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Search Engine Strategies - Xiamen China

Search Engine Strategies - Xiamen China

Search Engine Strategies China was held in the beautiful resort town of Xiamen on May 24 - 25. KEYNOTEYvonne Chang, China Yahoo and Alibaba Vice President, was interviewed by Chris Sherman and Inway Ni for the Keynote address. Mr. Ni asked Ms. Chang to search for her name on Yahoo and she noted his blog was ranked...

Link & Ranking Strategies for Enterprise Sites
Rand Fishkin

Link & Ranking Strategies for Enterprise Sites

Tonight I'm back from Hong Kong and China, sitting at my computer in lovely, cool, wonderfully-clean-tap-water-spouting Seattle. There's a lot to come on Chinese search marketing from myself, Si and David Temple (who generously offered coverage of the conference for the blog), but, in the meantime, I know we need to get back to basics here at SEOmoz...

Presentations from SES Xiamen
Rand Fishkin

Presentations from SES Xiamen

As promised, I'm putting up my presentations from SES Xiamen 2007. There's so much to share about China that it's nearly impossible to put it into a blog post and thus, when I return home, I'll be writing a full article on SEOmoz about my experiences, the Chinese search market and what I ate (abalone, shark fin soup, camel, turtle, duck tongue, scorpions, starfish, jellyfish and many more)....

How to Market a Website with $100

How to Market a Website with $100

Patrick Sexton (aka feedthebot) over at SEOish contacted a few big names in the search marketing industry and asked: "What would you do if you only had 100 dollars to market your website?" This excellent read includes responses from Aaron Wall, Andy Beal, Andy Hagans, Kid Disco, Lee Odden, Tod...

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Are Bloggers More Connected Than Journalists?
Rebecca Kelley

Are Bloggers More Connected Than Journalists?

Plaxo, a "smart address book" service provider, recently published their second Connected Index, which is a list of which job titles have the most connections based on the average number of contacts in their address book. 15 million Plaxo members' address books were used for the study. Unsurprisingly, talent agents were reported to be the most connecte...

Guide to Traffic From Digg Comments

Guide to Traffic From Digg Comments

Rand's post on low referral traffic from Digg inspired me to write about a little-known potential traffic goldmine—Digg comments. I noticed some time ago that first post comments on front page stories can drive some remarkable traffic. Here are two recent examples. Last week...