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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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The Answer to 99% of SEO Questions

The Answer to 99% of SEO Questions

A bold title I admit, and one that could perhaps better be written as the answer to 49.5% of SEO questions, and the answer to the other 49.5% of SEO questions. Before you read on expecting an opus of wisdom, I’m going to qualify the title by saying that it isn’t the answer to 99% of SEO questions, but a guide to answering them yourself. Let’s start with how a q...

A few things I wish I knew how to do...

A few things I wish I knew how to do...

While I try and figure out how to upload photos to my YOUMoz blog posts, I thought I'd point out a few areas that I'd like to improve on and see what people have to say. At the same time, I'd like to encourage other people to note down those areas that they'd like to have some help with - the idea being that other people will offer them some (hopefully) good advice. ...

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I Love Being Wrong About Digg
Rand Fishkin

I Love Being Wrong About Digg

Brandon Hopkins, who runs a blog on search & webmastering, emailed me earlier this week to ask for my opinion on an article of his. Here's what I wrote back: I doubt you've got a shot at Digg-bait; it's too SEO focused and will get buried instantly. I'm not sure I'd even submit it as the ...

Online Advertising 2.0
Pete Watson-Wailes

Online Advertising 2.0

Ok, well since my announcement that I'd post this got two thumbs down, I'm guessing this will be in for a bashing, but hey, tough. This is something I really believe a lot of people here need to know, so I'm going to say it anyway: There Is More To Marketing Online Than SEO And PPC Understand kiddies? Cool, 'cause I'm about to sh...

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Viva la Web 2.0

Viva la Web 2.0

Are web 2.0 days numbered?A friend emailed me a recent article by Amanda Gome of Smart Company wherein she states Web 2.0 days are numbered.You need to register on thier site to see the article so here are some snippets to get the gist what she said.Quote“It’s extremely unfashionable but I’m calling it: Web 2.0’s days are numbered.&rdquo...

What I learned at SXSWi - Kathy Sierra

What I learned at SXSWi - Kathy Sierra

Per some recent suggestions, I've decided to elaborate a little more about some of the specifics I learned in some of the SXSWi panels. Thus, I've decided to elaborate on the keynote given by Kathy Sierra of the Creating Passionate Users blog. She talked about our responsablity as developers to creating the best user experience. If you'd like to listen to Kathy's speech, SXSW has...

The Rising Power of Social Media Optimization

The Rising Power of Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization (SMO) is perhaps the best kept secret these days in the field of search engine optimization. But what is it, and how can you harness its power?Loosely defined, social media optimization is a form of search engine optimization which targets the increasingly popular user-driven content bookmarking sites such as as sources of both traffic and inbound linka...

7 Tips for Writing Quality Content

7 Tips for Writing Quality Content

I hardly need to waste words stating how important it is to come up with quality content for your website. It is, to say the very least, the glue that holds online business together. Provide your visitors with the value that they want and need and you have a chance of succeeding online. On the other hand, if you fail to provide much (if any) value to your website visitors, then you can take sol...