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It's Time to Graduate From the Bunny Hill
Rebecca Kelley

It's Time to Graduate From the Bunny Hill

Stick with me here, because this post relates to SEO...I promise...I went snowboarding for the first time last year. Despite growing up in Michigan, where I could have driven up to the UP (that's Upper Peninsula to you folks who don't point out your hometown on your hand) to hit the slopes, I had never snowboarded or skied before. The first time I tried snowboarding, I went...

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The Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know
Jane Copland

The Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know

Oh, perspective. It's a fantastic human characteristic that, among other things, lets us compare how we once felt with how we feel now. When I began working at SEOmoz, I was aware that, in comparison to many people, I knew "a lot" about the series of tubes some call the internet, but far less than I'd soon know. Here are some of the lighter-hearted things I've learned since September 18,...

11 Mystery Guest Complaints
Rand Fishkin

11 Mystery Guest Complaints

Hello. Mystery Guest here. Rand isn't feeling quite well right now, so he asked that I blog on his behalf. As most of you probably know, his father has been in the hospital for over a week now, and is currently fighting a fever that won't seem to go away. We're all hoping for the best. Rand just returned from a trip out east and headed straight from the airport to see his dad, so he's fee...

So Long Press Release, Helloooo Social Media
Scott Willoughby

So Long Press Release, Helloooo Social Media

We've got a couple of clients who're releasing new services with a standard PR-driven media campaign (press release, etc), and we're attempting to enhance them with a viral marketing component. While a press release targets mainstream media, news sites, and the like, we're hoping the complementary Digg submission can hit the viral channels of the web. This is a good time to mention tha...

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Web 2.0 Registration Forms Review

Web 2.0 Registration Forms Review

A friend of mine and a skilled developer, Marc-Antoine Ross from DevTaxi, did a great review of Web 2.0 forms and I think it's worth reading! So here it goes: I decided to review the registration forms from most of the sites that made it to the invaluable Web 2.0 Awards. Most of...

Traits (Most) Good Web Developers Have

Traits (Most) Good Web Developers Have

As a follow up to Matt's How to Hire a Good Web Developer article, I thought I would expand on the subject a little more and discuss common traits good web developers have. These are things I've noticed in working with or talking to web developers at all skill levels -- from someone who still uses Front Page all the way to Google emp...

Brainstorming LinkBait: A Four Step Approach
Scott Willoughby

Brainstorming LinkBait: A Four Step Approach

In the first three months I've been here at SEOmoz, I've focused a lot of time on brainstorming and writing LinkBait content with the gang. We all know good LinkBait can get you a ton of attention and links as well as a nice little ego-boost should you find yourself on Digg or Reddit. Over the course of our brainstorming sessions, I've managed to distill a straightforward and eff...

How We Used to Manage Tasks and Clients, and What We Did to Improve
Rebecca Kelley

How We Used to Manage Tasks and Clients, and What We Did to Improve

As much as SEOmoz has been growing lately (both in success and in employees), we still have a long way to go before we become an optimal, efficient, streamlined business (this may involve racing stripes and a spoiler, but no spinning rims). However, though we're still trying to attain the status of Grand Poobah Organizers, we have, believe it or not, vastly improved our business practices. Let's t...