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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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Local Search Improved When Geared State-wide?

Local Search Improved When Geared State-wide?

I have an interesting SEO point/question. Of all the sites I continually re-optimize to see what works, I have had the most interesting success with the company's site itself. I was trying to rank well for our "small town's name Web Design" or "our small town's name graphic design," etc. But then I decided to see how well we could rank for Florida web design and Fl...

Whiteboard Friday - "Sir Links-A-Lot"
Scott Willoughby

Whiteboard Friday - "Sir Links-A-Lot"

Hey Gang, After a brief departure (in which Jeff aptly covered Whiteboard Friday duties) I'm back to present you with this week's WBF. This week, Rand discusses some of the unique ways to implement links on your sites (and others) beyond the standard-issue text link; including the pitfalls and benefits of each. Why bother, you ask? Well, sometimes, depending on content, it can seem ...

A Humble Request for All SEOmoz Staff and Readers

A Humble Request for All SEOmoz Staff and Readers

I have a humble request. Fall has come, so I am back in school for the last year. I enrolled in a magazine writing class because I thought it would be fun. So far it has not been fun at all, but our first assignment is to profile a person, business, or organization. I lovingly think of SEOmoz as all three, in a way, and I knew right away that I wanted to do my article on it.

11 (and a half) SEO Feeds to which All Beginners Should Subscribe

11 (and a half) SEO Feeds to which All Beginners Should Subscribe

I'm going to let you in on a secret. SEOmoz is about change. Just in the past couple of weeks Matt has announced he's leaving (best of luck again!) and Rand has broken the news that SEOmoz is taking on external funding. As well as all that though, I can still remember when premium content launched and when Jane got hired. Jeez, I think I can even recall Rebecca getting hired.

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Is the A-List a Closed List?
Gabriel Goldenberg

Is the A-List a Closed List?

Is the A-list of bloggers a closed list?This is a question that has been bothering me for a while and that I'm blogging on Youmoz about because it needs the greatest audience possible - something that my non-A status can't provide. The A-list, as I define it, is that circle of experts and authorities that are most widely followed in any particular realm. In monetizing blogs, you ...

Link Title Attribute and its SEO Benefit

Link Title Attribute and its SEO Benefit

A subject not talked about much in the SEO world is, Link Title Attributes and if they have any benefit in SEO. To understand this topic and to see if it was worth me putting any effort into doing, I did some research and came up with my own conclusions. I welcome all other SEO specialists to share their thoughts on this topic and help me and others get a better understanding of this. ...

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Across the Web & A Day in the Life
Rand Fishkin

Across the Web & A Day in the Life

I'm combining two short blogs into one tonight - hey, it's easier for you to read and me to write, so why not, right? First off, I wanted to do a roundup of some of the great material that's popped up over the past few days: Yahoo! did an impressive upgrade to their search results and the search functionality...

Plagiarism - A Case Study

Plagiarism - A Case Study

As we go through life we invariably at some point run into a chance to or see a case of someone else to plagiarize.Case in point. Just the other day I was checking another Search Marketing site that I read for updates. (gasp! I'm sorry seomoz its just a short fling, it doesn't mean anything) I found out to my dissapointment that his always excellent content had been publish...

Keyword Difficulty tool: Have you ever seen one over 91%?
Charlie Gray

Keyword Difficulty tool: Have you ever seen one over 91%?

Most of us have use the SEOmoz keyword difficulty tool at one time or another. I became curious today as I was running some reports that I expected very high competition from and yet I still didn't break 91%. Intrigued, I ran a report on something that should easily break 91%. "Car" returned a 76% difficulty. Going for the gold I ran a report on the most competitive term I ...

Great, Fantastic, Phenomenal, Beautiful - SEOmoz Seminar Review

Great, Fantastic, Phenomenal, Beautiful - SEOmoz Seminar Review

I feel very grateful that I was able to attend the SEOMoz seminar. I’ll spare you MOZ readers my below-average review-critic journalism and skip to the highlights:*8 hours of insight on a wide range of SEO related topics from, for my money and many others, the best SEO in the world. He is also a fantastic speaker. I also came to the conclusion that Rand is better suited...

Useful Tools for Freelance SEO’s and Web Developers
Rishi Lakhani

Useful Tools for Freelance SEO’s and Web Developers

I have been a freelance SEO / WebDev Project Manager for a couple of years now. But I remember how disorganised I was and how hard I found it to keep track of the different projects I was involved in – I took on quite a few small sites to help build my portfolio and keep the revenue flowing. A point came when I was so disorganised, I had to do something to improve the management of...