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Sculpting with Nofollow Works Pretty Darn Well
Rand Fishkin

Sculpting with Nofollow Works Pretty Darn Well

Back in mid-December, SEOmoz made a number of changes to our use of the rel="nofollow" tag on the internal link structure of this site. We nofollowed dozens of links on many of our template pages to help control the flow of link juice through to our more important pages - the content in the Blog, YOUmoz, Marketplace and Articles. The results? ...

Whiteboard Friday - How Search Engines Work
Scott Willoughby

Whiteboard Friday - How Search Engines Work

This week, Rand takes it back to basics and discusses how search engines deal with the COLOSSAL amounts of data they have to sift through for every single search query. Sometimes it's actually quite helpful to step back and remember how everything works. And just because I like to keep it real (it's how I roll), an old friend mak...

SEO Contract Template: A Verbal Contract Isn't Worth The Paper It's Written On
Melanie Nathan

SEO Contract Template: A Verbal Contract Isn't Worth The Paper It's Written On

Having bounced around the SEO industry for the past few years, I’ve managed to keep a record of (what I consider to be) useful information when it comes to dealing with SEO client’s. When I was an SEO consultant I used this information to create a personalized SEO contract for my business. With all the hoopla out there about SEO’s being snakes, deadbeats etc, I figured now wou...

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Who Loves Ya, Baby?

Who Loves Ya, Baby?

Recently, the Food Network posted its list of the most popular recipes of 2007. As I perused it (I’m a little bit of a Food Network junkie), I was struck by the fact that most of the top ten recipes were, for lack of a better phrase, "comfort food". Indeed, the top two were variations on macaroni & cheese, and...

Search Results Improve With Social Media Eliminations
Jane Copland

Search Results Improve With Social Media Eliminations

If you've ever had a small to medium sized website have an incredibly popular outing at Digg, the following story is probably quite familiar. Many months later - seven, in this case - the referrals from Digg, whilst having dwindled to very few, keep rolling in on a somewhat regular basis. You didn't think much of it, because you'd become accustomed to seeing that page or those pages get Digg, Stum...

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Humour - Does it Help or Hinder SEOmoz?
Peter Newsome

Humour - Does it Help or Hinder SEOmoz?

There are many great things about SEOmoz and it's diverse cross-section of contributing members... things like:Being a fantastic resource that covers topics which aren't being discussed by every other SEO in the blogoshpereAll the tools and easy-to-follow articles which range from beginner to advancedHaving members from all over the world contribute guest p...

How to Write for the Web

How to Write for the Web

This is condensed from various sources, including especially Jakob Nielsen's articles on Writing for the Web.Why do you need to know how to write, for SEO?If you spend time writing any of the following:Page titles (the <title> tag)Page descriptions ...

Advice for Startup CEOs
Rand Fishkin

Advice for Startup CEOs

In honor of today's holiday, I thought I'd change up the subject and talk a little bit about leadership in a small business startup. This is a subject that I don't have nearly the authority or experience to speak about in the same way as SEO. After all, I've worked on dozens of successful search marketing projects, but only one startup - ...

Bait and Switch - with FAST FOOD?

Bait and Switch - with FAST FOOD?

So I was eating at Del Taco and... I LOVE Del Taco's $0.99 Chicken Soft Tacos. In fact. I like them SO MUCH that I refer my friends to it. Now the other day I happened to eat 3 of these that did not meet my expectations. Now of course, this is 100% the fault of the franchise (which inspires some other interesting analogies as well.), but It certainly put my mind...