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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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The Race to PR Supreme

The Race to PR Supreme

There are so many twists and turns when it comes to SEO (search engine optimization). The holy grail of PR or page rank is the quest of many. Is my niche to narrow? If I build will anyone come or notice? What happens is if the best laid plans are lost in a sea of Zeros and Ones? No one can guarantee that their methods are full proof. There are all types of me...

Page Layout and SEO

Page Layout and SEO

I have seen the long discussions on various blogs and forums about SEO and various factors affecting the SEO. But did not find the much on the effect of site layout on SEO. I think that this is the major factor among the onsite optimization factors.The site must be very easy to use and read by the spiders as well as by the visitors. I mean just visiting the main page of your site, user m...

What Do You Expect To "Get" Out Of Image Search Traffic?
Jane Copland

What Do You Expect To "Get" Out Of Image Search Traffic?

At any given time, our Q&A section usually features a question or two about image optimisation. People want to know why their images haven't been indexed or aren't appearing for their key terms, even after they have added keywords to every imaginable attribute. Appropriate anchor text, nearby-keywords and relevant surrounding content doesn't seem to have made a difference. The images don't sho...

Who Has the Best Link Building Techniques?
Rand Fishkin

Who Has the Best Link Building Techniques?

I wanted to try an experiment tonight and leverage a bit of the terrific community vibe and willingness to share we've got here at SEOmoz. In the comments below, share your top 3 most bizarre, unique, unconventional or simply unexpected link building tactics. They can be specific, broad or even a little coy. The rest of us will go through and reward with thumbs up depending on how ...

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How Social Media Optimisation Leads to Engagement With Your Audience

How Social Media Optimisation Leads to Engagement With Your Audience

DISCLAIMER: This post is NOT written for SEO professionals, so Mozzers will probably find nothing new here. Rather it is an exercise in explaining some basic concepts of Social Media Optimisation to Joe Public. There's a lot of simplification there, but I strongly believe that SEO and Search Engine algorithms should be something you can explain very simply to clients, ...

I'm Getting Pretty Tired of Startup Advice that Doesn't Include Any Mention of SEO
Rand Fishkin

I'm Getting Pretty Tired of Startup Advice that Doesn't Include Any Mention of SEO

Ever since SEOmoz took venture capital investment last fall, I've been reading a lot of blogs and sites geared towards the startup world. Even though we've been around for 5 years (and Gillian and I have been doing web marketing for 10), I still think of us very much like a startup - we've grown from 3 people 3 years ago to 14 people today and we're worrying about things like burn rate, product...

Removing ?PHPSESSID from a URL

Removing ?PHPSESSID from a URL

You’ve worked hard to prevent any duplicate content on your website. No copy-paste on your copy, no two url’s returning the exact same webpage due to incorrect usage of mod_rewrite and so on. But then, a couple days after the big launch, Google starts getting cluttered with dozens of references to your website, which harms your rankings. All due to an incorrect and insecure alternat...

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Managing Risk: Legal Issues for Merchants and Affiliate Marketers
Sarah Bird

Managing Risk: Legal Issues for Merchants and Affiliate Marketers

My goal is to present a checklist of legal issues and trends surrounding affiliate marketing. I hope this will be interesting to both merchants and marketers. Affiliate marketing has unfortunately gained a bad reputation for being particularly high risk. While the industry is unlikely to ever be risk-free, it is possible to manage your risk by (1) investigating your prospective marketing partner; (2) using and maintaining a tight legal contract that allocates the risk and provides for the appropriate indemnifications, and (3) keeping informed about the current technology, marketing strategies, and regulatory climate. Without further ado, let's take a look at risk identification and management for merchants and affiliate marketers.

How to Go from Biz to Buzz

How to Go from Biz to Buzz

Search Engine Optimization, Organic Search, Paid Search, Link Bait, Social Networking, Long Tail Search Terms, Bread Crumb Links...I was enthralled. Being a (very) long term techie I was absorbing everything the speaker was saying...envisioning the business models these techniques could be used for. Then I came to my senses. While I was imagining all kinds of business scenarios the speaker was ...



Ok. You work on a big company site and everything is within the secure protocol? Here is what you have to mind for your onsite optimization: An https site can rank as well as an http site. If done right.Keep all your certificates valid, all time, 24/7/365.Https sites are more work for the servers, so there is the possibility of a slower download -> Keep your sit...

Ask Yourself... Do You Feel Lucky (about getting those links)? Well Do You?
Rand Fishkin

Ask Yourself... Do You Feel Lucky (about getting those links)? Well Do You?

High quality directory link building may seem dreary and time-consuming, but it's still one of the best methods to build credibility with the search engines (remember the importance of trust distance?). Today, while adding resources to our list of valuable directories, I stumbled across two webpages with valuable insight into the process of link building. Both are from universities, providing ...

Viral Marketing is Stupid
Danny Dover

Viral Marketing is Stupid

Yesterday, I was arguing with my friend about the existence of one sight or sound that is universally funny. He argued that since different cultures find humor in different things, there couldn't possibly be one example of something that is funny to everyone. Unconvinced, I started searching for the holy grail of funny. Immediately, I went on YouTube and starting browsing my favorite videos. Event...

Enterprise SEO: 5 Ways To Stay Sane
Ian Lurie

Enterprise SEO: 5 Ways To Stay Sane

"We just can't make the changes you're recommending, so it doesn't pay to keep working with you."After hearing this from a client while I was at SMX West a few weeks ago, I walked over to a bench and punched it so hard that my knuckles started bleeding. The next day, as I went through security in Santa Clara, the TSA folks eyed me suspiciously. They likely thought I...