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ClickTracks KISWA (Keep It Simple Web Analyst) Web Analytics by Avinash Kaushik

ClickTracks KISWA (Keep It Simple Web Analyst) Web Analytics by Avinash Kaushik

I had a chance to be part of a ClickTracks class a few weeks ago today called, "ClickTracks KISWA (Keep It Simple Web Analyst)" by Avinash Kaushik. Avinash compared the theme of this web analytic call to Occam's razor: "All things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the best one". I think with all the options with ClickTracks and other tools out no...

Wikipedia: Now Telling You What's What While You're IM'ing
Rebecca Kelley

Wikipedia: Now Telling You What's What While You're IM'ing

While chatting with a fellow SEO (whose identity I concealed, just in case he doesn't want his screen name public) over IM, I noticed that certain words were being underlined in green. When I hovered my cursor over an underlined word, I got a little pop-up definition, courtesy of Wikipedia. They even defined what "haha" meant (I slapped a border around the especially amusing part of the ...

The New & Improved SEOmoz Recommended List
Rand Fishkin

The New & Improved SEOmoz Recommended List

With some help from Jeff, I've re-created a new version of our Recommended List of SEO Consultants, Experts, Firms & Service Providers. The new version features some very nice functionality for folks seeking specific services and price ranges, and provides considerably more information about each provider. ...

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Top Five SEO Excuses
Melanie Nathan

Top Five SEO Excuses

Having been an active participant at various website forums over the years, I’ve come across many a new site owner who makes one excuse or another about why they can’t or won’t search engine optimize their site. If there IS a legitimate reason not to optimize a site... I’m definitely not aware of it. Therefore, here are my picks for the top five SEO excuse...

What is the biggest benefit of the Sandbox effect to Google?

What is the biggest benefit of the Sandbox effect to Google?

This one might have been obvious for many people, but it just hit me today! I don't want to start a fight on this, I was just wondering if all of you ever saw it that way about the Sandbox. There are some days that you know that you are just too close to data to really be able to find what you are searching for. Our company just hired a director to develop the French market in Eur...

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Are we teaching the machine? Great Web2.0 video

Are we teaching the machine? Great Web2.0 video

I'm not a fan of mash-ups or videos, but this one is a great shot at describing what is happening with social media and the peer production era. I think it brings one of the biggest question we will be facing with the transparence we can get from the web compared the traditional medias. The machine is Us/ing Us!...

Computer Programming, Particularly Web Development, Is An Excellent Career Choice
Rand Fishkin

Computer Programming, Particularly Web Development, Is An Excellent Career Choice

A writer at the blog, Half Sigma, recently authored a post entitled - Why a Career in Computer Programming Sucks. I haven't taken the bait on one of these in a while and figured I'd throw in my two cents on why this obviously intelligent, articulate and experienced fellow doesn't what the @#$%! he is talking about. Let's first review his primary arguments: 1. Programming experience...