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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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Web 2.0 Awards, Version 2.0
Jane Copland

Web 2.0 Awards, Version 2.0

I would start this post with the customary "I'm sorry for using the phrase Web 2.0" apology, but everyone who's ever used the term has already groveled to the 2.0 haters. It's that time of year again, folks. I have been charged with organizing the second annual Web 2.0 Awards.Last year, the Awards began as little more than a pet pro...

Thanks to Yahoo! Health & Google
Rand Fishkin

Thanks to Yahoo! Health & Google

On Saturday night after the Seahawks game, I received a call from Gillian - my dad had passed out from blood loss at home and had been picked up by a 911 dispatch crew. He was taken to the hospital, where it was finally determined (just a few hours ago), that swelling in his intestine was most likely the result of an aspirin overdose (he had been ovemedicating a painful toothache) combined with...

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A Bet on Today's Seahawks-Cowboys Matchup
Rand Fishkin

A Bet on Today's Seahawks-Cowboys Matchup

My friend Joe Morin, official party coordinator of the SES & Pubcon conferences and all-around behind-the-scenes guru of the search marketing world has made a bet with me. In 16.5 hours, my Seattle Seahawks will be battling Joe's beloved Dallas Cowboys (see photos from the last matchup) for a chance to go to Chicago/New Orleans fo...

A Google Link Search that Returns Perfect Data
Rand Fishkin

A Google Link Search that Returns Perfect Data

For several years now, Google has disabled its link command via web search. Actually, what it's done is worse, providing mis and dis-information, causing thousands of search marketing professionals to receive questions every day on why "Google only knows about 10 of my links." However, I was thrilled today to find that their link search works flawlessly in their ...

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Google AdWords is Giving Me a Headache
Rebecca Kelley

Google AdWords is Giving Me a Headache

At the beginning of October Rand and I launched 25 ad campaigns on Google AdWords. We chose keywords that got a fair amount of searches each month but were by no means popular so that we'd be able to bid on them for dirt cheap; hence, we bid on words like "Punnett square," "snark," Venn diagram," and "uvula." Our goal for this experiment was to see ho...

SEOs - Take a Note from PPC Specialists & Focus on the Ad Copy
Rand Fishkin

SEOs - Take a Note from PPC Specialists & Focus on the Ad Copy

One of the more remarkable developments over the last few years in SEO has certainly been the intelligence increase of Google & Yahoo! (and MSN to a lesser degree). From 1997-2002, a page really needed to be "optimized" for search engines in ways that differed from how they were "designed" for visitors. Bravo! to the engines for closing this gap - now, it's our turn to i...

SEOmoz's 2006 Financial Statements
Rand Fishkin

SEOmoz's 2006 Financial Statements

I think this is, without question, one of the most anticipated posts I've authored. Since I announced back in September to several friends that I'd be posting SEOmoz's financial records on the blog, people have generally responded with shock and amazement. While public companies are forced by law to issue their balance sheets & earning statements, for private companies, financial informatio...

Top Five Types of Comment Spammers

Top Five Types of Comment Spammers

As you probably know by now, G-Man has a blog (yay!).Now that I've been noticed, I have started to get a bit of comment spam. Since spam is a hobby of mine I've decided to categorize the top five types of comment spammers Sex for Fantasy - These are the guys who live in a fantasy world where everyone who sees the...