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Do Thumbs Hold Weight? Let's Test It

Do Thumbs Hold Weight? Let's Test It

Does SEOMoz's Thumb system hold any weight with search engine rankings? On SEOmoz, if a blog post, a Youmoz post, or a comment had a greater number of thumbs as another identical post/comment of equal real world or "human" value, would the search engines know? Would they care? Wow, that's kind of a mouthful. Basically, does gi...

How Responsible Are Bloggers for What They Post?

How Responsible Are Bloggers for What They Post?

As a Realtor® in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, my interest was peeked this morning when I read about a real estate agent in Miami, Florida being sued by a developer for 25 Million because of a post on the agent’s blog. After I just about choked on my coffee, I continued to read that basically the agent while writing about the real estate market in Miami, wrote a less than favorable...

...and the SEOmoz Premium Membership Winners are...

...and the SEOmoz Premium Membership Winners are...

First, a big thank you to each of the participants of the “Youmoz – Win a free SEOmoz Premium Membership contest”. I think it’s fair to say the contest was a success and both the contributors and readers came out winners. This is one fantastic community. Most of you are aware that the one year membership was generously offered up by Paul @ Cred...

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Trademark Basics: Be First in Your Market, Be Distinctive, and Don't Confuse the Consumer
Sarah Bird

Trademark Basics: Be First in Your Market, Be Distinctive, and Don't Confuse the Consumer

⇒ What is trademark law? → Product marks versus service marks ⇒ Where does trademark law come from? ⇒ Isn’t trademark the same thing as copyright? ⇒ Do I have any trademarks? How do I get some? → Be First in Your Market → Be Distinctive ⇒Trademark Law's Guiding Principle: Don't Confuse the Consumer ⇒ Limitations on Trademark Rights → Trademark does not protect disparaging or lewd marks. → Trademark holders do not “own†the words, logos, or slogan’s themselves. → Parodies of trademarks are permissible. → Non-commercial uses are permissible. → News reporting and product comparisons are permissible. ⇒ Caution! The Very Famous Marks Exception! ⇒ Should I register my trademarks?

Controlling Search Engine Access with Cookies & Session IDs
Rand Fishkin

Controlling Search Engine Access with Cookies & Session IDs

We've talked plenty in the past about methods to control search engine spiders' access to documents on your website, and we've discussed cloaking in several depths as well. But I feel that an under-utilized and extremely powerful methodology for serving unique content in different ways to visitors and search engines, based on the different experiences sought by the two, is critical to advanced ...

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Pay for Post Mozzers

Pay for Post Mozzers

Should the Mozzers be paid for their posts in YOUmoz?I mean, I love the all comunity free thinking thing, but when you think about it, we are all helping seomoz for free. Our posts end up being indexed in the Search Engines and when people click, they are entering a comercial website, that sells premium memberships. So where does this leave all of the Mozzers out there, that devot...

The Super Bowl Ad That Almost Was...
Scott Willoughby

The Super Bowl Ad That Almost Was...

With the Super Bowl fast approaching, Rand looks back on his legendary proposal shenanigans of last year. Finally, all the details of the saga are revealed for all to gossip about. Watch, comment and enjoy. If you'd like to see the original proposal reaction video, go check it out....

Maximizing the Likelihood of Getting Dugg

Maximizing the Likelihood of Getting Dugg

There has been plenty of discussion about the stories that become popular on Digg. However, these posts don't actually help the submitter that much. Do 'Microsoft' stories hit the front page frequently because there are a lot of stories submitted about Microsoft or because Diggers love Microsoft?I think it is much more useful to look at the statistics behind what does a...