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Vote for the SMX West Search Bowl Competitors
Rand Fishkin

Vote for the SMX West Search Bowl Competitors

First off, a quick apology. I had posted this on Monday night without first checking with our nominees to ensure they could attend. I've now done so and thus, have a list of potential competitors who will be present if called upon! For those who may be confused, next month at the inaugural SMX West search marketing conference, two intrepid search marketers will take on teams from ...

If Google is a User's Sat-Nav, Don't Let Your Site Be a Cul-De-Sac

If Google is a User's Sat-Nav, Don't Let Your Site Be a Cul-De-Sac

Here at Altogether Digital we have an SEO team made up of people from a wide variety of backgrounds and this means that the metaphors we use to explain how we think the search engines work can be very varied. In my case, it means that I often think of the algorithms as being the engines' attempts at replicating a human brain, in so much as they try to predict what a human is likely t...

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But Will It Google?
Jane Copland

But Will It Google?

I'm about to bring up something I've written about before (one month ago today, actually), but today I've taken part in an interesting task that further highlights the disconnect between advertising and search engine marketing. I saw a funny ad on the bus today while I was on my way to work. I really wanted to take out ...

It's a Beautfiful Day for Automated Social Posting

It's a Beautfiful Day for Automated Social Posting

If you were locked in a room with a whiteboard and plenty of RockStar Energy Drink and told to develop a social bookmark/discussion auto-posting site from scratch and to spend as little as possible doing it, what would you come up with? (Ok, you can have a bathroom in the locked room so you can concentrate.)You'd probably wind up with many of the features of these guys: ...

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How to Make a Spider Crawl Backwards
Brian Brown

How to Make a Spider Crawl Backwards

First off, we need to begin with the usual disclaimers and warnings -- not that they are necessarily necessary -- but just in case ... your mileage may vary, no claims made, use at own risk, don't try this at home, performed on a closed track with professional driver, and so on. And please note that these ideas are strictly conceptual, at least that I'm aware, and have not been te...

Purple Cows in SEO

Purple Cows in SEO

I don‘t know if you‘ve had the subject of purple cows on the moz before, but here you are.I guess I should start with explaining what I mean by „purple cows“. Those of you who are familiar with the work of Seth Godin can continue to next chapter. If you‘re not familiar with his work, I highly recomme...

RipOff Report Responds: You Be the Judge
Sarah Bird

RipOff Report Responds: You Be the Judge

I invited Mr. Thomas B. Duffy, one of RipOff Report's attorneys to contact me with any corrections, feedback, documents, or missed cases that he thought might be helpful. I am very grateful to him for taking me up on my offer and contacting me last week. The phone call lasted for more than an hour. For today's Legal Monday, I want to summarize five of Mr. Duffy's responses.