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The SMX Diaries III: The Ken Jurina Interview
Scott Willoughby

The SMX Diaries III: The Ken Jurina Interview

Where were you on the night of June 5th, 2007? This time around, Rand talks with Epiar's Ken Jurina, one of the sharpest minds and snappiest dressers in all of search. They discuss Epiar's new software and the business model that's evolving from it. Listen up, people, the Canadians are taking over. This installment of The SMX Diaries may look a little more...

The SMX Diaries II: The Neil Patel Interview
Scott Willoughby

The SMX Diaries II: The Neil Patel Interview

Back so soon? Oh Yeah! The SMX Diaries just keep on comin'. In Volume II, Rand interviews Neil Patel about the rise and fall of Digg and how to work around their famous hatred of SEOs and other marketers. There's more where this came from so keep an eye out. I'll try and get one more up today and then, tomorrow, we'll have a super-sized, two-part installment of ...

Why Aren't There More Wikis In The Wild?

Why Aren't There More Wikis In The Wild?

I've enjoyed reading Rand's recent posts about Wikipedia. Like the rest of you, I've watched Wikipedia grow over the last few years into a massive authority site which ranks in the top SERPs for just about anything you care to think of. Wikipedia got a lot of link juice from an emergent Blogosphere. Bloggers in need of a quick definition would link to the Wikipedia pag...

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Leaking Rumors... SES, SMX & Speaker Exclusivity
Rand Fishkin

Leaking Rumors... SES, SMX & Speaker Exclusivity

Usually, I don't like to post unsubstantiated rumors because the potential for trouble is high and it's often not worthwhile. However, this time I'm posting with the express goal of stopping the situation from becoming a reality (or at least requesting a re-think). Here's the deal... Today at the SMX conference, two sources that I trust told me independently that last week, the folk...

Live from SMX Seattle
Jane Copland

Live from SMX Seattle

I've been sitting next to Lisa from Bruce Clay for too long, as I've now finally given in to the temptation to blog live from a session at a conference. I've never wanted to do this before, as I like to spend a long time composing my articles and blog entries (whether it shows or not...) and there's not much time for reflection when you're in the front row of the Personalized Search session....

Remarkable Openness from Google's Black Box Thanks to Saul Hansel
Rand Fishkin

Remarkable Openness from Google's Black Box Thanks to Saul Hansel

I'm more than a little skeptical of mainstream media articles about the search engines. With so many terrible experiences - inaccuracy, bias, shallow information, agenda-based reporting - it's easy to see why. However, today I'm thrilled to see an article from Saul Hansel in the NY Times that's not only impeccably well-written, but informative to even those of in most deeply inside the search i...

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Whiteboard Friday - "Chinese Searchocracy"
Scott Willoughby

Whiteboard Friday - "Chinese Searchocracy"

Rand's back from China and makes his triumphant return to Whiteboard Friday. This week, he discussed the state of search in Asia, including who the major players are and how things are different from North American and European search. For more details about the state of search in Asia, take a look at Rand's SES China Art...

SMX Seattle and then SES Toronto
Rebecca Kelley

SMX Seattle and then SES Toronto

Danny Sullivan's long-awaited and much anticipated Search Marketing Expo conference kicks off next week with SMX Advanced in Seattle. Matt, Scott, Jeff, and Gillian all have Expo Passes, while Jane and I will be covering the conference for our blog and Rand will be speaking on the "SEO, Meet SMM" panel w...

525,600 Metrics - How Do You Measure; Measure a Link?
Rand Fishkin

525,600 Metrics - How Do You Measure; Measure a Link?

If this doesn't win me cheesiest title of the year (or at least the blogging Tonies), I don't know what I'll do. Seriously, though, I've noticed that a lot of people have questions about how to measure the quality and veracity of a link. Why? To answer questions like - "How much should I pay for this link?" or "Why is my competitor ranking so well?" or even "Which links...

The Vast Ocean Between Shoemoney & SEOmoz and Why You Should Be Able To Trust Blog Links
Rand Fishkin

The Vast Ocean Between Shoemoney & SEOmoz and Why You Should Be Able To Trust Blog Links

I don't think many would argue that Jeremy Schoemaker and I have very different styles of blogging and doing business. In person, Jeremy's always been a great friend and someone I really respect, but on his blog, things are different. I sometimes feel a great disconnect between the way he approaches topics and the way I'd wish to see them presented. Case in point - his post,...

Soft Cloaking: META Tags, Robots.txt & Sitemaps
Dr. Peter J. Meyers

Soft Cloaking: META Tags, Robots.txt & Sitemaps

It's no mystery that people in the SEO world have strong feelings about cloaking. The very mention of an off-white hat tactic in one of my YouMOZ posts earned me multiple thumbs down and accusations of cloaking. One comment in particular interested me, though: someone suggested that they consider cloaking to be virtually any tactic that treats search engines differently from end-users. As...