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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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QA within the Web development sector
Michael Visser

QA within the Web development sector

Over the past quarter as my own web development skills have taken a significant ramp-up - I know how to use CSS float styles! - I've begun taking an eye to the regard of QA and it's importance within rapid-development commercial environments. Across the board as an industry we are breaking out the latest tools (eg. UGC, social communities, ala Web 2.0!) , harnessing emerging tech...

Ranking Factors Version 2 Released
Rand Fishkin

Ranking Factors Version 2 Released

In August, 2005, SEOmoz launched the first series of ranking factors. We asked a dozen folks in the SEO world to vote on the importance of over 100 unique factors surmised to be part of the search engines' ranking algorithms. Today, we've released a new version that addresses many of the issues that frustrated users of the first...

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Personality Analysis: The Makings of an SEO
Dan Tynski

Personality Analysis: The Makings of an SEO

A look at the unique and rare personality combinations that drive the best in the industry. Ok, lets face it…people love to read these kinds of things to get the ego boost that can come out of them. Invariably, any online personality analysis pumps you up by going into great detail your many unique strengths, while glossing over or playing down, or even spinnin...

60 reasons why web hosts suck!

60 reasons why web hosts suck!

With our combined experience over the years, we have seen the best and worst of web hosting companies. Here’s a light hearted but rather jaded list of reasons web hosts who are not rockyfied! 1. Calling into customer support and waiting on hold for 40 minutes and the hold music is Ma...

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Ethics, Profits and SEO

Ethics, Profits and SEO

Shoemoney posted about Valueclick and Shady Business Dealings on his blog yesterday. There was one response of interest simply in the points it raised. Is business all about profits? When did ethics and business co-incide? Why worry about ethics? That was the general gist of the comment I&rsqu...

How Did You Learn SEO?
Rand Fishkin

How Did You Learn SEO?

No April's Fools stuff from us this year - the search world is overrun with pranks. I do have have an important question that I'd love to get answers to. I'll start by providing my own. In 2001, the company that would become SEOmoz (at the time just Gillian, Matt & myself) began taking on some e-commerce development projects. Previously, we had designed static websites in Flash &amp...

New Feature for Premium Members: SEO Tips & Tricks

New Feature for Premium Members: SEO Tips & Tricks

We've added a new feature for premium members: SEO Tips and Tricks. It's nothing earth-shatteringly huge, just a simple list of SEO tips, tricks, and bits of industry knowledge that we don't make publicly available. The list will be updated fairly regularly and when a new tip is published you'll notice a New SEO Tip link in the left-hand navig...

Google: Balancing an Elephant on Stilts

Google: Balancing an Elephant on Stilts

I'm a Googler, Are you a Googler?I love Google on most days. In fact, I'm one of those passionate Googlers with a blogger account, a packed Calendar, a stuffed Reader, a couple Coop engines, I use the Docs and Spreadsheets, I send out invites to all my friends describing the wonders of Gmail, I've listed my company in the local business center, I run Analytics o...