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Creative RSS Button - Could it Work?
Ann Smarty

Creative RSS Button - Could it Work?

The number of subscribers is the main metrics of its popularity (well, I am pretty sure everyone knows that but I needed an introductory sentence:)). Recently, I've been exploring and experimenting with some creative looking blog RSS buttons and came to an interesting conclusion: no matter how unique and prominent it looks, people still tend to prefer that standard little Feedburne...

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Why Does Your Search Traffic Suck? The 7 Most Likely Reasons
Rand Fishkin

Why Does Your Search Traffic Suck? The 7 Most Likely Reasons

We're just not getting any visitors from the search engines... I probably hear that line 30X or more each week - over email, in phone calls, in conversation, on forums, etc. and to tell the truth, it would be really handy to have a resource I could point folks for some self-diagnosis. If only there were some type of medium that I could publish on... one that would be accessible on ...

Why Should You Get Your Site Reviewed?

Why Should You Get Your Site Reviewed?

Site reviews are a great tool in order to check how well your own site was/is being crafted. It can help you enhance some of the bad points and keep you going on the good ones. A reviewer usually lays an eye on everything that's on your site, be it on the front or hidden in the back alleys. One can also check how well your site is doing outside of itself, that is: on directories, article si...

Will SEO for Stock Options
Jeremy Dearringer

Will SEO for Stock Options

When does being an SEO consultant and investing in stocks become sketchy? Our firm has worked for several medium to large private companies, but lately we've been contacted by some publicly traded corporations. This can put a savvy SEO/Investor in a precarious situation. Knowing the success that our clients have achieved with our SEO campaigns, it can be tempting to ta...

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Chicks Don't Dig Analytics, So Don't Toss Out the TV Just Yet

Chicks Don't Dig Analytics, So Don't Toss Out the TV Just Yet

There was a time, can't quite remember when, that I stopped watching TV and started watching web analytics.It may sound sad and most of my friends have not been backward in telling me so.But I see the bright side. The Analytics tickle me pink. I can watch them all day long. As I grow more confident in my passion, Im starting to tell people that they should be doing the same.Let me give you ...

SEO Industry Survey Results Released

SEO Industry Survey Results Released

We've been working pretty hard on pulling together the numbers from the roughly 2700 responses to the SEO Industry Survey, graphing the results, and writing up some thoughts in an article on the SEO Industry Survey. Being the new guy at SEOmoz, the gang thought it would be a good idea for me to pull myself out ...