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Building a Kickass Firefox Sidebar
Rand Fishkin

Building a Kickass Firefox Sidebar

I spent a few minutes today rebuilding my sidebar in Firefox. I figured it was worth spending 20 minutes or so to save myself hours and hours over the next 12 months. My steps included: Adding/Removing/Organizing my folders into how I use the web Weeding out all the sites and links I never visit anymore (there were more than 3 dozen) Going throug...

Hitwise Tracking for Several Web 2.0 Properties
Rand Fishkin

Hitwise Tracking for Several Web 2.0 Properties

Last week, during the Vintage Tub & Bath Dinner, Hitwise won a link from the SEOmoz blog. But, in typical Rand fashion, I decided that rather than simply point a bit of traffic their way, I'd do a real, constructive, signally post using some Hitwise data. Below, I've looked at several commercial sectors on the web that have recently seen entrance...

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How to Capitalize SEOmoz

How to Capitalize SEOmoz

Hopefully I'm not contributing to the noise on SEOmoz by writing this post, but I think a quick entry on the subject is warranted. Very few people capitalize SEOmoz properly - and by capitalize I mean in terms of grammar (not money). We're the ones to blame, our name isn't exactly something anyone would know how to capitalize c...

Signal to Noise Ratio at SEOmoz - Please Add your Votes & Comments
Rand Fishkin

Signal to Noise Ratio at SEOmoz - Please Add your Votes & Comments

I've had several folks mention that they believe the ratio of high-quality posts at SEOmoz has declined over the last several months. I'd like to get a determination from the community as to your opinions about the amount of content and the relative levels of value provided. As we roll out a new version in the next few weeks, we have some options about how to structure the content to allow you ...

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Peeking Inside the Google Engineers' Toolbox
Rand Fishkin

Peeking Inside the Google Engineers' Toolbox

Ever since I first saw Matt Cutts, Google's head of search quality, "investigating" sites through his super-secret application (during an SES conference in NYC); calling out spammers and identifying crawl and ranking issues for curious site owners, I've wondered about the content of his tool collection. What secrets can Googlers pull up on comma...

More on Nofollow at SEOmoz and How Bad Outbounds Can Impact Websites
Rand Fishkin

More on Nofollow at SEOmoz and How Bad Outbounds Can Impact Websites

Although Matt filled in for me yesterday to author a quick piece, I thought I'd expand on this topic before flying home to Seattle, as it's raised the ire of several folks hoping for a more thorough explanation. It's also an excellent time to talk about how bad outbound links can affect your website. At SEOmoz, we've got 10K+ members with profiles, and a visible amount of those wer...

We're adding nofollow to links on SEOmoz profile pages

We're adding nofollow to links on SEOmoz profile pages

I'm posting on behalf of Rand who is currently busy at SES Chicago. Prior to today if you wanted a link from SEOmoz all you had to do was sign up for an account, edit the URL field in your profile, and add a blog comment. We left this in place simply because we didn't care if the strength of our outbound links was diluted. Although SEO was high on our list of consider...

More Hot Topics from Chicago
Rand Fishkin

More Hot Topics from Chicago

This event is fast and furious, so I've got to keep it in list format again: Apparently, I was wrong about Todd Malicoat - he has a crush on me (pictures to prove this later), not Lisa Barone. On the female side of the aisle, there is a girl that he's devoted to, but she's not at the conference...

Targeting European online markets

Targeting European online markets

This post begins a series during which I will explore various issues any online business seeking visibility in (non-English) European markets has to face with. As starters, I’m going to run a short summary about the market area because I think most SEOMoz readers are US based and with limited knowledge about Europe as market area. Europe consists of nearly 50 ...