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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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Buying & Selling Text Link Ads
Rand Fishkin

Buying & Selling Text Link Ads

I've been friendly with two of our industry's biggest purveyors of text link ads - TextLinkBrokers' Jarrod Hunt and Text-Link-Ads' Patrick Gavin - for the last couple years. With the relaunch of Jarrod's site and a relative lull in the antagonism towards paid link services, I thought it would be...

Keyword Self-Cannibalization
Rand Fishkin

Keyword Self-Cannibalization

One of the most consistent problems I see when conducting site reviews for clients is keyword self-cannibalization - the practice of heavily targeting the same keyword phrase on multiple pages of a site. In my opinion, sites are shooting themselves in the foot when they do this. Let's look at a few quick examples: ...

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Entry Level Job at SEOmoz
Rand Fishkin

Entry Level Job at SEOmoz

SEOmoz is hiring! Check out the post on Craigslist: Do You Use Your Powers for Good... Or for Awesome? I debated posting this job on the blog, but it wouldn't fit with our open culture to keep it private, and folks already in the search marketing sphere could make excellent candida...

Seattle's Web 2.0 Roundtable
Rand Fishkin

Seattle's Web 2.0 Roundtable

Last night I attended Seattle's small (but growing) Web 2.0 roundtable, hosted by the kind folks at Wetpaint. The traffic was a bit tough, due to a Mariners game across the street, but we managed to start right around 6pm and the hours flew by. The companies represented included: PayscaleTheir site isn't as "open&...

Link Density - A Method for Increasing Page Views
Rand Fishkin

Link Density - A Method for Increasing Page Views

A friend of mine runs a content-based website monetized largely through page views. He recently shared a tactic with me that's been immensely successful in improving the number of page views per visit. His terminology - "link density." Link density refers specifically to the placement and number of links on a content page. For example, this page on ...

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Bloggers and Lawsuits and Pagejacking, Oh My!

Bloggers and Lawsuits and Pagejacking, Oh My!

The story as it stands so far... One of the things I've done in the past couple of years is to scrape the search engines for content. Once I get that content, I sometimes tweak it, but invariably it ends up on my network of sites to feed the search engines more of what they're looking for. (Ok, maybe that's a stretch but they DO crawl and index my sites :)) Occasiona...

Open call for French SERPs that need explaining

Open call for French SERPs that need explaining

Rand got me all excited with his post. I've been tracking down the French vertical of "web design / website design" theme of keywords for the last 12 months. This vertical is very similar to the English one. As an example, if you wanted to score well for Web Design in English on, you would try to hit, in the long term, the best keywords, like:...

Open Call for SERPs that Need Explaining
Rand Fishkin

Open Call for SERPs that Need Explaining

Have you ever looked at a set of search results and scratched your head in disbelief? If so, you're like me - occasionally, I'll at some search results at Google and have no comprehension of why one site is ranking in front of another, or why it would rank in the top 10, period. This blog post is an open call - feel free to list keywords and search results in the comments that simply make no se...

Why Canadians are the Best SEOs
Rand Fishkin

Why Canadians are the Best SEOs

In conversation today at the office, we found ourselves mulling over the disproportionate number of search marketing folks who hail from or live in Canada (aka hockey-land). In trying to ascertain what environmental or cultural factors might account for the propensity of the maple-minded to seek employment in the search field, we came across a few ideas: Canadians are disturb...

AOL Search Data

AOL Search Data

AOL search data - why am I posting this under Google? Because AOL uses Google for their search.I recently grabbed a copy of the AOL search data that was released earlier this month. The dataset is rather large - 450MB compressed - over 1.4GB uncompressed in MySQL.This...