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Managing Your Reputation and SEO

Managing Your Reputation and SEO

I wrote this a while ago, but thought I would share it with some Mozzers :)SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is becoming more and more well known in website development and marketing circles here in the UK and among the many things that combine to form a good SEO campaign is something called 'reputation management'.Wherever you get companies advertised to the masses, you will get...

A Tiny Little Peek Into China
Rand Fishkin

A Tiny Little Peek Into China

After 5 days in China, I'm completely unqualified to give any advice on the country, tourism, travel or search marketing, but I think that despite that, it's still worthwhile to give my early impressions. Bullet points are a must, given the average of 5-6 hours a night of sleep, numerous blisters and a dead-tired roommate :) China is accessible - before coming to China, I had...

If You Could Ask the Search Engines Any Question and Get An Honest, Complete Answer... What Would it Be?
Rand Fishkin

If You Could Ask the Search Engines Any Question and Get An Honest, Complete Answer... What Would it Be?

Years ago, the world of SEO was filled with mystery and intrigue - vague half-answers from the engines combined with private forum and backroom conspiracies to make for an industry rife with misinformation. Today, those problems still exist in some forms, but the engines are far more forthright and the mysteries of the ranking algorithms are no longer shrouded in dubious half-truths. Sure, we m...

Why I Love the Sordid Underbelly of the Search World
Rand Fishkin

Why I Love the Sordid Underbelly of the Search World

Beware SEOmoz readers. This is not your typical blog entry from Rand. It contains not only foul language, but a glorification of those parts of the search and online world that I shy away from. It's not for the delicate of heart, but I figure my writing style could use a bit of a shakeup, and what the heck, it's midnight Friday in Beijing, what better time to author something scandalous? ...

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Happy Birthday Alan

Happy Birthday Alan

Like most people who have featured on YOUmoz, for me blogging is a pleasure. It allows me to play at being a journalist, as well as giving me a platform to talk about a subject that fascinates me, and hopefully even lets me spread some learning.However, for many people journalism is a very serious issue indeed. The reason I say this is that today (May 17th) is the 45th birthday of a man ...

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Temporal Data & the Rankings Rollercoaster
Rand Fishkin

Temporal Data & the Rankings Rollercoaster

I noticed an engaging blog post from Stoney DeGeyter over at SearchEngineLand this evening (or rather, morning/afternoon for our American & European readers) - The Ranking Roller Coaster Cause & Effect. It's definitely worth a read, but I also wanted to point out one specific area that we see causing the "rollercoaster&quo...

Censorsed Search Results in China Changing
Rand Fishkin

Censorsed Search Results in China Changing

Si & I arrived late last night in Xi'an, in the Shaanxi province after 26+ hours of travel (which I don't recommend). Of course, I'm already set up online, trying to respond to dozens of emails, despite the us of an auto-responder. I think I'm feeling some empathy with Matt Cutts :) While here, I couldn't help myself but to conduct one of the most talked-about searches in regards to...

Why, Hello There MSN Image Search!
Rebecca Kelley

Why, Hello There MSN Image Search!

As a writer/editor for Drivl, I do a lot of image searches in order to add relevant, amusing pictures to supplement stories that either I've written or that one of our users has submitted. At first, I would default to Google for all of my image searching needs, but the relevance is often low (and sometimes porn-tastic). Yahoo! Images is sometimes better, sometim...