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Some Tips from PubCon on How to Get Your Site Optimized for the Mobile Web

Some Tips from PubCon on How to Get Your Site Optimized for the Mobile Web

Being a developer, I tend to be drawn to the sessions here at PubCon that have more of a product creation and development feel. The search marketing sessions are good too, and I attend them over the entry level developer sessions, but when I go to a session my takeaway is how what I've learned can make me a better developer. Fighting lack of sleep, I attended the Local a...

"Communist Librarians" and Other Tidbits...Pubcon Continued
Scott Willoughby

"Communist Librarians" and Other Tidbits...Pubcon Continued

Hey Gang, let's pick up our Pubcon coverage pretty much exactly where Jane left off since, as it would happen, I was sitting in on the same link building panel that she had to leave early. Once again, I'm not going to give the blow-by-blow of these sessions (there are plenty of people live blogging these things to the point of transcription) but I'...

Oh, Vegas...
Jane Copland

Oh, Vegas...

Please excuse the post's title. It's been a long day already and I'm terrible at writing titles at the best of times. From the nineteenth floor of the Wynn in Las Vegas, my fried brain decided that an off-topic title for an on-topic piece was just fine. Most of you know why we're here. It's Pubcon. This conference marks the first time I've been "back" to an industry event,...

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Getting Number One on Google with Frames!

Getting Number One on Google with Frames!

If you thought I was going to give out some magical secret as to how you can achieve this result, sorry, I’m merely pointing out that it can (and has) been done! Earlier this week I was analysing local web design firms in Adelaide, Australia and noticed something interesting about the website that came up in first place for the phrase “website design Adelaide”. After look...

Top 10 Tips to Top 10 Mozzery
Dr. Peter J. Meyers

Top 10 Tips to Top 10 Mozzery

Next week's PubCon marks one year since I first discovered SEOmoz, and my meteoric rise to fame has wowed both fans and critics alike (or at least that's what the voices in my head tell me). Having finally broken into the coveted Top 10, I thought I'd give back to the community and share the secrets of my success before I'm cornered by Rand in Vegas and forced to take the Top 10 lo...

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Whiteboard Friday - "Say It Ain't Sullivan" Part I: Facebook Revolution?
Scott Willoughby

Whiteboard Friday - "Say It Ain't Sullivan" Part I: Facebook Revolution?

We've got a doozie for you this week folks. Search Engine Land's very own Danny Sullivan dropped by the Mozplex for a little Whiteboard Friday guest spot. Before I knew it, the camera batteries were running dry and he and Rand had talked for almost an hour, so this is going to be a multi-part Whiteboard extravaganza! In Part I, Danny & Rand discuss Facebook's new ad strategy and...

Why You Should Go Through the Trouble of Registering Your Copyright When Everyone Tells You That Your Work is Protected Automatically
Sarah Bird

Why You Should Go Through the Trouble of Registering Your Copyright When Everyone Tells You That Your Work is Protected Automatically

Did you know that the difference between registration and non-registration could be you owing your attorney 15k versus you getting $150,000 in statutory damages? That's right. If you don't register, you could end up in the hole, even if you win. Alternatively, you could register, get your attorneys fees paid for and maybe actually get some cash back in your pocket. I think this post is worth your time, don't you? So, let's all take a deep breath, grab our caffeinated beverages of choice, and jump back into the exciting and riveting world of copyright registration.

Facebook Social Ads: Shark Jumped?

Facebook Social Ads: Shark Jumped?

Following Gab's excellent post about must-read bloggers (which I feature on, making it no surprise I think it's excellent) I thought that it was about time that I added to my list of YouMoz posts. And because I had said in a comment that the reason I hadn't posted recently was that I found it easier to do q...

Discover and Track Your Long Tail Patterns
Ann Smarty

Discover and Track Your Long Tail Patterns

I promised Gabriel to come up with the article and so here it is. I decided to share with SEOMoz members my technique to catch up the targeted Long Tail. I used to work in the celebrity niche promoting an entertainment ecommerce site and that's where blogging was one of the most effective solutions to build the brand and generate both tra...