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5 Creative E-Commerce Processes Worth Imitating
Rand Fishkin

5 Creative E-Commerce Processes Worth Imitating

I've been watching Mystery Guest shop online a bit over the weekend (while drinking beer and observing manly NFL games) and I was surprised to see so many "web 2.0" features on the e-commerce sites she browsed. More interesting still were how the numerous breaks from convention appeared to enhance, rather than detract, from the buying experience. Traditionally...

Switching to Partial Text RSS Feed - Vote Your Opinion
Rand Fishkin

Switching to Partial Text RSS Feed - Vote Your Opinion

For a long time, SEOmoz's RSS feed has been full text - the entire content of every post (minus images, polls & embedded video) has gone out to readers that subscribe through a feed format. According to Feedburner, a majority of our blog readership accesses the blog in this manner - we average a bit over 4,000 feed subscribers, get about 5-600 clickthroughs from feed listings and have only ...

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How to Convince a Client They Don't Need a Splash Page

How to Convince a Client They Don't Need a Splash Page

Following up yesterday's article, How to Convince a Client their Site Doesn't Need Music, I decided to write a similar one about splash pages. Splash pages are the pages that the user sees before they actually get to a website; typically, they're flash and offer some kind of introductory animation. The user clicks "Skip Intro&qu...

Google-Bombing from the Adult World Hits Yahoo & Disney
Rand Fishkin

Google-Bombing from the Adult World Hits Yahoo & Disney

Nearly everyone in the world of search is familar with the examples of "miserable failure" and "click here" - two search terms in which the top results don't contain the search terms and rank solely on the strength of external links pointing to them with the corresponding anchor text. But after reviewing some backlinks pointing to Yahoo! today, I noticed quite a few adult-th...

The Finnish SEO 2006 market watch – CEO of Finnish SEO company caught spamming (no penalty so far), Google opens country office etc.

The Finnish SEO 2006 market watch – CEO of Finnish SEO company caught spamming (no penalty so far), Google opens country office etc.

I know country specific posts are not of large interest, but since SEOmoz has European readers I decided to give a short rundown of what’s happening in Finnish (and Scandinavian) SEO markets this autumn.SEO is a hot topicSEO and internet marketing is finally catching fire in Finland – news articles are published every now and then, and some even...

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Why It Doesn't Pay to Game Digg (or Other Link Aggregation Sites)
Rand Fishkin

Why It Doesn't Pay to Game Digg (or Other Link Aggregation Sites)

With the popularity of sites like Digg,, Reddit, StumbleUpon & others skyrocketing, website owners, marketers, bloggers and, of course, spammers are seeking to capitalize on the traffic these portals can drive. Many have taken to creating great content in the hopes that the members of these sites will appreciate it, but others have turned to manipulative practices in the hopes o... Cloaking to Combat Spam
O Cloaking to Combat Spam

Everyone's favorite social bookmarking site:, appears to be rendering different content to the search engines than to its users. Every page on appears to have a the following directive in place: <meta name="robots" content="noarchive,nofollow,noindex"/>This should t...