for advertising purposes. However, they represent fundamentally different understandings about how metatags work and the effect, if any, they have on the consumer. Because the value of using keywords in metatags for ranking purposes is minimal at best, you could respond to both of these cases with a resounding, "So what?" Why do we care if you can or can't use a competitor's mark in keyword metatags since that is not a viable SEO strategy?

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Does "Query Deserves Diversity" Algorithm Exist at Google?
Rand Fishkin

Does "Query Deserves Diversity" Algorithm Exist at Google?

Most of us in the search space are familiar with the principles of the "query deserves diversity" (QDF) algorithm at Google, but this is almost certainly not the only intent detection process and algo-tweaking area the engine applies. One popular theory that gets inspires a good bit of discussion around the SEO water cooler is that Google may recognize queries with the potential for mult...

Digg Has Shout-Blocked Me
Rebecca Kelley

Digg Has Shout-Blocked Me

I've been shout-neutered, folks, and it ain't cool. Let me explain. Yesterday I submitted a story to Digg. I didn't expect it to get on the home page, but I had an "Oh well, what the hell" mentality about it. My plan was to do the usual--shout it once and call it a day. After I submit a link to Digg, I typically shout the story to my friends in about three waves. You can o...

Whiteboard Friday - Sharing Content for Fun & Profit
Scott Willoughby

Whiteboard Friday - Sharing Content for Fun & Profit

This week Rand fields another reader inspired topic: Why share content that could possibly be used by your competitors? There are several reasons including Attention, Authority, Credibility, Scalability and Marketing. Watch the video to learn the thought behind how sharing your ideas and content can help you out in all of these areas. ...

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Tool of the Week: Keeping Visitors With Lijit

Tool of the Week: Keeping Visitors With Lijit

At their purest for, search engines hope to use the wisdom of crowds to accurately sort pages across the internet. They pay attention to the words a page uses to talk about another page and adds up some numbers. This is obviously a wonderful idea for a system until people figure it out and begin to manipulate it. At this point algorithms become involved to try and detect spam and malicious code an...

Thursday Roundup for the Week of 5/4/08
Rebecca Kelley

Thursday Roundup for the Week of 5/4/08

Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week: We've got star link Yahtzee today--a link for every star! Woo hoo, time to celebrate! Zero star link: * Mel showed me this, for lack of better words (and please excuse my French) fucked up WikiAnswers response to the question "How many people did Joseph Stalin kill?" Anyone care to improve the answer so that it's not batshit crazy and is instead at least passably objective? Anyone?

YOUmoz Newb Pwns SEO Expert Quiz!
Darren Slatten

YOUmoz Newb Pwns SEO Expert Quiz!

Hello YOUmozzers! This is my first ever YOUmoz blog post and possibly my last, depending on how well SEOmoz can handle a little bit of constructive criticism. ;) Up until about 3 weeks ago, I was working at a fairly well-known SEO firm, but unfortunately, my valid SEO theories and genius-grade ideas weren't welcome there, so I decided to strike out on my own! SEOs are...

Customer Service Protocol 101: The Revised Edition
Jane Copland

Customer Service Protocol 101: The Revised Edition

I apologise for another Facebook-centred post, but something interesting happened to me this week. I also realise that it is a bit strange to title an original post, "The Revised Edition," but this is indeed a complete re-write of my first draft. My initial post was titled, "Cusomter Service Protocol 101: Threaten To Ban Your Most Loyal Users" and it was quite the diatribe. You see, on Monday Facebook threatened to ban me. They said I had been caught spamming. I became very angry, as I hadn't spammed anyone. I'm also one of Facebook's biggest fans in an environment where everyone has something bad to say about the company.